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im just interested in what other religions say, so could some people tell me what there beliefs are? im christian so i dont need anything on that but any other religions will do great for me. thanks.

2007-10-27 07:09:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

check out these sites to learn about Islam.


then you can learn it at your own pace and see what its all abt:)

2007-10-27 07:17:12 · answer #1 · answered by Islam4Life 4 · 1 0

Islam is pretty much like Judaism and Christianity (they're from the same family of religions)
Atheism is a belief not a religion. It is the belief that there is no God.
Agnosticism is also a way of thinking which questions the existence of God.
Hinduism is a poly-theist religion with many deities. It is closely related to Sikhism.
Buddhism and Zoroastrianism are my favorites. they are both based on philosophical living, being a true human being. They are related as some say that Buddha himself was a Zoroastrian.
There are also many other religions in the world, some of which I may have not even heared of.

2007-10-27 14:18:56 · answer #2 · answered by Geist König 4 · 0 0

1. Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allâh (SWT), (the) One. The Self-Sufficient Master, (Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks) He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him. (Quran Chapter 112)
2. He is the Merciful and the Compassionate, the Guardian and the True Guide, the Just and the Supreme Lord, the Creator and the Watchful, the First and the Last, the Knowing and the Wise, the Hearing, and the Aware, the Witness and the Glorious, the Able and ' the Powerful. (Holy Quran).
3. He is the Loving and the Provider, the Generous and the Benevolent, the Rich and the Independent, the Forgiving and the Clement, the Patient and the Appreciative, the Unique and the Protector, the Judge and the Peace. (Holy Quran example). The question of Allah's (SWT) 'God' existence has preoccupied men's minds for many centuries. Those who believe in Allah (SWT) 'God' seem to agree that the limited finite human intelligence cannot prove the existence of the infinite boundless of Allah (SWT) 'God'. It can only illustrate or demonstrate his existence to the satisfaction of the curious human mind.
Those who deny Allah's (SWT) 'God' claim to rely on science, philosophy, or special theories of knowledge. Their arguments are sometimes inapplicable, sometimes irrelevant, always complex, and often incomprehensible. However, the developed mind will find its way to Allah (SWT) 'God'. Failure to find the way does not mean that there is no way. Denial of reality does not make it unreal.

Who is Muhammad pbuh
In the desert of Arabia was the Prophet Muhammad (SAAWS) born, according to Muslim historians, on April 20, 571 . The name means "highly praised". He is to me the greatest mind among all the sons of Arabia. He means so much more than all the poets and kings that preceded him in that impenetrable desert of red sand. When he appeared Arabia was a desert -- a nothing. Out of nothing a new world was fashioned by the mighty spirit of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAWS) -- a new life, a new culture, a new civilization, a new kingdom which extended from Morocco to Indies and influenced the thought and life of three continents -- Asia, Africa and Europe.
And more wonderful still is what the reverend Bosworth Smith remarks: " Head of the state as well as the Church, he was Caesar and Pope in one; but, he was pope without the pope's claims, and Caesar without the legions of Caesar, without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue. If ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by a right divine It was Muhammad, for he had all the power without instruments and without its support. He cared not for dressing of power. The simplicity of his private life was in keeping with his public life."

What is Islam
The word "Islam" is an Arabic word which means "submission to the will of God "Allah - SWT". This word comes from the same root as the Arabic word "salam", which means "peace". As such, the religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to Allah (SWT) and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. The most important truth that Allah (SWT) revealed to mankind is that there is nothing divine or worthy of being worshipped except for Almighty Allah (SWT), thus all human beings should submit to Him. The word "Muslim" means one who submits to the will of Allah (SWT), regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background.
Being a Muslim entails willful submission and active obedience to Allah (SWT), and living in accordance with His message. Some people mistakenly believe that Islam is just a religion for Arabs, but nothing could be further from the truth. Not only are there converts to Islam in every corner of the world, especially in England and America, but by taking a look at the Muslim World from Bosnia to Nigeria, and from Indonesia to Morocco, one can clearly see that Muslims come from many various races, ethnic groups and nationalities. It is also interesting to note that in actuality, more than 80% of all Muslims are not Arabs - there are more Muslims in Indonesia than in the whole Arab World! So though even though it is true that most Arabs are Muslims, the large majority of Muslims are not Arabs. However, anyone who submits completely to Allah (SWT) and worships Him alone is a Muslim.

2007-10-27 14:16:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

Even one of the best known Athiest on his death bed ask God for forgiveness Charles Darwin father of the evolution theroy and many of these proclaimed athiest will also.Every knee will bow.

2007-10-27 14:18:31 · answer #4 · answered by wanna know 6 · 0 1

Athiest isn't a religion. And neither is Atheist.

2007-10-27 14:13:01 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 5 0

Read about Islam on the following sites:


2007-10-27 14:19:58 · answer #6 · answered by majeed3245 7 · 1 0

I'm Apostolic-Pentecostal, . We believe in the oness of God, distinction between male/female in attire/length of hair(it simply need be obvious), holy living(no drinking,smoking,etc.), gifts of the spirit,Acts 2:38 plan of salvation,baptism in JESUS name specifically. We believe in tithing(giving 10% of income to church offerings).No mixed swimming,public dancing, movie theatres. That's all I can think of. We just model our church after the Bible. Our model ids found in Acts. The church was started in the book of Acts @ Pentecost.

2007-10-27 14:19:37 · answer #7 · answered by paula r 7 · 0 1

Atheism is not a religion.

2007-10-27 14:13:55 · answer #8 · answered by Sabrina H 4 · 3 0

Atheism is not a religion. It is the disbelief of the existence of any god.

I am an atheist.

2007-10-27 14:13:42 · answer #9 · answered by Weird Darryl 6 · 3 1

I can recommend the following websites to learn the basics about islam


Hope this helps.

2007-10-29 15:14:41 · answer #10 · answered by khalojamal 2 · 0 0

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