I think it is a failed ideal that has been proven to be ineffective and has failed miserably where it has been tried and implemented.
2007-10-11 00:54:15
answer #1
answered by mebe1042 5
Gun Control is hitting your target ......I think if they concentrated more on taking guns from criminals and not the person who has a gun by the legal means set forth by law things would be better ...If they had a law such as you get one strike/death penalty charge if you use any type of weapon while committing a crime , I do not care if it is a burglar with a screw driver , the screw driver is a weapon , you commit a crime with it , you die ....Enough of this crap of punishing victims and petting the criminals ...
I have over thirty guns , all legal , I do not hunt , I just like my freedom of being able to stand on my property and shoot my guns , I shoot them one weekend a month , I have friends come over , we buy up a bunch of things to shoot , and we go to the shooting range area on my property we can legally shoot any time day or night ..I love the freedom to do this as I please ...I have been in several fights and I lock my gun in the car ,and get out to beat that @ss , I do not bring a gun to an @ss whooping ...I do not want to lose my right to keep my guns ...of course for many losers a free place to stay , free food , free medical .no taxes does sound pretty good to the ones who have to rob people for money , would they feel that way if it was a death penalty one strike crime , with no appeals ..I doubt it ..
Drixnot --- all guns have been fired one time at the factory , and the markings are on file ...it is the ones who illegaly change the barrel markings , file off or change serial numbers .. I do think they should make all guns to include private sales ,and gun show purchases be registered, they are in some places , but not in all .. I think personal certification should be done on a yearly basis , not once in a life time ,...I mean look at the bad drivers , if they tested drivers every five years we would not have so many bad , sorry drivers out there today ...Gun owners should have to shoot every year (just as law enorcement has to ) , and if they can not fire with in Law enforcement qualifications then they should not be using a gun anywhere ,anytime ...... I do this every year with all of my guns at the Law Enfocement shooting range
I do not agree with trigger locks , if you need the gun quickly , the killer in your house might not be nice enough to wait for you to get the key ...Maybe we can do it the democrats way ,and just give em a hug ??? I have kids in my house , I have taught them what they can ,and can not touch ..I do not let my kids decide what they can or can not do , my oldest is 15 now , and I still have no problems ..he has never gotten a gun in his hands unless I am there with him ...it is more about teaching your kids ,than it is locking triggers on guns... Only Irresponsible parents make kids who do stupid things ...do not lock up my gun because some idiots do not know how to teach a child anything....
2007-10-11 04:28:58
answer #2
answered by Insensitively Honest 5
I am a hunter so of course I have guns. They are always locked up and the only time they are taken out is for cleaning and when hunting season comes along.
I don't believe gun control will work like people think. Yes it will stop some domestic violence and it will also stop a lot of senseless 'child' crimes (when children find them in homes). But any criminal will tell you (or any gun owner for that matter) it will still be easy for them to get a gun. Do people think that most criminals go to their local gun store and get a permit before they buy a gun? Of course not, they buy them just like they buy their drugs--on the street and illegally.
If the police and the government can't stop people from buying and selling drugs, how do they think they are going to stop people from buying or selling guns?
In a perfect world, there would be no killing. But this will never be a perfect world and killing will go on with or without guns legal or illegal.
2007-10-11 03:53:20
answer #3
answered by Michelle My Bell 5
This is a no brainer. It is not professional criminals that are the problem. It is scared weird little guys who shoot up their school.
If you take their guns away they will use something else, but do a lot less damage.
Having a gun in the house does not make you safer. Not anywhere. It does not make you tougher or give you a bigger willie either.
They banned semi - autos, all concealeds and most other firearms for general citizens in Australia some years ago after a particularly nasty massacre. We heard the same old stuff from our gun lobby too - but ten years on the commies have not taken over, criminals do not rule the street and we have not had a mass shooting for years.
Grow up !
2007-10-11 06:33:48
answer #4
answered by djb3500 4
I have long believed that we need gun control in this country, but what I consider gun control and what the media and many politicians consider it are two different things.
Banning guns is NOT control, that is a prohibition. It is also a violation of the constitution.
I believe that the government should require gun owners have a permit, and in order to get a permit they should take a safety course, be fingerprinted, and the guns registered along with a sample bullet for comparisons to crimes. Trigger locks should also be a required additional purchase for every single gun bought and sold.
I was NEVER in favor of banning guns, only that people be responsible with them.
2007-10-11 04:20:42
answer #5
answered by Drixnot 7
I'm for criminal control. Locking up criminals will prevent more crime then taking away the guns of non-criminals.
Remember: Guns don't kill people. Husbands that come home early kill people.
Retarded liberals would like you to believe that the general population can't handle the responsibility of owning guns. It's a bunch of elitist B.S.
2007-10-11 04:37:04
answer #6
answered by El Scott 7
Who can control it ? Who knows if fire arms tenants has the knowledge to have them in a safe mode ? It must be much more controlled to avoid accidents and armed "wacos". The Constitution will not be change because of the "owners" of Arms Factories. Then at least lets do a hard control on arms tenants and arms smuggling
2007-10-11 08:05:12
answer #7
answered by Sudamérica Puede 4
i think that guns should be kept away from criminals, not people like me who use them for hunting and protection. if guns were banned it would only keep them out of the hands of law abiding citizens, criminals would still have them. i have many guns and carry a concealed pistol at all times (i have a permit) and i have never committed a crime or shot anyone. i actually think that if more responsible gun owners carried their guns there would be less shooting violence, only an idiot is going to pull out a gun to fire into a crowd (like at virginia tech college) if half of the people are capable of returning fire. i am against gun control but i do think that the penalties should be harsher for people who use their guns to commit a crime. guns should be used for hunting and protecting yourself.
2007-10-11 03:58:52
answer #8
answered by shelly s 3
The problem isn't gun control it's enforcing the current laws. It is illegal for serious felons to own guns.
The old saying is true "When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns"
2007-10-11 09:11:55
answer #9
answered by ophirhodji 5
IT is extremely important to maintain proper control of your gun when firing it. This includes proper sight alignment, trigger control and target acquisition.
OKAY, seriously....
A. The Constitution is clear that citizens have a fundamental RIGHT to bear arms.
B. Laws are really meant to regulate government - keep it from infringing on our rights.
C. Ergo, "gun control " is laws trying to infringe on our rights.
2007-10-11 03:49:26
answer #10
answered by Z-Force920 3
Living in a time when a new police brutality incident is made public almost daily, citizens that aren't armed with video cameras should be armed with something else.
No, it is too dangerous to leave them only for law enforcement...
2007-10-11 05:44:58
answer #11
answered by TURANDOT 6