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When the pro's and illegals take about human rights and freedom of speech this all seems very well and good as long as it helps their cause adavance. Now the latino's when they do not like something, the free country,free speech only applies IF it helps them.They are trying to take away freedom of speech. On Friday, two armies converged upon McHenry County College.

A group of Hispanic students offended by the presence of the anti-illegal immigration group on campus attempted to protest an Illinois Minuteman Project seminar at the college's conference center Friday evening.

The students gathered at 5 p.m. in the college's common area in campus Building A, to collect their thoughts and tape "immigrant" signs to the backs of their shirts.

At 6 p.m., they attempted to walk through the campus corridors to Building C, where the seminar was held, but were blocked by campus and Minuteman security.

"MCC is basically on lockdown," said Carlos Accosta, executive director of the Latino Coalition, who attended the event. All doors in Building C were locked except that of the room where the seminar was held.

Guadalupe Ortiz, a 19-year-old business student, agreed. "Normally, classes would be finished by now, but the building doors would be open and you could walk through the campus and use the computers," she said. "I've never seen it like this."

2007-10-27 07:19:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

11 answers

Bishop, the minutemen are not a hate group. However, I've seen Latinos and Hispanics attack the minutemen and hold signs with Minutemen and then the swastica painted over it. This was on tv news. Not one word was said about the Latino/Hispanic hate crime. The minutemen want our laws enforced and they want all people to be treated equally according to the laws. That means that EVERY illegal immigrant is a lawbreaker and should be treated as a lawbreaker, not given rights, benefits, free education and furthermore, they should not be allowed to march in our streets. Citizen criminals would not be given a parade permit or a permit to demonstrate so why is it that illegal immigrants can meet in churches, get permits, and continue their illegal ways under the protection of sanctuary cities and pro-illegal immigrant activist groups? Criminals are criminals and illegal immigrants are criminals as soon as they cross the border without proper documentation. When they bring their children across the border, they are guilty of child endangerment, child abuse, and other crimes. Why don't you think about that fact before you continue to condemn law-abiding citizens and their rights to meet and protest and keep instigators and lawbreakers away from their meetings?

When I attended an illegal immigrant meeting in the church that was billed as a towne meeting, I was asked to leave because the church was considered a sanctuary. There were police officers protecting the lawbreakers and Luis Gutierrez, Congressman; Jan Shakowsky, Representative, and numerous other elected officials spoke at this meeting aiding and abetting illegal immigrants. Don't tell me about racism, and censorship or freedom. I exercised my right to stay by holding up the newspaper ad showing it was a town hall meeting in my town and as a resident of the town, I had every right to be there. Additionally, I videotaped the meeting and all the anti-USA statements that were made. Gutierrez didn't count on the fact that I understand Spanish and he thought he was pulling the wool over my eyes by saying one thing in English and then another in Spanish. The traitor. Notice that Ortiz is an Hispanic surname. I wonder if anyone asked if her parents are here legally or if she is here legally for that matter or if she is an anchor baby? We citizens do have the right to check on the status of anyone if they are collecting benefits from taxpaying citizens.

2007-10-27 09:22:29 · answer #1 · answered by Mindbender 4 · 4 0

The Minutemen paid their money and rented that hall for a seminar. Those students need to pay the entrance fee if they plan on entering. No illegal immigration into a seminar to which they haven't paid. (It's about time someone told these goons NO, even if they had to lock down the school in order to ensure the safety of everyone else in the school. Perhaps some of these people need to be kicked off campus.)

2007-10-27 14:51:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I think the situation show how powerful this whole illegal group has become, realizing there would be no illegals here if there were not benefits, medical & schooling, and jobs. Would love to see the full force of the law fall on what I call the "Facilitators", people who shelter, direct, transport etc. and the Employers, people who give them jobs. The laws are all on the books but our Govt. will not enforce it because there is an agenda. I contend it's all about lowering all standards in the USA, dumbing down the schools, control of the media, signing NAFTA, and allowing the country to be flooded with illegals, (efectively nocking down pay scales), guns are next.

