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right whats the difference?

me personally,i think its a natural process..................convince me that i`m wrong.

2007-10-27 04:01:23 · 22 answers · asked by neil p 4 in Environment Global Warming

thanks fir all the replys...sorry i`m not convinced there are far to many elements that cannot proven alot is hearsay.

guess i will leave it to someone else to find the best answer.sorry

2007-10-28 05:02:32 · update #1

22 answers

climate change a normal natures process does have relationship with cosmic rays and the intensity of solar winds as solar winds stop the reach of cosmic rays on plannet earth and it decreases cloud formation andresulttanly less rainfall.zee k

2007-10-27 04:10:03 · answer #1 · answered by zee k 1 · 2 2

Trevor is not looking at the average temperatures for the Holocene [the modern period], after the end of the Ice Age 10,500 years ago there was a 7,500 yr period when the average temperature was much warmer than today. Then it cooled and warmed again to warmer than today about 1000., when the Vikings colonised Greenland. Then came the Little Ice Age after 1200 in which the Baltic Sea froze solid in winter and Alpine glaciers crushed villages. Its last gasp was in 1815, freezing the French Army in Russia and causing snow every month of the year in every state in the US. The planet has been warming since then, mostly by natural causes.

Look at the last 10,500 years and define what is a "normal" climate for that period. The last 150 years are not a long enough period of time to define "normal". While human activity may contribute a fraction of a percent to the warming, if Man vanished tomorrow the planet would still get warmer.

The hysterical panic over GW is politically driven as regulations would give the Leftists more power to control everyone and taxing it would give them more money to buy votes. You emit CO2 when you breathe, so you pollute, by their definition. When the natural warming continues, despite all their laws and regulations, do they then have a breathing tax? What about those who can't or won't pay a breathing tax? Will the government then stop them from breathing to "Save the World"? When fire is banned by law, will people freeze to death to "Save the Planet"? I know that is taking their position to a logical extreme, but the Leftist mind-set has done it before and still does it. You must live by their system or die. Dictators all had the same type of thinking and still do.

Don't talk about right-wing and left-wing dictators, they all act the same and the end results are the same. Politically you go from total freedom with no laws at all, anarchy, to slavery under a single absolute ruler. Politics is trying to find a balance to give people the most possible freedom under laws which are fair to all. To me that is right. The left is more power to the government, run by a small group of people and less freedom for the people. That is why I say Leftists are pushing the GW hysteria.

2007-10-29 13:15:43 · answer #2 · answered by Taganan 3 · 1 0

The reason that you are seeing Climate Change more and more instead of Global Warming is that the data is starting to flood in and The alleged consensus spouted by the 'scar-em environmental activists' is falling apart. NASA acknowledged it had accidentally inflated its official record of surface temperatures in the U.S. beginning with the year 2000. The revised data show 1998 falling to second place behind 1934 as the warmest year, followed by 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999, and 1953. Four of the top 10 years on record are now from the 1930s, before human emissions could have been responsible, while only three of the top 10 (1998, 2006, 1999) are from the past 10 years. New data is also emerging that the temperature record should be adjusted even further downward. Meteorologist Anthony Watts has launched an effort to photograph the 1,221 "most reliable" surface temperature stations in the U.S. to see if land use changes over the years may be contaminating their records. Images of the stations he's photographed so far (www.surfacestations.org) show many cases where the stations seem to be reporting warming caused by nearby buildings, parking lots, or heat-generating activities. Research published in the American Geophysical Union's Geophysical Research Letters online edition by Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist in the University of Alabama - Huntsville's Earth System Science Center, and coauthors again confirmed the existence of a natural climatic heat vent at the equator. The phenomenon, first identified in 2001 by Richard Lindzen at MIT and a NASA research team, acts like a "natural thermostat," releasing heat into space whenever temperatures rise above a certain level. Recent NASA sat photos show that Antarctic Ice is expanded to it's greatest volume in over 50 years.

2007-10-27 13:33:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Click on any of the links provided at the bottom for summary information.The National Academy of Sciences is the Nation's top scientific minds that provide unbiased assessments to the US government and citizens of the country. These folks aren't light-weights - they are the Stephen Hawkins of the nation in their fields of study. The US EPA has pages on it even though the Bush administration doesn't like it. They have a disclaimer that more research is needed (everybody agrees don't stop digging on this), but there is a great deal of certainty for SOME PARTS of the problem that requires immediate attention. Even corporate America recognizes the problem.

