Endangered dolphins are a huge concern in our actual society. Why is it a problem? Well, first of all, if such specie like the dolphin is endangered, it means that if this situation is not dealt with properly, soon we might see their specie disappear from our oceans.
What kind of problem could this create for both their environment and their ecosystem? This would create a huge imbalance in the food chain. No dolphins to eat some creatures then there would be too many. Too many of them means less food for each one and since their food might be marine plants, they will not grow fast enough to feed everyone.
As a result, both former dolphin's preys and the plants will gradually disappear as well. Is it really the kind of environment that we want to leave to our children?
That is why endangered dolphins must be well protected by environmental laws such as the laws protecting common dolphins.
Why are dolphins endangered? There are three main reasons why dolphins are endangered and all of them are related to humans.
The first reason is since both tuna and dolphins follow the same routes, dolphins get caught in the fishermen's nets which are meant to catch tuna. In this case, they get fatally hurt or they drown as a result of it.
The second reason is fishing for use in human's cuisine. Nowadays, dolphins are protected by laws but nonetheless between 200,000 and 500,000 dolphins were victimized by fishermen during the 1960-1972 years. Also, even if some laws protect dolphins, it allows a certain amount of dolphins to be accidentally caught which still has a negative impact on the dolphins' species.
The last but not least is pollution. Since humans are polluting rivers, seas and oceans, it affects dolphins. Also, since the dolphin is at the top of the food chain, the chemicals that pollute its habitat create the highest level of concentration of these pollutants in its body. As a result, diseases, difficulty to reproduce or even death take their toll on these species.
The endangered dolphins' species are: the Indus River dolphin and the Baiji also known as the Yangtze River dolphin. The Ganges River dolphin and the Amazon River dolphin are currently considered vulnerable. Let's protect endangered dolphins!
2007-10-15 07:30:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Are Dolphins Endangered
2016-09-29 01:27:32
answer #2
answered by ? 4
This Site Might Help You.
Why are dolphins endangered?
I am doing a project for school, I need to know why dolphins are endangered, I have for oil and meat,
and because they are caught in fishnets.
2015-08-15 07:20:20
answer #3
answered by Barry 1
They are not endangered. Many are killed each year by fishing nets intended to catch Tuna, and a few more are killed on purpose by people who eat them, especially in Asia, but the Dolphin species is not endangered. People just object to killing them because they are smart and cute.
2007-10-15 07:21:18
answer #4
answered by campbelp2002 7
they are caught in drag nets
that is a huge net that catches everything before it ,so whole groups ,or families are wiped out in one go
hundreds are slaughtered at the same time ,with large ships and many men ,
This way great chunks are taken from the populations ,and this has been going on for a long time ,that is why they become endangered.
2007-10-15 19:13:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Scientific Name: Sousa chinesis (Chinese White Dolphin)
In Hong Kong's scenic western harbor, a population of around 120 Indo-pacific Humpback Dolphins, or Chinese White Dolphins are fighting to survive against barrage of threats: pollution, habitat loss, over fishing, and boat traffic.
pink dolphin
As you can see from the picture, these dolphins are pink. People who have seen both say they're even pinker than the South American Boto. Although Sousa chinensis is found from South Africa to North Australia, this coloration is unique to Southeast Asia.
What kind of dolphins are these?
These dolphins can be found in geographically isolated populations from South Africa to Australia and up the Chinese coast to the Yangtze River. The populations in Southeast Asia are unique in their coloring: born almost black, they quickly change to light grey, then slowly become white or pink as the grey coloration recedes.
Where are they?
The Chinese White Dolphin is almost always found near coastlines, and usually near a major river mouth. The Pearl River provides the brackish (estuarine) water favored by this population. Young males may wander quite far from the group, but the population as a whole is unlikely to move to another location, no matter how degraded the environment becomes.
This population is usually found to the north of Lantau Island, and occasionally to the southwest, near the Soko Islands, and the southeast, near Peng Chau. The western, northern, and southern extents of their range are not known, though pink dolphins have been sighted around Macau.
How many dolphins are there?
Estimates range from fewer than 100 to around 150.
Why is the pink dolphin pink?
Not a lot is known about the dolphin's coloring because of their remoteness and rarity. It has been speculated they are pink for the same reason as pink flamingos. Like the dolphin, these marshland birds are not born pink but turn this color as they get older. A red pigment found in the muscle tissue of the crabs and shellfish theyear colors the flamingos. The colored molecule is not digested, yet is still absorbed in the birds' gizzard and accumulates in the shafts of the birds' growing feathers. Although this pigment is not visible in the raw meat of crustatia, it is the same pigment, which causes a prawn to turn pink when cooked.
Often flamingos in captivity are fed shellfish rich in this pigment in order to brighten their colorful appearance and heighten their appeal. Because the pink dolphin also feeds on these animals in the marshlands and flooded planes of the Amazon basin it is thought the same pigment accumulates in its skin as it gets older. I realize that now I am talking about the Pink Dolphin of the Amazon, however the have the same characteristics and coloring of the Chinese White Dolphin, just a different geographical location.
Size and Weight:
Males grow 8.4 feet and weigh 345 pounds.
Females grow 6.6 feet and weigh 217 pounds.
Has not been determined . Based upon their size, some scientists believe they live as long as 35 years.
What's killing the dolphins?
Reclamation Construction of the new airport at Chep Lap Kok and the North Lantau Expressway have destroyed pristine natural coast and shallow marine habitat. More dolphin habitat will disappear when container terminals are built on reclaimed land at Yam O and Lung Kwu Tan, both areas frequented by the dolphins. Contaminated mud from reclamation is dumped in the seabed just north of the new airport platform.
Sewage Some 150,000 cubic meters of raw sewage (screened, not treated), is dumped into the western harbor area every day. This is scheduled to 700,000 cubic meters a day by the year 2010. Sewage includes household toxic wastes such as cleaning fluids, bacteria, and viruses that can affect the dolphins directly, and industrial effluent.
Organochlorines DDT (a pesticide still used in China) and PCBs (used in the electronics industry) from unidentified sources have been found in tissue samples from the dolphins in very high concentrations.
Over-fishing Hong Kong's increasingly sophisticated and virtually unregulated fishing fleet is depleting the dolphins' food supply. Hong Kong's fish catch peaked in 1989. Several dead dolphins have show signs of having been caught and/or tangled in fishing nets.
Boat traffic While dolphins are usually adept at sensing and staying out of the way of boats, some show signs of collisions. The Urmston Road shipping channel, with up to 70 vessels an hour, passes right through areas where dolphins are frequently spotted.
(National Marine Mammal Laboratory)
2007-10-15 07:20:32
answer #6
answered by spazoto21 2
human being have got in to fishy business
2007-10-19 02:16:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Maybe because they are always humping people.
2007-10-15 07:20:41
answer #8
answered by lucy diamond 6
if we want them on our plates what else do you expect
2007-10-15 21:57:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2007-10-15 07:21:01
answer #10
answered by Brittany D 2