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Jehova's Witnesses knocking on my door every saturday morning, I am sick of it, it is so very rude and intrusive! Could I complain to the council? Who would deal with this nuseince for me?

If I wanted to find God I would knock on his door!

2007-10-27 03:19:26 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Its a shared front door, they ring the buzzer, we don't know if it is them or the postman so I HAVE to answer!

2007-10-27 04:09:41 · update #1

30 answers

serveral ways to deal with it. Simply put a "no solitation sign on your door with the following words " Jehovah's witnesses included!"
1) you can say you are a satanist and at this very minute they interrupted your magical spells. for this you want their names and a piece of their hair so you can include them in your spells for spoiling the moment" heh, that should scare them..Tell them to expect boils to appear over half their body in about a week.
2)You can talk giberish too while drooling out of your mouth grabbing their clothes and saying things like: " you look funny!" "where's my mommy???!!!? " Can I have your jacket and pants ?" " I want them right now!!!" Act very retarded and cross your eyes too. Make sure you pick your nose and grab your crotch area and scrath your *** as well. you might even want to carefully inspect very large boogers outof your nose. Of course you'll show them how proud you are of the big ones you dug out... :) The way to sound talk retard is talk with your tonque rolled behind your upper plate.
3)put on an adult diaper and nothing else. when you answer the door talk seriously like you're VERY interested, ask pointed questions... pause every so often like in a middle of a sentance you are making looking like you're about to take a crap. then start making those sounds one does having a tough bowel movement . Mke them pause a moment saying something you need to 'concentrate' Squat down a bit like your pushing REALLY HARD. When they run away tell them to wait you're really interested and you just need change diapers.
4) tell them you're "officer so an so" undercover police (from whatever city this is in) and this is a crime scene. Tell them the man or lady of the house was stabbed to death in the bathtub upstairs. Then yell at the so called investigators, "ok dust for prints everywhere guys" THEN ask him pointed questions about how he knows this person and how many times they called and came around. If they deny anything of your pointed questions, roll your eyes and say 'uhuh" sarcastically. Tell them they are hiding behind the guise of Jehovah's witness and surely they must know this has been done before and police are a lot smarter than they think!. get their first and last names. Ask them, " before you turned toward God did any of you had any prison records?" Then say "the police will be coming to their houses shortly for questioning." make sure you look an act officier[like and say sir and mame and take notes of all their answers!
5) Or tell them you would love to hear what they have to say but you are on a time constrait to sell your amway products and if they will be willing to help you make your monthly quota that would be soooo cool. Then ask how many gallons do they want of the Amway products (do research ahead of time to get the name of the most expensive products they have)
6) or lastly, say you love listen, but first you want to conduct a market survey as you're a work for local governemnt and need this for marketing purposes. Ask really lame questions like" do you wear boxers or briefs?" "Do you shower in the morning or evenings?" "how often do you shower?" do you wear deodorant?" "Do you pick your nose with your fingers or use a tissue--be honest now" "What's you blood type?""Have you ever contracted any communible diseases?" "how often do you masterbate?". If the guy says never say, " c'mon all guys masterbate! Does God know you're lying?" Be fun with the questions. Then mention the info will be published on the net.
7) rub galic on your pits and body and have on had something that will make you smell unbearable like poop. Get really close to them when you answer and make sure you spit in their faces at same time you are talking to them.. If you have it handy next to the door. a tub of dark grease rubbed on your teeth to look like you don't clearly don't have the greatest hygiene..

make sure if you di any from 2-7 you record this. I want to see this stuff on youtube !!!

this could be fun !

2007-10-27 04:30:56 · answer #1 · answered by dionysus 2 · 2 1

The suggestion of an obedience class is an excellent one. Read here https://tr.im/gHn00
It will help your dog learn to behave around other dogs, and help keep your training moving forward as you'll want to be prepared for the next class. Also, a good instructor can be a wonderful resource, someone to help you with any questions or concerns about your dog. Leash training can take a LOT of time and patience, depending upon the dog. I'm not sure what you mean by 'horrible on a leash' but my basic suggestion is that you take a lot of yummy treats with you on walks. When your dog behaves well on the leash (not pulling) praise her and give her treats. Change direction a lot so that she learns to pay attention to YOU and where you are going. It's also helpful to teach a "Watch Me" command such that whenever your dog looks at you you praise her and give her a treat. About chewing, yes a Kong is a great chew toy. Some dogs also like Nylabone brand bones. I suggest also teaching a "Leave It" command. You use this when she shows interest in chewing on something she shouldn't. Then immediately give her something she is allowed to chew, such as the Kong stuffed with somethig yummy. This same command will be helpful on walks when she wants to sniff or eat something she shouldn't. Again, when she does leave the item alone, be sure to give lots of praise. I would look into an obedience class right away. I think that you'll find that a good obedience class can help enormously! Good luck and enjoy your new dog.

