Christianity is unique in that it has no provision for its adherents to engage in warfare. Those ostensible "Christians" who do so ignore the Scriptures and the teachings and example of Jesus Christ himself.
(Matthew 26:52) Jesus said to him: “Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword
(Isaiah 2:4) They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.
(2 Corinthians 10:3-4) We do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly
(Luke 6:27-29) I [Jesus] say to you who are listening, Continue to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you, to bless those cursing you, to pray for those who are insulting you. To him that strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also
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2007-10-08 06:46:26
answer #1
answered by achtung_heiss 7
Yes it is amazing! We await gods kingdom to solve the problems of the world instead of ineffective and blood drenched wars. We are no part of this world just as jesus states at John 17:16.
It is hard to imagine how wonderful conditions will be under the administration of God's kingdom. We can, however, get small glimpses of these blessings through the pages of the Bible. So take a little time and investigate these points in your own Bible: No more crime and violence, for "just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Ps. 37:10) No more disease, sickness and death, for God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away." (Rev. 21:3, 4) No more revolutions or wars, since "nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war any more." (Isa. 2:4; Mic. 4:3) No more food or water shortages, for with God blessing the earth it will yield a superabundance, to the complete satisfaction of all.-Isa. 35:1, 2, 6, 7; Ezek. 34:26, 27; Zech. 8:12.
What a happy prospect! Instead of the present joy-killing conditions, people will live in peace and tranquillity, with neither men nor animals to make them afraid. (Isa. 11:6-9; Ezek. 34:25; Mic. 4:4) The earth will gradually be brought to a state of perfection, to that of a paradise restored. What Jehovah has done for his people in the past he will also do for the entire dominion of the earth over which his heavenly kingdom rules-"he will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert plain like the garden of Jehovah."-Isa. 51:3.
Even those in their graves will be resurrected and given an opportunity to live forever. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) What unity too when the whole world will be worshiping and praising the one true and living God, Jehovah!
2007-10-05 10:27:14
answer #2
answered by ? 5
There is another side to this also. No one of Jehovah's Witnesses ever shot an American soldier. This may not sound so big a deal until you realize that there are less than 100,000 witnesses in the US. Yet there is now over 7 million most in foreign countries. Who refuse to shot an American.
So the 7 million who refuse more than cancels out the few in the US who might. By the way most of the ones in the US are older women., by far the majority who wouldn't be called to battle anyway. Until senior citizen women begin to be drafted you really have nothing to fear. So the comment about they enjoy the freedoms. Many of them in their younger years were in the military and are thankful now they know better.
They learned the truth from the bible and realize war is not productive to peace.
2007-10-06 12:58:48
answer #3
answered by Ruth 6
In the back of the mind of a person who fought wars is tormented day after day. God gives us life and only he may take it away.
(Isaiah2:4)And HE will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.
The previouse verse leaves it clear to us of GOD'S view of war.
(Mathew 6:33)“Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU.
AND Jesus instructed us to only put God's kingdom in first place and NOT the nations, nor the governments of the world.
2007-10-07 06:45:01
answer #4
answered by girly GuRl 2
Praise Jehovah!!
Day and Night!!
Not a 1 of ANY of my spiritual Brothers or Sisters
has ever committed murder.
In this century, the previous century,
or in any to come!!
This is for "cadisneygirl76 & Daughter"....
I just read ur answers.
U say we ride the wave of freedom, on other ppl's blood.
Right here @ Y/A's I recently stated my
"Lifetime" experiences w/ the military.
Just sharing my knowledge & experience's
& was accused of patrioism.
The fact is I know full well the sacrifices
of those whom serve & the 1's they leave @ home.
I have earned the right to say
I do Not want my father, hsbnd, son,
brother, nephew, etc...Into harm's Way!!!
CaliGirl, U think I should thank my earthly father for leaving me? W/ No father.You want to know what I called myself as a child?..."Bambi No Name" How do U like that? Is that what U want for more of "our american children?" I get "sick to my stomach" Literally, when I see these young adorable children, nowadays, w/ No dad. Bc he went to Kill, but, Got Killed.
My earthly father served during Vietnam,
my hsnd served during peace time,
& my son was in Ft. Benning, Ga., when 9/11 went down,
and 1 nephew was in Iraq.
So, YOU both need to back Up, take a minute.
You have No Idea what the Mother's go thru!!
Including myself, I know of 4 other moms,
whose sons were in Iraq.
All of us have Insomnia, since 2001.
