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I was also sent this web sight

Ck it out

2007-10-27 05:11:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My honest opinion of Zeitgeist? I watched the first twenty minutes, and I couldn't believe the stuff they were saying about Horus. It's NOT TRUE.

I became interested in Egyptian mythology when I was about seven or eight, and luckily for me, my parents thought it was the coolest thing ever that I was interested in mythology. So, they took me to the library and got me books on it, and also bought me a few books.

So, I've been studying Egyptian mythology for almost twenty years, on and off. My interest tends to wax and wane.

Zeitgeist made my interest wax again, so I bought a few more Egyptian mythology books to add to my collection, and started researching.

Here's what I found:
1. Horus was not born of a virgin.
2. Isis was never known as Isis-Meri, or Isis-Merion.
3. Horus was never baptized, by Anup the Baptizer or anyone else.
4. Horus did not have twelve disciples. He may have been accompanied by sixteen mortals, and/or four gods, but none of them was named Anup or Aan.
5. Horus was never "transfigured" either on a Mount or anywhere else.
6. Horus was not crucified.
7. Horus was not resurrected after three days.
8. Horus did not raise his father, Osiris (not El-Osiris), from the dead. Isis did.
9. The titles that Zeitgeist insist Horus had are false. He was never given any of those. He was known as "Avenger of Osiris," in some regions "The Child," in others "The Elder" and "Son of Isis."

The only thing Zeitgeist comes close on is the pagan origins for some of the holidays and symbols associated with Christianity. However, anyone who knows ANYTHING about church history already knows this.

By the way, Jesus was not born on December 25th, and
there's no indication in scriptures that there were three wise men (it doesn't number them) attending Jesus' birth.

I rank Zeitgeist right up there with Fahrenheit 9/11, Loose Change, James Cameron's "Tomb of Jesus" and the Da Vinci Code: They all stretch the facts to make a nice story.

2007-10-27 05:33:24 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

There are many willing to mix Gods truth with the ideas of Man. They like to call themselves learned and they may have a lot of things right but they also have some things wrong too. The one thing i would have to say is to watch with an open mind but where it conflicts with the Bible its self, those things are not true.

2007-10-27 03:59:29 · answer #3 · answered by saintrose 6 · 0 1

a lot of stupid drumming(as if this makes the points stronger) and silly hypothesis connecting the seasons and the sun and the "son" of God. We know the sun does not give moral advice nor set out a whole lifestyle of how people should live.

2007-10-27 04:22:39 · answer #4 · answered by Sinister-6000 3 · 1 0

I have watched it
it has some interesting theories and some interesting facts
but it gets a little odd at times

good food for thought though

2007-10-27 03:53:25 · answer #5 · answered by ☮ Pangel ☮ 7 · 1 0

I think that it says that you have to watch it for 1 hour & 56 minutes & 23 seconds to see the whole thing so it would be a while before I could get back to you.


After watching the first 15 minutes of the video I have these comments to share with you about it.

1. The narrator says that he doesn't know what God is but he does know what God is not.

That's nonsense. If you don't know what something is then you don't know anything about it. You can't say that you know what it isn't because you don't have a basis of knowledge on which to make that claim. While God is infinite and finite man cannot fully comprehend Him, we can know some things about God because He has chosen to reveal them to us in the Holy Bible. http://www.jesus-is-lord.com/divine.htm

2. The movie is a propaganda film that presents distorted facts in a one sided manner just like a slick prosecuting attorney would do in order to win a case.

The so called comparisons between figures like Horus the sun god of Egypt and Jesus are fallacious at best. First of all no one claims that Jesus was born on December 25th. That arbitrary date came about when Christianity was accepted as the official religion of Rome and the date was picked to supplant the pagan rituals that were practiced around that time.

Second of all, the other so called "facts" about Horus like his supposed virgin birth are not supported by sound documentation. Rather they are distortions of what we do know about Horus reworded in order to make a false case that Jesus is just one in a long line of mythical beings.

Here is a reputable link to what we really know about Horus.


Here's an excerpt.

The last paragraph of the text contains an allusion to Isis, the sister and wife of Osiris, and mentions the legend of the birth of Horus, which even under the XVIIIth Dynasty was very ancient, Isis, we are told, was the constant protectress of her brother, she drove away the fiends that wanted to attack him, and kept them out of his shrine and tomb, and she guarded him from all accidents.

All these things she did by means of spells and incantations, large numbers of which were known to her, and by her power as the "witch-goddess." Her "mouth was trained to perfection, and she made no mistake in pronouncing her spells, and her tongue was skilled and halted not." At length came the unlucky day when Set succeeded in killing Osiris during the war which the "good god" was waging against him and his fiends. Details of the engagement are wanting, but the Pyramid Texts state that the body of Osiris was hurled to the ground by Set at a place called Netat, which seems to have been near Abydos. 3

The news of the death of Osiris was brought to Isis, and she at once set out to find his body. All legends agree in saying that she took the form of a bird, and that she flew about unceasingly, going hither and thither, and uttering wailing cries of grief. At length she found the body, and with a piercing cry she alighted on the ground.

The Pyramid Texts say that Nephthys was with her that "Isis came, Nephthys came, the one on the right side, the other on the left side, one in the form of a Hat bird, the other in the form of a Tchert bird, and they found Osiris thrown on the ground in Netat by his brother Set." The late form of the legend goes on to say that Isis fanned the body with her feathers, and produced air, and that at length she caused the inert members of Osiris to move, and drew from him his essence, wherefrom she produced her child Horus.

2007-10-27 03:55:37 · answer #6 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 1

I think it's just a reflection of the spirit of the times.

2007-10-27 06:20:11 · answer #7 · answered by Mary Marvel 3 · 4 0

I think it was made by a bunch of people who belong in an insane asylum.

2007-10-27 03:55:20 · answer #8 · answered by Bible warrior 5 · 1 1

True and fascinating. I loved it so I much I sent it to everyone i know.

2007-10-27 03:52:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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