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Are you somebody who is scared to talk to people cause your afraid of being slapped down? Or you worry alot about what other people think, say about you, or will do to you. Are you afraid of being humiliated or looking stupid? Do you avoid lots of people in general even if you already know them and they know you? Do you worry alot about how others will react to what you have to say? Are you afraid of not knowing what to say to someone, not knowing what to say to someone next after talking to someone about something else, or thinking you may not be able to answer someones question(s) correctly? Does just even thinking about these kinds things scare you? You thoughts and opinions on this if you would please.....

2007-10-27 07:51:06 · 6 answers · asked by ? 5 in Health Mental Health

6 answers

Since I get lots of rejection, I'm sort of used to it. I don't like it, but most of the time I just sort of shrug it off and move on. Of course, when someone I really like rejects me, it hurts and might take a day or two to let it go. Most of the time, I find that people who reject me aren't people I want to be around, anyway, for one reason or another - the people I would consider valuable realize what an asset as a friend I am. I'm not afraid of talking to people, worried about what they think or say about me, looking stupid or being humiliated. I don't avoid people, like having opinions expressed to me even if they differ from mine, I even enjoy many disagreements since I usually learn something. Of course, then there's the people who THINK they have upset me, when they haven't at all...

2007-10-29 09:45:54 · answer #1 · answered by Gigi 2 · 0 0

I often feel anxious or scared about doing or saying things to people, even people I know well. I have a huge fear of either upsetting people I care about but I also have a fear of looking stupid in front of people. I have low self esteem and so tend to think I am not as good as other people and I worry that this will become obvious to them if I do or say the wrong thing. Most of the time I have found I am able to fake some confidence and I do ok in social situations but I put that down to years of drama and acting when I was younger. If I am completely by myself around new people however I usually find it impossible to talk to them unless they start a conversation and even then I find it dificult to relax and really talk to them. Luckily I think I just come over as shy rather than rude. I hope so. I hate being asked anything even if I know the answer because I am scared I don't really know what I am talking about, or I won't be able to explin myself properly. I think I just have a fear of people judging me and finding me lacking in something. I don't take criticism particuarly well. I can usually accept it but I find it hard to deal with it constructivley. I tend ot just find it as a proff that I am just no good. Other times I can flare up and snap at the people who have criticiszed me but I do my best to bite my tongue when I feel like doing tha tas I usually know I am probably over reacting.

2007-10-27 08:59:09 · answer #2 · answered by Sian 4 · 0 0

Several years ago I was some what as the most of your Qs.
and you certainly have a long list!
Thank God I am free of the most at this date.
Learning not to take my self so serious, and not take others remarks as personal, that they may have a problem not me.
There is a difference between criticism and constructive
criticism, There is a phrase, "Take all criticism as information." which is a help be it pos. or neg. can tell you
something about your self as well as the other person. Any
more if my motives are with good intention, these fears have
left me. Knowledge is power! And the longest journey is in
deed inward! Blessings

2007-10-27 11:54:03 · answer #3 · answered by jenny 7 · 0 0

For one thing, I hate rejection, I mean who doesent? Im a teen so its hard at the momet to accept it. I have laways feared rejection, I guess it stems from me growing up as an only child and having alot of the "weight of the world" syndrome on me. When I see a girl, I really like, my conscience tells me automatically she wont like me because of this or that, and I walk away because I fear that she will reject me. I do worry about on what I say to people, especially around friends, I hold my thoughts and opinions in and become introverted, but I know that does not help all the time. I have to learn to accept that fear but at the same time think to myslef that its only in my mind and I won't let it conquer me as an indiviual, Ill be liberated from it. REjection is a natural part of life, if we never experinced it how could we value acceptance?

2007-10-27 08:38:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yea. When I say something stupid I dont' know what to do so I usually just stay away form new people. Therefore I can't get laughed at and stuff. For me it's just easier to not talk to anyone. =/

2007-10-27 08:07:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i'm not good meeting new people, not sure why: i never think about it really
sometimes i feel really self-concious and worried what others think, but then when i think about it to myself i tell myself i don't care. hmm. now i've confused myself.

2007-10-27 08:12:09 · answer #6 · answered by kleptomanic sheep 5 · 0 0

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