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My three teenage kids were rear-ended by a commercial truck. They were in a newer mini van, all in seat belts. The driver claims his brakes went out on him, and he was cited by the officer. On pushing the truck to the side of the road,the brakes were bad.

All went to the hospital for xrays, and were released with instructions to rest and take ibuprohen for pain.

Spoke with the claims adjuster was told to get an estmate which is in progress, and I am using my shop, which they approved. I do not anticipate any issues with getting the vehicle made whole.

Question revovles around the kids. They seems fine, and frankly I would be surprised if there was any long term issues. Sore neck, sore back, some soreness from the seat belt. On day two they are not complaining, and are doing normal things.

The clams person indicated that she would make an offer once all of the medical bills are submitted.

Answer I need is, what is a reasonable amount for the injuries

2007-10-27 06:38:59 · 5 answers · asked by motherkimyu 2 in Cars & Transportation Insurance & Registration

5 answers

For soft tissue claims, there isn't much value. Between $500-$750 per kid on top of medical bills. Broken bones, amputations, surgery, internal bleeding, coma, death....those carry value.

2007-10-27 19:35:10 · answer #1 · answered by bundysmom 6 · 1 0

>> Is there such a limit on soft-tissue injuries? The basic for suing for pain and suffering starts with the following damages (1) broken bone (2) loss of life (3) loss of limb (4) loss of bodily function (5) lost work day (3 months out of the first 6 months). There's more but that's about it. Almost all states have similar rules. There's seems to be no P&S paid for soft tissue damage. The lost work time also covers head injuries that does not alway include broke bones, etc. The basic medical should be paid directly by the insurance and you would not even be bother by them. But because they didn't go to the hospital, that is not much of a problem. good Luck... P.S. My wife was injured in an accident and this is what we found out.

2016-04-10 21:38:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Medical bills, if there aren't any injuries besides soreness. Maybe they'll offer you $100 per kid for "pain & suffering". Honestly, if there's no time off of work/school, it's not a big deal. Please don't look at the commercial vehicle as a cash cow.

The thing is, what you can get is going to vary by STATE. Some states won't allow you ANYTHING for soft tissue injuries. You will need to check with your agent, about your state's tort laws.

But the bottom line is, there isn't anything really WRONG here. Depending on how much damage there is to the car (the less damage, the less likely they have severe injuries), the adjuster might not offer ANYTHING beyond medical bills. AND, depending on your state laws, you MIGHT have to collect the medical under YOUR policy, FIRST.

2007-10-27 07:59:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 2 0

Clearly.. your children are fine. They were treated at the ER... found out it was just common "whiplash" aka neck sprain/strain and you arent planning on any follow up treatment.

My question for you is- why would even you try to get any more then your medical bills? Do you want all of our insurance to raise?

As an adjuster... if someone had a soft tissue injury.. went to the er... got better.. and required no follow up treatment i would offer MAYBE a few hundred dollars over medical bills.

I have a big problem with the wording of your question- The "value" of an injury. Its like your trying to sell something and make a profit. It makes me feel like (even if your not) that your trying to take advantage of your childrens bad situation and get as much as you can from it. I hope thats not the case- i hope your better then that.

We are in a very sue happy country and you are going to get alot of people saying "see a lawyer", "who knows what the long term affects with be" blah blah blah... they all watch too many late night lawyer ads. They also have unrealistic expectations of how insurance works.

Sure.. if they kept showing affects and needed follow up treatment.. you would need to expect more for injuries.. but.. sounds like they are doing just fine. Soft tissue injuries heal themselves. Its pretty much like pulling a muscle doing a sport.

Be thankful that your kids are fine.. take that few hundred dollars extra and put it in their college funds.. and move on. Dont expect lottery winnings.

2007-10-27 07:19:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

A reasonable amount would be what the medical bills were.
Hey, you're not trying to use this as an excuse to makea few bucks, are you? No, just my imagination.

2007-10-27 07:36:38 · answer #5 · answered by TedEx 7 · 2 0

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