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I have recently had a lot of back pain which is related to my job. I work at a retail store, have been there for about 2 years, and recently moved to work in hardware. Ever since I started working in hardware I have had a lot of problems with my back due to the lifting involved. (I have to put out all the freight, lift all the paint, etc, and I am a small framed female) This has really done a lot of damage to my back. I went to my doc and got pain medicine and had 5 days of temporary leave. But as soon as I returned to work and had to lift the pain was back. I talked to my supervisor about moving to a different area where I will not have to lift, and he said it was possible but I will have to take a pay cut. I also asked about staying where I am but only doing the light lifting and he said I had to have a doc note and be registered with the disability place.
I really dont like working here and now I'm really wanting to just quit. Do you guys think I should put in my two week

2007-10-26 12:16:38 · 18 answers · asked by amf42d5 2 in Society & Culture Etiquette

notice, and continue to mess up my back, or should I just quit and say that my health is most important right now and that I need to get better??
I am a college student and I work at walmart (if that makes a difference!!)..will not putting in my two weeks hurt me in the long run or does it even matter?

2007-10-26 12:18:20 · update #1

o yeah, my supervisor also said that if i were to move departments I would probably have to work 5 days vs. 3 days. and have 4 hour shifts instead of 8 hr. shifts....which is not what I want...grrr..

2007-10-26 12:22:58 · update #2

I have enough money saved up to last about 2 months, and I've paid all my bills up to the end of November..so money is not that much of an issue, it is important but i'm doing ok right now..

2007-10-26 12:45:59 · update #3

it didn't occur to me that the pain was related to work, as I started having severe pain right after working several days in a row... I went to the ER b/c it was a sunday, I don't have health insurance at the moment (am getting it soon, but sadly not soon enough)...
I put the two together (back pain, heavy lifting at work) b/c I do no other lifting. The doctor said the pain was due to lifting, and asked if I had done any lately, and I told him about work...

2007-10-27 05:46:11 · update #4

18 answers

Most companies, and I'm sure Walmart is one, do not allow references. They will only provide yes and no answers to limited questions. Now one of those questions can be "is this person eligilble for rehire?" That could be an issue if you do not give 2 weeks notice.

The other thing to consider is would you ever want or need to work there again? If yes you might want to give 2 weeks notice.

If you have good references and established stability most potential supervisors would understand your explaination of leaving without notice due to health reasons.

2007-10-26 15:38:00 · answer #1 · answered by tab 2 · 1 0

Ive heard alot of stories about Walmart being a slave driving place but thats just damn silly. Yes, by all means, quit and say that your health is far more important, BECAUSE IT IS!! Department of Labor says that it is not nessacary or manditory to give two weeks notice to any job. And in your case this truly would be considered somewhat of a hostile work environment which gives you even more right to just quit because they blatently show they care nothing about you as a person. It will not harm you in the long run and it is also against the Laborer Laws for them to badmouth you or give you a bad rep should a prospective job calls. So if they do that and you have proof of it, sue them, Walmart hates lawsuits because all of their assets can be frozen due to an investigation until the case ends which means the exects cant get paid either lol. Good luck hun.

2007-10-26 12:34:42 · answer #2 · answered by Stormy 2 · 0 0

What about filing a Worker's Compensation Claim? I mean, you did hurt your back from the work, right? Why hasn't your boss suggested this? Because it will affect his personal bottom line - his bonus. You will have to go back to the doctor though and deal with all of that. The worst that can happen is that they deny your claim. I think you should file a workers comp claim and then go through the motions that they ask you to do like go to a specific doc that they pay, etc.....

You will get a note that will say you can only lift so much, etc..... Your manager, by the way, is not very professional -- it's a shame. Learn what you can by this experience. Don't take it personally; it sounds like your manager is just an idiot trying to do the best he can and he or she is taking it personally about dealing with a potential shift change.