Global warming leads to climate change. The library is full of material that supports the theory, the IPCC (UN organization that has been investigating it) publishes all kinds of stuff and is probably the leading authority. The US National Academy of Science has review the IPCCs latest report and feels the science is sound and action is needed. The EPA acknowledges that it is a problem, even under president Bush.

Some corporations (Duke Energy is the one that comes to mind first) are sure it is occurring and wants government actions to level the playing field so they can take steps to combat it while remaining profitable. To their credit, they developed a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions unilaterally. Insurance companies are now charging more for folks with ocean front property because of the increase in storm intensity during the past few years. While it is true we had been in a "natural lull" for hurricane numbers and intensity, that is probably now over. The insurance industry cited the threat of global warming as a concern a few years ago.

If you want to verify any of this, go to any university library, do a search on greenhouse effect, global warming, and climate change and just look at the peer-reviewed literature. The is much more pro than con. "Peer-reviewed" indicates that the information presented has facts to support the findings and that methods used to derive the results are adequate to support the findings. If it is not peer reviewed, it is opinion. It may still be good work, but it is opinion.

If you are unwilling to even look at the peer reviewed literature, then you cannot be convinced no matter what the evidence. Sort of like these people who believe the Apollo mission was a hoax of the world is flat.

2007-10-27 15:37:44 · answer #4 · answered by bubba 6 · 1 2

It is my opinion as well, this is primarily a natural cycle, with some influence by mankind. The climate history indicates that the Roman warm period, medieval warm period and little ice age all were natural processes and occurred very rapidly. There is very little doubt that cutting down half of the world's forest and converting it into crop land will have an effect on the climate, however, the tiny change in Earths atmosphere associated with greenhouse gases will be completely over powered by natural processes. It is very likely that we have already entered into a cooling phase, and there will be nothing that we can do to stop it, the alarmists are probably unknowingly lulling the world into a false sense of security.





2007-10-27 20:53:32 · answer #5 · answered by Tomcat 5 · 1 1

I also believe it is a natural process. And here are a few things i want answered. What temperature is too hot? I mean there is no perfect temperature. And what is wrong with it being hotter and having more carbon dioxide? What do plants breath to live.... carbon dioxide. And what is the main factor that kills plants.... cold. So if its hotter and there more carbon dioxide we would have more crops and they would last longer. There would be much more food for the world. And the sea levels wouldn't rise 20 feet and drown us. Look up the medieval warming period. It got warmer and most of the glaciers melted on earth. The amount of food nearly doubled and Greenland was nearly a huge plantation. The sea levels didn't raise and kill everyone. There was just less ice and more food. That's just what I think. And i wish there would be a debate between gore and some people who don't believe him.

2007-10-27 20:41:52 · answer #6 · answered by stephen r 1 · 1 1

Global warming refers specifically to a rise in Earth's mean temperature. While climate change refers to a shift in the average weather conditions over a period of time. So, in a sense, it's both. Many scientists refer the term climate change, since global warming is so often misconstrued.

I don't know that there's enough space here to convince you that anthropogenic globa warming is real, but I'll give it a shot any way.

First, it's important to know that Earth's temperature stays constant as long as it is losing energy to space as quickly as it gains energy from the sun. When this occurs, the planet is in thermal equilibrium. If there's a shift in the balance of incoming to outgoing energy, the planet's temperature will change accordingly. If, for example, the sun's total irradiance increases, energy will reach Earth's surface faster than it can escape to space, and the planet's temperature will go up to compensate. As you can see, the sun's energy flow is important in determining the planet's temperature, but there are other factors in play as well. So you can think of the planet's temperature as being determined by the ratio of incoming to outgoing energy.

The foremost of these in a discussion about global warming is the greenhouse effect. Certain trace gases in Earth's atmosphere are transparent to the short wave energy from the sun, but opaque to the long wave, or infrared, energy that Earth's radiates out to space. These gases reduce the emissivity of the planet's atmosphere, and affect the rate energy is able to flow into space. Some rough calculations would show that, without the greenhouse effect, the planet's temperature would be about 0 Cº, whereas with the greenhouse effect, it's a cozy 15 Cº.

