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I was told just today by a marine, that because I'm against the war, I do not support the troops. I am the wife of an infantryman in the army, who is currently deployed in Baghdad, and my argument was that I support the troops, because I support my husband, and all the men over there who are noble and good like him. It has nothing to do with whether I believe in the war in Iraq or not.

Do you agree? Or I am really that unpatriotic?

2007-10-27 07:46:53 · 23 answers · asked by Aia S 3 in Politics & Government Military

...I do think I am making a sacrifice for nothing. This war is wrong. Therefore, I am sacrificing to a cause that is not really protecting the country, which is a cause I would be happy to sacrifice for. Any person who died there died honorably--they died trying to do something right--but the dishonor falls on their leaders, who let them die to no avail.

2007-10-27 11:28:13 · update #1

I respect anyone who serves, obviously, since my husband's heart is in the right place... he loves this country and her people. I think it's a shame that they're suffering for a war that I don't think is right. I will do what I can to help them no matter what, but my vote will be against the war.

2007-10-27 11:30:55 · update #2

23 answers

I agree with you completely. I'm a Navy wife, and just because I don't agree with the reasons we are still at war doesn't mean I want to see my husband or his buddies killed!

If anything, you're being patriotic simply by voicing your dissent. It's what this country was founded on, after all.

2007-10-27 07:50:17 · answer #1 · answered by alaisin13 3 · 3 4

No! I do not and I hate to say this as a veteran but the hell!with what that Marine, who said this to u and here is why my son served in the Marine corp from 1998-2004 n like u I did not support the war because of the way we were sent into this by under handed rotten lies from the White House.
But no one is going to tell me I do not support the troops because I do I served in the Army & Navy,I am a member of the American Legion,and I wear my military caps and speak up for my fellow veterans when I can n have to with pride for them who have paid the price past n present so I'll be damn if some one is going to tell me I do not support the troops because I do not support the war they know what they can do for me veteran or not I know how I feel about my fellow veterans past n present and that will never change but no better ever not question my patriotism especially if they never worn the uniform as well.
No! u-r- not Unpatriotic and I salute ur husband and his unit that r in country as well stand ur ground n don't let any one tell u different n do not back down from ur convictions either this is America,n u got the right to feel the way u feel just like I do n I do bottom line.

2007-10-27 15:49:32 · answer #2 · answered by Dark Shadows 3 · 2 2

As a wife of a soldier, you should know better than anyone that you canNOT control the Army. You have absolutely NO say over where the military goes and what the military does. There will almost always be missions that you may or may not agree with. The next presidential administration will come in and send our military somewhere and you probably wont agree with those future missions either. War is politics. Mission is duty. Learn the difference!! We will ALWAYS support the presidency, no matter who it is.

I dont enjoy saying goodbye to my husband. I just sent my husband off to Iraq a week and a half ago (our 3rd together, his 5th), and sure it is hard. But he has a duty, which he honors faithfully. He doesnt agree, nor does he disagree with the war. He just simply does his job, and does it without complaint. He actually enjoys doing his job because in garrison he doesnt get to do it much.

Personally, I think you ARE being UNpatriotic. We (as spouses) should have a united front. We should support the presidency, the mission, the military, and our soldiers. When "others" look to us, and see such division, what is that to say of the entire mission? What does it say when our own military disagrees? I dont think we should.

2007-10-27 18:12:23 · answer #3 · answered by an88mikewife 5 · 3 3

I've had this arguement several times. My husband is a full-time AGR soldier in the National Guard. His unit was just alerted for deployment to Iraq next Fall. This will be his first tour in Iraq. Needless to say, I am terrified.

That being said, I have always tried to keep an open mind about the war; staying the course and finishing the job. I have also been of the opinion that if we don't finish, then all the lives of all of our brave men and women that we have lost will have been for nothing.

Now, that its MY husband that is going over, it changes things a little bit for me personally. Now I am no longer on the outside looking in and the war in Iraq has now touched our lives personally and it really does affect one's opinion on the war. After seeing all the footage on TV, and reading the stories, its almost impossible to comprehend that now it is MY husband over there and now, I find myself wanting it to end. I guess that's selfish of me to admit, but I'm guessing that some other spouses were affected the same way, once it was their husband or wife or mother or father or son or daughter going over. It certainly sheds a very different light on things.

