I've been a Celtic Pagan for nearly 10 years.
How has it changed my life?Well I feel I understand the world better than I did before.I no longer fear death.I am more at peace with myself than I was before.I used to be frightened of my own short temper but now I understand that that is just the warrior part of my soul which exists to protect the rest of me.
2007-10-12 14:46:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Oh wow. Nice question. :)
It changed my life utterly and completely. LOL. And yes all for the better. It was a good year before I met my gods. I knew I was on the right path in the right direction, just not THE path. I learned all I could, my worldview slowly shifted, my understanding of the world changed. When I was ready, I heard the call from the gods. Frigga welcomed me home.
Asatru is a way of life. It's all encompassing and I love it. It has brought me a sense of inner peace I have never been able to find before. It focuses on all the things that have always been the most important to me, such as friends, family, home and community. I have always held honor as important and the other values laid out in the Hovamol. These beliefs were nothing new to me, but intergrating them into my life as a constant was beyond comforting. What I find even better is that I have an entire community who doesn't think I'm strange for it. lol. The gods are a huge part of that.
So in a word yes, my beliefs have transformed my life. I have the freedom to be who I have always been and it's embraced int he community.
I am Heathen. :)
I'm not sure how long I have been practicing. Not long believe it or not. But it feels like a lifetime.
2007-10-11 22:17:48
answer #2
answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7
Becoming a Pagan has made me come to understand that I am a part of nature, not separate from it.
I have come to realize that all life is connected and interdependent even if that interdependence is not easily noticeable.
I have come to see the Divinity in all people, even when they themselves do not.
I know that I am responsible for my actions, both the good and the bad and that I was not tempted or coerced by some outside entity. I do not seek to do good because of some prize offered in the Afterlife, but because I believe I should.
I am a Pagan, a Witch, and an Initiated Alexandrian Priest and have been for 20+ years
2007-10-13 11:20:26
answer #3
answered by Black Dragon 5
Pagan - forever it seems like. Mainly the Celtic Path. I found Peace and an awareness about myself and all life around me that I didn't know about before. It's been a driving force in my life to better myself, help others who need it... It brought more strength to my entire family (Family here includes friends and community as a whole). It gave me a sense of Honor that I didn't find elsewhere. It caused me to be more responsible for myself (words and deeds). It taught me that Honesty is very important... first to be honest with myself and then being honest with everyone else just falls in place. It caused me to preserve the integrity not only of myself, but my family, my community (the place where I live) and to uphold those values which keep us strong. It taught me to face lifes challenges head-on, with confidence and not to worry about the little things - those things that are out of my control.
It made me complete - whereas when I wasn't a Pagan all I did was struggle with simple things and when a Real challenge came along I really had nothing to stand on except anger.
2007-10-11 22:32:28
answer #4
answered by River 5
I have been a solitary Wiccan since my own self initiation at age 15, I am now 34. Wicca is a very peaceful religion, in tune with nature and in tune with my own natural energies. I true Wiccan takes to heart the rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" because we believe that any bad energy/karma we throw out into the world will return to us x3. I myself prefer to project as much positive energy as possible in order to receive and recycle even more positive energy.
In my early years as a young teen I would "play the part" of a Wiccan and dress witchy, but as an adult... you'd probably never know what believes I have unless I tell you. I'm always happy to meet fellow Wiccan's and share ideas and gain a new prospective on life and the world around me.
So how has being Wiccan affected my life? Very positively!
Blessed Be
2007-10-13 09:26:47
answer #5
answered by Lunamoon 1
Paganism transformed me, as well.
When I was Christian, I had no qualms about lying, stealing, and generally being a complete jackass because I knew I could beg forgiveness and be good to go for the next week. Add to that, I was convinced that it was my DUTY BEFORE GOD to witness to the poor, dumb bastards that hadn't yet found my version of Jesus and try to win them over to my team. I had a cosmic boogey-man I could blame my screwups on and I knew I had a cosmic safety net and it didn't matter what I did, as long as I was truthful and repentant about confessing my sins to God and begging forgiveness for falling into Satan's traps.
When I admitted to the Gods and to myself that I am their man, I no longer had that safety net, or the cosmic stooge to blame my jackass behavior on. I instantly knew that I had to be responsible for my own actions and/or inactions. Nobody was forcing me to do anything, and nobody would save me from any dishonorable behavior.
So... as a result of becoming Asatru, I became a better person, and started treating others correctly, and generally doing RIGHT.
So... yeah... it transformed me into a better person.
2007-10-11 23:36:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am a Hellenic Polytheist and have been for about 20 years.
I can say that I am far more at peace now than I was as a Christian. My religion encourages self-exploration and study of the classics such as the Odyssey and Illiad and this is something that is also important....
2007-10-11 22:19:05
answer #7
answered by Anne Hatzakis 6
When i began walking this path i was enveloped with a deep feeling of coming home. I felt like i was relearning lessons of my souls previous lifetimes here on earth. All my life i had this belief with no name, i was so overjoyed!
Since then i have dropped my angry depressive nature, in fact i have not had a down day since i picked up my first book!
It has helped me come to terms with the loss of loved ones in my life ~ and accept this ever changing sphere we live on for Awhat it is.
I am nicer to people~ i am happier~ i feel more confident.
I never feel alone~ the Goddess walks with me.
Random thoughts but valid!
2007-10-12 03:55:06
answer #8
answered by *~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~* 6
I've been on this path for over ten years now. One of the things being a Witch teaches is that we learn by watching the world around us and that we are a part of that world. I've learned alot about myself and other people. I've learned to take whatever control I can have in my life and never to blame others for what I choose. I've learned that all choices come with consequenses and the happiest people in the world are those who understand that and make peace with it. I've learned I have nothing to fear, though life can be short and harsh. I take more chances. I've learned to make bread and water into toast and tea and love the momment I'm in. I've learned to let go of bitterness. I've learned there is no excuse for neglecting our duties. Everyone works for what they want. Everyone struggles. I've learned to treasure my blessings and treat the people I love like they are golden. I don't tolerate much crap. I've learned to be selective about where I apply my efforts and to whom I extend compassion, because the energy you give to one person or project is energy you cannot give elsewhere. I've learned that every little bit does help. I've learned to take care of myself first. I've learned to live without walls. I guess I'm learning to live with balance in all things. I see enchantment everywhere and even the most banal chores have some bit of magic in them. Letting the magic in myself blossom has allowed me to meet people and see things I would have missed otherwise.
2007-10-12 13:19:19
answer #9
answered by Glee 7
How has it transformed my life.Excellent question.
When I wake in the morning and walk outside and feel the earth under my feet I know that it the body of my goddess holding me.When I feel the sun on my skin I know its her smile warming me,When I feel the wind in my hair I know its her breath reminding me she's there.When I feel the rain on my skin I know its her tears cleansing me.
I have found no other religion that lets me feel these things.I am a part of mother nature and she is part of me.
I follow the old ways taught to me by my grandmother as taught to her by hers and handed down though generations.
2007-10-12 22:14:07
answer #10
answered by ? 2