2007-10-27 15:28:46 · answer #3 · answered by Dave M 7 · 5 0

Americans have had it up to here with this trash starting and perpetuating riots and trouble in our country. I wish that people had paid attention when they were warned that it would come to this.They are worse than any terrorists I've heard of only they don't yet have access to nuclear power and most are stupid enough to think it would only affect Americans not them.If we put a tax on stupidity and had illegas pay it, we'd be the richest nation in the world to date! How dare these punks disrupt a paid for assembly, I'm sure they didn't pay to be there and they had no right to interfere. Things must change before they get any bolder. That stupid hate group MECha have taken credit for the fires that are raging in California. How much more do our politicians need to get rid of this trash?

2007-10-27 20:02:08 · answer #4 · answered by Ms.L.A. 6 · 3 0

I saw an earlier comment by the Hispanic Minuteman leader I thought was pretty apt. That the Minutemen is made up of all races and ethnicities, but that the protesting group, Latinos Unidos only was made up of a single ethnicity. Who were the racists here?

2007-10-27 14:23:49 · answer #5 · answered by DAR 7 · 9 1

Immigration is overwhelming school systems.
“The level of immigration is so massive, it’s choking urban schools ...It’s bad enough when you have desperate kids with U.S. backgrounds who require massive resources. In come kids with totally different needs, and it creates crushing burdens on urban schools.”

David W.Stewart,
author of Immigration and Education: The Crisis and Opportunities

The U.S. school-aged population has reached an all-time high of 55 million. Between 1990 and 2000, enrollment increased by 14 percent. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the size of the student body will almost double by 2100. Yet without school-age immigrants (about 250,000 a year) and the children of immigrants (about 725,000 a year), school enrollment would not be rising at all.

The share of students in the U.S. who are immigrants or the children of immigrants has tripled in the past 30 years; in 1970, they were only 6.5 percent of the student body. Today, one in five students has at least one foreign-born parent. In California, almost half of the students starting school are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

As a result of this immigration-driven population growth, about 14 percent of schools exceed their capacity by six to 25 percent, and eight percent exceed it by more than 25 percent. To alleviate overcrowding, more than one-third of schools use portable classrooms, and one-fifth hold classes in temporary instructional space, such as cafeterias and gyms.

The problem has become severe enough that there is now a federal Bilingual/Immigrant State Grant program to assist school systems that experience large increases in their student population due to immigration. This program awards about $700 million a year to affected districts (National Association of Bilingual Education).

2007-10-27 18:59:32 · answer #6 · answered by edwinjoel22 4 · 2 0

Children of Illegals are given a free education. Those who are not Americans do not have the same rights as citizens of the United States. We are all sick of being invaded . Eventually Our elected officials will do the right thing. 8125 American citizens are killed each year by people who are not even supposed to be here. And the left worry about war casualties.

2007-10-27 14:35:08 · answer #7 · answered by carolinatinpan 5 · 6 0

i heard about that. it doesn't seem fair that one group can express their freedom of speech but others cannot. that is the point of free speech, to be able to say what you want to say even if and when it does offend others. the minutemen had the right to speak but the students also had a right to protest. with such a hot button issue, its no surprise the school went into a lockdown mode...same thing used to happen alot in the 80's and 90's with abortion.

2007-10-27 14:26:50 · answer #8 · answered by dropping bombs on your mom 4 · 3 2

That is the lib way when it comes to free speech.

You can say anything you like as long as you agree with us.

If the Latinos do not like it they too should go back to where they came from.
I am so tired of hearing how they are offended. What about America paying for these wipes to be educated, and medical and welfare.

If they protest arrest them.

2007-10-27 14:26:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

I guess protesting this seminar was just another job americans don't wanna do

2007-10-27 15:36:33 · answer #10 · answered by Bishop 5 · 4 0

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