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I HATE my digital camera because sometimes it will not take the picture when I push the button because of movement. I have missed several great shots due to this! When it does take an action shot it is blurry. I saw one advertised on TV that has the feature I want, but can't remember the name!

2007-10-05 06:09:20 · 5 answers · asked by JP 1 in Consumer Electronics Cameras

5 answers

Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Olympus, Canon, Sigma DSLR cameras. No "shutter lag".

You can minimize the "shutter lag" on your camera by pressing the shutter release about half way down so the camera will focus before you fully release the shutter. Your Owner's Manual might also have hints on how to overcome this problem.

2007-10-05 06:32:03 · answer #1 · answered by EDWIN 7 · 1 0

You will probably want to look for a camera that has variable shutter speed and aperture control. Manual controls on both of these features would be helpful. The faster the shutter speed the better capability you have at taking fast-speed photos, like sports. Be advised though that faster shutter speed equals less light coming into the camera, which is why you need manual aperture control to open the aperture. Maybe this is helpful.

2016-04-07 05:45:38 · answer #2 · answered by Heather 4 · 0 0

Whatever the advertisements say, only DSLRs (or rangefinder cameras) can take picture with minimal shutter lag.
They are big, but not so expensive : a Nikon d40 costs less than $500 (the price of a not-so-good compact camera 5 years ago) and that's money really well spent !

2007-10-06 10:09:32 · answer #3 · answered by deuxiemerideau.110mb.com 4 · 0 0

Any DSLR will have minimal shutter delay. DSLR manufacturers include Olympus, Pentax, Nikon, Leica, Panasonic, Fujifilm, Samsung, And Canon.


2007-10-05 06:32:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

check out the canon a570
or any of the sd series

2007-10-05 10:39:04 · answer #5 · answered by Elvis 7 · 0 0

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