2016-07-19 12:18:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If their preaching activity was made illegal they would still preach.

Why not just ask them not to call again?

They come round my area about 3 or 4 times a year, for anyone who isn't interested that would mean saying: "I'm not interested" and politely closing the door 3 or 4 times a year.

The preaching work carried out by Jehovah's Witnesses is completely voluntary, unpaid, involves weekend work, requires them to give up their free-time, plus many seem to consider the subject of religion to be almost taboo, they also realise before they leave their houses that they will face indifference, apathy and verbal, sometimes physical abuse. You have to ask then, what is motivating them?

Why not realise that it takes courage to do what they do and shows that they have the strength of their convictions to be able to speak to complete strangers about the Bible? It also shows that they have genuine love for neighbour. I find it sad that no other religion takes their beliefs so seriously that they see the importance of sharing it with others. If it's not for you, what's wrong with saying: "Thanks, but no thanks?"

I don't know what the council would actually do since their preaching work is perfectly legal.

If you wanted to find God, the Witnesses make it incredibly easy, they come to you.


I would be happy for atheists to come round my door and if they believe that theists are wasting their time then their knowledge should bring responsibility and motivate them to share it with others.

I live in Scotland, just to narrow it down. If they were to knock on every door in Scotland they will eventually find me. My neighbours surely deserve a visit too.

I get the feeling, though, that the next group coming round my area will be Jehovah's Witnesses.


Contrary to an answer above, Jehovah's Witnesses do not preach that people will be damned forever and they do not believe the unscriptural teaching of purgatory.


Since Jehovah's Witnesses do not ask for money, I really don't know what use a 'No Soliciting' sign would be.

Jehovah's Witnesses hate the American flag? I don't see what is more hateful about it over any other flag. Ask a Witness to spit on the American flag and see if they do it.

2007-10-27 03:36:29 · answer #3 · answered by Iron Serpent 4 · 1 4

I don't think there is anything legally you can do I am afraid. Easy to say 'don't answer the door' but you don't always know who is there! I would stick a sign on the door - a polite one say 'No Jehovah's Witnesses thank you'. If that doesn't stop them then tell them that you are a spiritualist - that always gets rid of them!

2007-10-27 04:10:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I'll tell you a funny story about the JV's. I also was sick of them so I saw them walking In our area and knew they wolud bother me. So when they knocked on my door i went to the door and in a spooky voice I said No One is home. Then who is talking one of them asked? You don't want to know and I screamed , Get off this porch before I make you disappear. They ran down the steps and they never bothered me again. My husband and Ihad A good laugh over that.a good laugh over that.

2007-10-27 03:35:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Ask your neighbours if they would mind a sign on the front door about your problem, maybe it could read 'If I wanted to find god i'd knock on his door'

2007-10-27 04:49:43 · answer #6 · answered by Baby Berry mad for mummy juice 5 · 2 1

Find out where they live then go knock on their door clutching a copy of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and tell them the good news about atheism, and do it every day. Not only might you make a convert but you might drive them mad too!

2007-10-27 03:37:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Paste on the outside of your door the photo of Lord Siva or any other Hindu God. Your nuisance would stop. And, Hindus would not compel anybody to join Hinduism just because you made use of the photo of a Hindu God.
Wish you good luck!

2007-10-27 03:27:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I saw a sign once on someone's door that said, "No solicitors, including religious solicitors". You can call the police station and ask if they are required to leave you alone if you have a note on your door.

2007-10-27 04:25:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

rewster asked a question along these lines,this is the true story i told him
i was in my kitchen, drawing a fowl (gutting a chicken) when the doorbell rang, thinking it was my daughter and her husband, i opened the door, one hand clutching a large knife, the other dripping blood and gore.
seeing the copy of watchtower feverishly grasped in a hand i quickly explained that i had just sacrificed a goat for Lucifer, and my master had clearly sent these two ladies to join me in an orgy of mutual degradation to the lord of misrule
strangely, the two ladies declined my offer, and i have not been troubled since

2007-10-27 06:11:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

firt you should phone the local head quarters church or what ever they call it of the JW, if it continues write them a letter and have it recorded if it continues still another letter then you can phone the local government or law enforcement (ask citizens advice who) to put a stop to it or you can put a sign up but make it clear and not mention the groups name as that could cause you problems. if you make a note and save any times dated and so on of phone calls and have letterds mailed so they need signed for you have a record of complaining to them and they have to accept they recieved it letters .
alternitively you could put a sign up saying if you are not invited or wanted here I will set the dog loose, have a list of approved visitors such as friends, neigbours, plumbers, police, add a religiouse group you like for comic effect, or have a tee with jahova sucks candy cains and sit outside there temple on what ever day they worship but be sure not to be on their property.

2007-10-27 05:05:08 · answer #11 · answered by manapaformetta 6 · 2 1

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