I don't think you are unpatriotic at all. You can be against the war, and still support your husband and all of our troops. Our men and women signed up of their own free will and unfortunately sometimes that means you must go and do things that maybe you don't agree with and that's the nature of the beast. I'm sure if you ask any man or woman over there if they'd rather be there in the desert, or if they would rather be home with their family, they'd never say that they'd rather stay in Iraq. But they have a job to do and they do it. Sometimes its not the popular thing to do, but that's the nature of the beast.

God bless you and your family and God bless the USA.

2007-10-27 22:50:44 · answer #4 · answered by ♥♥Mrs SSG B♥♥ 6 · 1 3

I made the mistake earlier referring to your position without thinking. I had read where some who oppose the war were referring to the military as torturers and murderers. I got a little bit passionate and out of control. With your friend it could be that it was just timing. Those who oppose the war make a healthy debate for those who do not. Our soldiers depend on those in this country weigh the correct answer. The military has a mission and the country decides what that mission is to be. You are a part of that debate, stay with your convictions but just as those of us who defend the war keep an open mind why the other has take his or her position.

2007-10-27 14:56:23 · answer #5 · answered by rance42 5 · 1 1

I just separated from the Air Force, and even as a military member, I did not/do not agree with the war. AT all. But that has absolutely nothing to do with supporting our guys and gals out there. I do not support the war because I got tired of bringing home injured guys and girls fighting for their lives because they were hit by an IED in Iraq (I did AE). So, no, I don't think you are unpatriotic. I think you simply care about your husband, and the rest of the people out there risking their lives for a war they didn't ask for, and maybe don't even understand!!! People are just ignorant sometimes.

2007-10-27 16:56:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

My husband is Army and has been deployed to Iraq. Our military is over there fighting, being wounded and dying for the mission.

If you don't support the mission then it's the same as saying their sacrifice is for nothing.

Cordelia -Are you talking to another sunflower or are you high?

I didn't think my answer was that hard to understand but I guess I need to dumb it down for you:

Support the troops means you support what they are doing, which is the war. SO... that would mean I don't believe you can support the troops without supporting the war.

I hope this helps with your confusion. Put down the bong now.

2007-10-27 18:10:25 · answer #7 · answered by sunflowers 4 · 3 2

Regretably, Sunflower and your marine are equally confused. When people come into the military, we take an oath that says (and I'm paraphrasing big time) that we will uphold the orders of those appointed over us. We don't swear to uphold only the orders we like or that we agree with. Doesn't mean that those appointed over us will have thought through what they are asking or considered the consequences of said orders. It means that we uphold the orders of those appointed over us. Good, bad and ugly. I disgree with how we came to be in Iraq. But I'm going and I wouldn't dream of evading it somehow. Its my turn.

2007-10-29 20:52:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Infuriating isn't it?

There is a huge difference between what you think of the war and if you support the troops or not.

I support the troops, I don't support the war. Where does the mentality come from that I am "unpatriotic" because I am against this war in Iraq. I have nothing against the troops for doing their jobs.

I want our troops home, safe. And I want this pointless war done with.

2007-10-27 14:55:36 · answer #9 · answered by uhgoo 3 · 3 3

I find it hard to understand folks who say you are unpatriotic if you oppose the war but support the troops. This war is illegal as there was no declaration of war approved by congress.

For this and several other reasons I oppse the war. But I support the troops whole heartedly as I have lost family members since it began.

Support the troops by bringing them home.

'nuff said.

2007-10-27 15:22:06 · answer #10 · answered by zonumb 2 · 3 2

I agree with you.The presidency made a huge mistake in staying in Iraq.They ought to have left as soon as Sadam was deposed and let the Iraqi people take control of their country.Instead we played GOD by trying to remake Iraq in our image which was the most foolish thing to do as we can't even rebuild New Orleans let alone a foreign country.The presidency and congress have misused and abused our sons and daughters,husbands and wives and I feel very strongly that the blood of our fallen heros are on the hands of the president and those who planned this mess.

2007-10-28 01:59:01 · answer #11 · answered by Georgewasmyfavorite 4 · 2 2

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