And this is what You recommend?
You need to Realize that the older ppl, who lived during
Grenada, Vietnam, Korea,
Know a Whole Heck of Alot More then You youngsters.
I Now lean upon God's Understanding,
Which Is By Far,
Greater then Any Man's Understanding.
And I still believe in NOT GOING TO WAR!
Since 1970 to present.
2007-10-06 06:40:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I agree. We must stay neutral. Our allegiance is only to Jehovah God. This is why we will stand and respect the flag that represents our country but not pledge our allegiance to a country.
God is the only one that can bring peace and security to the earth.
Mesquiteskeetr>>>> The Bible says we are to obey the laws of the land, yes. The Bible also says as long as they don't try to supersede God's laws. I think "Tho Shall Not Kill" supersedes any of mans laws. It is very plain that the Bible says we are not to kill any other human being. So Jehovah's Witnesses adhere to that.
2007-10-06 05:29:22
answer #6
answered by Suzy 7
Honestly, I do, but then I am a Witness:D
I have often seen people on here mention how they feel it is right for American Christians to not fight for America. I try to explain, that while I am "American" I am Christian, which knows no political alliance. Also I often wonder if I was born in Russia, or Iraq, and as a Christian, decided not to fight in a war against the US, if I would still be spoken against, or if these same ones would call me a hero for not fighting America.
2007-10-06 01:01:30
answer #7
answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7
yes murder is wrong Jehovah's Witness have never fought in wars, the person who says his comrade was a JW is wrong, many people who have been exposed to the truth claim to be JW's, my mother who ;goes to meetings & studies says she's a JW but she isn't.
We died in German concentration camps rather then break our integrety to God. We won't fight for any country, Our Leader Is Jesus & soon he will destroy all wickedness.
You should inquire about what we know about God's Kingdom go t www.watchtower.orgI
Its God's Kingdom we are awaiting for we're members of that governmen. But we don't break the laws or try to take matters into our own hands, Jehovah through his Son JESUS will be our leader & saviour
To Mr Diamond:::::::: you can't JOIN JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. & we went to jail in all countries some worse then others. We have complete trust that God's will , is soon to take place.
Do you remember the story in Daniel where He was thrown into the lions for not worshipping the emperor. or the 3 hebrews who were thrown into the furnace for not bowing down to the State Image. We hold on to our integerty no matter what the cost.
2007-10-05 10:15:00
answer #8
answered by zorrro857 4
True christians will be at peace.
For all those who say we fight to save people like you....
How many Jehovahs Witnesses are there around the globe compared to non Jehovahs Witnesses? Hardly any. There will always be people fighting for "gods side" AKA America/Britain (pretty arrogant nationalism), with or without Jehovahs Witnesses. People can go to war and kill loads of inocent people if they want, we don't approve but we're not stopping them.
Whatever happens after the event of a war, (freedom or not), true Jehovahs Witnesses would chose to serve God even if it meant death. You can't say that Jehovahs Witnesses should be ashamed because of not going to war, they had to put up with much more hardship from refusing than accepting. A lot of German Jehovahs Witnesses got killed in concentration camps for refusing to fight, they did it for their faith and died with a clean conscience because they never killed anyone and they never turned their back on God. These ones will be resurrected in the future so there was no permanent loss.
jwfacts06 - Please stop twisting the facts, why are you so bitter? Simple truth is, JWs don't go to war. They pay back "Caesars things to Caesar", like the early Christians did...of which the Romans no doubt used SOME of the taxes towards war. JWs are not against the government, they are not trouble makers or protestors. How do you know how much is going towards war and how much isn't? How can you say to the government that you don't want any part of your taxes to go towards weaponry? What the government decides to do with our tax money is up to them, we are not blood guilty if they decided to use SOME of it towards war.
Armageddon is Gods JUST war, where the wicked will be destroyed, there's nothing inhumane about that. JWs don't believe that it will just be JW survivors, so stop trying to make them out to be arrogant.
2007-10-05 10:19:55
answer #9
answered by Paul S 4
The bible does not coach that homicide is incorrect, to the different certainly. that's full of violence and concern mongering, adultery, incest, rape, sodomy and homicide. youngsters being bashed against rocks and adult males drowsing with their own daughters. females being given to adult males for excitement. Do bible readers actual pass over those products from their brains? Or do they simply flower it up all wonderful and extraordinarily and twist it into niceness? Jeez..............How do they do it?
2016-12-14 08:34:06
answer #10
answered by Erika 4