As you can probably surmise from above, adding more greenhouse gases into the air will reduce the atmosphere's emissivity even further, further slowing the flux of energy to space and warming the planet even more.

And that's exactly what humans have been doing over the past century. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is found naturally in the atmosphere, and is also produced by combustion of fossil fuels. It's responsible for roughly 23% of the overall greenhouse effect. Combustion of fossil fuels from human activity has increased its concentration in the atmosphere from by about 38%, from 280 parts per million to 380 parts per million since the mid nineteenth century.

So to sum it up, greenhouse gases warm the planet's atmosphere, and humans have been putting a great deal of them into the atmosphere for the past century and a half. It seems fairly safe t oassume that the bulk of 20th century warming a9specifically, the warming from 1975 to present) has been caused primarily by human activites.

2007-10-27 12:55:37 · answer #7 · answered by SomeGuy 6 · 1 0

According to Hopi, Sioux, and other Native peoples, The earth is going through changes. They have long been awaited. The earth is in labor to produce a new world. One where the weather will be milder from the north to the southern pole. No winter. Snow will only exist in the higher elavtations. As to whether we are warming up currently due to earth changes or pollution seems up to opinion. But regardless, pollution (everywhere) must be limited and eventually end. Because, again, regardless of whether we're just being affected by natural earth changes or green house gases...more people are suffering from lung diseases. And that's not good.

2007-10-27 13:17:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Global warming is defined as an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution.

Climate change is defined as a study dealing with variations in climate on many different time scales from decades to millions of years, and the possible causes of such variations. Human-induced climate change has the potential to alter the prevalence and severity of extremes such as heat waves, cold waves, storms, floods and droughts.

It's not up to me to convince you. I'm not a salesperson. But I've attached a few links to give you some background so that you can begin to make up your mind for yourself. Theres a lot of good material in this site, plus a lot of drivel. There's name-calling, a lot of skeptics, and a number of outright deniers. But this is a hot topic, a scary one, even. Just try to keep an open mind and draw your information from credible sites, and you'll do fine in gathering good data.

2007-10-27 11:41:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It's both climate change and global warming - they're two separate things.

Global warming is the non-scientific term that is used to describe the average increase in the temperature of Earth's atmosphere, climate change is the term used to describe the consequences of this. For example,droughts are an effect of climate change but they're caused by global warming.

The problem in beleiving that it's a natural cycle is that the evidence and science proves otherwise. Because cycles are, by their very nature, cycles, we know where within the various cycles the planet is at any given time. Knowing this means we can work out whether it should be warming or cooling (it's always one of the other, never static). Right now the planet should we warming very slowly, it's part of a 100,000 year cycle which we're near the begining of. When we look back at the last 10,000 years we find the average global temperature has increased by 1°C, this is the sort of rise we should be seeing now but in fact, based on the current rate of rise, this is what we're seeing in just 56 years.

Further, the property that distinguishes the 'greenhouse gases' from other gases is their ability to retain heat within Earth's atmosphere (they trap the longwave thermal radiation and prevent it escaping into space). It's this very property that has enable life on Earth to evolve, if there was no greenhouse effect then our planet would be at approx -18°C and be a frozen ball of ice.

Since the onset of industrialisation, and particularly in recent decades, we've added immense quantities of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere (presently 50 billion tons of the stuff every year). This inevitable leads to greater heat retention and the planet has no alternative but to warm up.

And also, we have 542 million years worth of climate data and a very accurate record going back nearly a million years. At no time have temperatures been known to rise as fast as they are doing now and at no time since humans appeared on the planet have levels of greenhouse gases been so high or been rising so rapidly.

2007-10-27 11:34:17 · answer #10 · answered by Trevor 7 · 5 3

Climate change is natural and it's the change of the earths weather patterns over 100's or years. Global Warming is the warming of the earth, but its happened very fast and out of proportion.

2007-10-28 17:12:41 · answer #11 · answered by ♥ Pompey and The Red Devils! 5 · 0 0

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