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I'm looking for an unlimited plan for a small business, I work from home as a call center agent and I don't want to run into an issue with a company freaking out if I go with a residential plan. I am also hoping to find a plan that includes unlimited calls to Europe. Any suggestions on a company that has good rates and excellent sound quality would be apprciated.

2007-10-05 16:29:51 · 4 answers · asked by ali 2 in Consumer Electronics Land Phones

I have read people who used their phone alot had the company contact them and accuse them of using a residential line for business purposes, even if they weren't. One man said that his kids were on the phone pretty much 24-7 and they started billing him all these extra charges when he had unlimited calling.... I don't want to run into that myself.

2007-10-05 16:36:54 · update #1

4 answers

There are several different phone companies that use the Internet for transport. All of them have one major flaw which they talk around. No phone company, regardless of the company, that uses the Internet for transport can guarentee voice quality. This is because the Internet does not pay heed to priority marked packets. VoIP requires voice packet priority to assure voice quality.

Secondly, your own LAN must be sufficiently robust to handle VoIP and must also provide priority to Voice Packets on its own LAN.

Many VoIP carriers tell you that you really need a faster Internet feed when you have voice quality issues. This is the case ONLY when the speed is too slow to handle VoIP and background data flow. However, Internet feed capacity does NOT in and of itself resolve the issue.

Many small businesses try these services - and ultimately they realize the voice quality is not acceptable. It is even worse for international calls. The root cause is not the VoIP service itself, it is that the Internet does not provide voice packet priority - and this fouls voice quality.

I am sure you will hear many state how wonderful their service is - and it may be. I also know many later find the service degrades and is unpredictable. When it works, it is fine; however it cannot be considered reliable always when the Internet is the carrier.

2007-10-06 08:09:55 · answer #1 · answered by GTB 7 · 0 0

Maybe you should try out the Cordia VOIP company at https://www.cordiaip.com/default.asp?promocode=AGLEEX182X .

They are running a promotion where u can enjoy the first month free. You should enter their promotion code which is AGLEEX182X. If u forgot to enter this code, u will not enjoy the first month free.

Cordia VoIP or broadband phone service can help save customers up to 65 percent of their monthly phone bill. In addition, Cordia offers more than 25 international calling plans along with the ability to choose international phone numbers from more than 300 cities in more than 40 countries.

* Cordia Ranks 3rd among Top VoIP Providers by Recent Consumer Survey VoIPReview.org Ranks 163 Providers on User Feedback.

2007-10-06 23:09:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do a lot of companies freak out?
VOIP is totally dependent on the computer and the network. If ANYTHING happens, network down, loss of electricity you do not have phones. We have lost electricity here during storms but the phone still works. I have tried VOIP and it is not what it is advertised to be.

2007-10-05 16:33:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have the perfect list for you:


But start with the big names, as Vonage.com, get their price schedule before investigating something else, so you have a solution for comparison purposes.

I would also suggest you talk with your ISP, since they know pretty good the local providers.

Another choice you may have, is getting a Wi-Fi cell phone, and suscribing to FON.com . You just connect to the Internet and use your phone directly.

2007-10-05 17:04:27 · answer #4 · answered by TuyoMio.com 3 · 0 0

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