2007-10-27 02:57:18 · answer #3 · answered by Mamacita 3 · 0 0

First ask yourself three important questions: 1- Can you afford to not have a job? 2- How much of a pay-cut is it? 3- Can you hold out until you find another job?
Actually 2 & 3, in your case can be combined. It's best to have one job in hand while you look for a new, less physically demanding job. Once you are hired for a new job, definitly give the standard 2 weeks notice. Don't burn any bridges as you never know when you may need a futre reference.They probably won't make you work both weeks. It may be prudent for you to take the paycut while you conduct your new job search. That way you'll still have cash-flow coming in and won't strap yourself thin.

2007-10-26 12:41:36 · answer #4 · answered by Brewspy 4 · 1 0

No, you don't have to give a two week notice. BUT...it depends on the state you live in what reprocussions you may face in doing so. If you are in a right to work state, you can quit without notice with no problems except a blown reference. If you are not in a right to work state, if you quit without notice, your employer can pay you just minimum wage for hours that are owed to you, as well as a poor reference. I will say that if Wal-Mart was called for a reference, the only thing LEGALLY they can say is whether or not you are rehireable. So, even if you gave a two week notice they may say your not eligible for rehire. If you're in a lot of pain and you don't like your job, look for something else and quit.

2007-10-26 12:25:20 · answer #5 · answered by bugggs 3 · 0 0

No, no, no, no, no.... with your very first visit to the doctor should have been the first step in filing a worker's comp claim. You need to do that immediately... if not sooner. Also, let your employer know immediately that this is due to the nature of your work. Don't let them talk you out of filing.

Even if you no longer want the job, they are still responsible to pay your wages (based on the state in which you work) and all your medical bills.... and they can be made to move you to another lighter duty job but with no cut in pay.

This is the law... the employer won't tell you this information ... you need to contact the Bureau of Worker's Compensation in your state.

Good luck.

2007-10-26 16:38:14 · answer #6 · answered by such a princess 5 · 0 0

If you're not going to use them as a reference than just quit. If you are going to use them as a reference than start work in a different department and right away put in your two week notice. I know it sucks but future employers will look for that two week notice because they will want to know that they won't be stuck with no worker at the last minute because you are the kind of person to just up and quit. I sympathize with you because I have a bad back too. I hope things work out for you.

2007-10-26 12:41:13 · answer #7 · answered by NYinFL 4 · 0 0

It will only hurt you if you plan on using them as a reference for a future job. If you have other references lined up and it is not directly related to your chosen career field. I would politely explain to them that you are in pain and cannot continue and hope they understand. Tell them you will stay on for 2 more weeks to train the next person and do light lifting, but you must quit because of your health

2007-10-26 12:23:39 · answer #8 · answered by Snarf 3 · 0 0

your health is always more important than anything. btw, did your back start hurting when you began doing more physical labor at your job? if so, you may want to file for worker's compensation. this injury to your back was caused by your work at your work. if your job then threatens to fire you or cut your pay because of your injury you have documentation that proves they were aware of this injury they caused....

however if you do not want to sue them....start looking for another job and always give a two weeks notice at minimum. Otherwise you won't be able to include this job on your resume. I know some people may think why would you want to include walmart on your resume but two years is a long time and it shows commitment. you dont want to waste two years by quitting. start looking for another job and if you dont want to wait until you find one put in your two weeks.

good luck to you and remember you have to look out for you because big corporations like walmart just see you as labor and nothing more.

2007-10-26 14:51:35 · answer #9 · answered by Rainey 4 · 0 0

If they owe you any vacation $$$ they may not pay you for it if you do not give notice. If they owe you vacation pay...IMO...you should put in the notice and tell your supervisor that you will take a pay cut, but will not be able to do any lifting for the 2 weeks. You need to quit for sure though...that small salary is not worth a back problem...in fact NO job is worth a back injury!

2007-10-26 13:19:02 · answer #10 · answered by my two cents 6 · 1 0

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