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this is a mystery... because if god created all of this... in my bible it said that he made the oceans and animals...
but if he made life... what about the planets? some scientests believe that 2 rocks existed in dark dull air and they crashed and made land then it reflected to the planets and stuff started growing... someone tell me an answer???

2007-10-27 04:00:02 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

The 2 huge planets crashing theory is fun to think about, but it lacks a lot in the way of scientific theory. I believe God Himself IS life. When He created planets and stars and people and protozoa etc, He shared His own great abundance of life with us.

2007-10-27 04:03:48 · answer #1 · answered by Acorn 7 · 2 2

Good grief.

There is quite a lot of scientific evidence about this, although some of the details are less clear than others.

Here are some scientific results. If you want to know why these things are thought to be true, start studying science.

1) The Universe is about 13.7 billion years old.

2) How the Universe started is still a matter of scientific speculation. You may say "God did it" if you like, but there is no evidence for this.

3) A brief history of the evolution of the Universe: It started as an extremely hot, dense plasma of particles. This cooled, and 400,000 years later, atoms formed.

4) A few hundred million years later the first generation of stars formed, and generated the chemical elements heavier than helium.

5) A billion years later, galaxies of stars formed by gravitational accretion and magnetohydrodynamic effects.

6) Within galaxies are molecular clouds. These sometimes undergo gravitational instability and form a protoplanetary nebula (there are lots of these and you can see them through a telescope, for example in the direction of the constellation Orion).

7) The protoplanetary nebula flattens into a disk because of angular momentum and gas dissipation effects. Grains of dust begin to stick together, and gather additional material by gravity. Some of these grow rapidly to form planetiods. The planetoids collide, and sometimes stick to make planets. This happend to the proto-Earth, where another planetoid the size of Mars collided, knocking off a lot of material some of which became the Moon.

8) After a couple billion years (we're now up to about 3 billion years ago), collisions between planets settles down.

9) The Earth has oceans, and life presumably began as chemical processes on the borders of the ocean (this is uncertain---again, you can say God did it, but there's no evidence). The first primitive single-celled creatures then began the process of evolution, where random mutations were selected for or against by the environment. About a billion years ago, the first multiple-celled creatures evolved, and life as we know it is all decended from them.

2007-10-27 04:33:26 · answer #2 · answered by cosmo 7 · 1 0

Does two rocks in dull dark air crashing making all the planets and you, and me make sense to you?

I thought not. Our Grand Creator made everything. If you're reading your Bible, it's all there, yet you're still asking...

I would say pray before you read next and ask for God's holy spirit to be upon you to properly guide you through your studying the Bible as you will attain accurate knowledge this way. God knows your heart so if you're sincere you will be blessed with growing accurate knowledge. If you are just flaking around, he's far from the wicked one.

2007-10-27 04:13:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Can you name the scientists who believe "2 rocks existed in dark dull air and they crashed and made land then it reflected to the planets and stuff started growing"?

I'd be really interested in talking to them.

2007-10-27 04:16:26 · answer #4 · answered by MR TT, VT enthusiast 2 · 3 0

Hello,, "to exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to create oneself endlessly." to possibility of those two rocks colliding and starting the DNA trail of intelligent life is so far fetched, but that is why there are so many believers and skeptics in the world as before. The path of all mankind is going to end and the time wasted trying to figure out the answers to questions that have been around since idle sitting around the cave fire will never be answered. Only your belief in that someone or something will bring about the change of goodness in your heart can subside the turmoil of doubt instilled into all human beings.

2007-10-27 04:14:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

properly first what's a torah? you assert on the subject of the earth being made in each week, properly what the bible would not say is how did they understand what each week became, there became no such difficulty as an afternoon, an hour, the 1st way of measuring time became completed i've got self assurance utilising the moon, so what's to declare that God made the earth in 7 million years. between the subject concerns of right this moment is to many human beings believing what's written in a narrative e book, confident there is a few actuality there, yet all of us understand how guy type can't be depended on, in basic terms think of, sooner or later a guy calls himself the son of God, and he is going around doing assorts of magnificent issues, your a pronounced and you're able to desire to write down approximately this are you going to do what they do right this moment, upload bit's substitute bit's to make it extra thrilling. God has consistently been, and could consistently would be, yet what's time, time is in basic terms something we degree, for God there's no such difficulty

2016-10-02 22:12:40 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

God did not just create Life, he created the whole Universe and all that it contains and the Heaven that is beyond it. He structured the Laws of Nature so that they would support life under certain conditions for certain lifeforms.

He created a variety of basic life forms in various places, including humans and gave them all LIFE, and they have been evolving and diversifying ever since. Science calls that evolution, but it is in accordance with His original plan.

You should not take much notice of Science, they never get it right. Every few decades they discover that what they thought before was either definitely wrong or certainly not that correct. For example, they all thought that the speed of Light was a fixed constant for very many years. They've recently discovered that its accelerating and therefore not constant. ie, wrong again!

2007-10-27 05:24:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, according to science, atoms became molecules which slowly became more complex due to random interactions, and trillions upon trillions of interactions and millions of years later, life formed.
I believe that this is the best explanation if God is taken out of the equation.
I personally believe that the bible intends to say that God created the world without outlining exactly how, but instead using symbolic terms that an ancient audience would understand. If you believe that, then it is reasonable to assume that God guided these highly unlikely interactions to occur, thus forming life.

2007-10-27 04:08:30 · answer #8 · answered by frisbinator 2 · 0 1

If you conceder god to be alive then Life a had to have always existed because he has.

if he is not alive then life did not exist before he made it.

I believe the song that says "no one get some thing for nothing"

2007-10-27 06:17:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Aesity means self-existence. Aesity explains the metaphysical nature of God as a purely self-existent being that exists in complete actuality. God is not a being that is created by another god; neither does God create himself into existence. Rather, God has always existed as an unchanging, completely actualized being.

God has his Being of himself and to himself such that he is Absolute being and the definition of existence.
Since God’s essence is his nature and God’s existence is the same as his essence it follows that God is existence.

2007-10-29 06:52:34 · answer #10 · answered by cashelmara 7 · 0 0

GOD is Alpha and Omega. HE is the beginning and the end. GOD has always been. One day GOD wanted creatures to roam the earth and GOD created them. Next day, GOD, wanted to create a likeness of himself. HE created Man. Man was created to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over all creatures on Earth. Then GOD saw that man needed a woman and GOD put Adam to sleep and took out one of his ribs to make Eve. And when all of this was finished GOD was happy. So the answer to your question is; GOD did create Man in HIS likeness. The answer to your other question is that GOD indeed created the heavens, all of the Universe from beginning to end. Hope this has helped. Blessings

2007-10-27 04:15:25 · answer #11 · answered by DERLANDSON 4 · 1 1

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