The benefits of fasting are ,it brings deliverance,it disciplines the body,it releases our faith for healing,it gives force to our spirit,it purges our spirits,Fasting is voluntarily refraining from food and drin k for a time to give our attention to a particular matter,it must be accompanied by sincere prayer to be effective in securing an answer from God.There are many fasts 1.A regular fast=no food no drink except water Jesus did this for 40 day 2. A partial fast we omit a certain meal and strictly the quanity of food and drink we can do this for as long as you want but ask God how long. 3.A complete fast we do not eat or drink anything no longer than three days esther did that.4. A liquid fast is a partial fast that allows liquids of all kinds to be taken for any period of time (A liquid fast is recommended for an extended time. Fasting also brings us closer to God for he always honors a sacrifice.I hope this answered your question sweetie Be Blessed Lisa
2007-10-05 05:14:29
answer #1
answered by God Child 4
Fasting discriminates against the body and the ego in preference to the soul, it purifies the body as a secondary effect and it also shows our dependence on God for our needs.
Fasting can be for a few hours or a whole day although some people fast for much longer than this, it depends to on your health how long you should do it.
You can fast from food for say a whole day and drink nothing but water,some take dry bread and water, fasting should be discontinued if you experience dizziness or any other symptom that could cause you or others serious harm.
2007-10-05 02:49:14
answer #2
answered by Sentinel 7
There were some miracles that the apostles were not able to accomplish and they asked Jesus why? He said that they needed to fast and pray. Fasting is going without food. It is a way to focus soley on the Almighty without hindrance. The amount of time required for fasting isn't mentioned but I should imagine it would be for a whole day.
2007-10-05 02:48:02
answer #3
answered by teatotler 4
In the Christian faith, fasting is the action of denying yourself something (most often food) so that you can spend the time that would normally be given to that action in prayer, Bible reading, etc., so that you can learn the will of God in a specific area.
Just "not eating" is not a fast, but a diet. "Fasting" by itself as little spiritual value. In the Bible, you will always find fasting coupled with prayer or others activities intended to learn the will of God.
Some New Testament examples would include Jesus' 40 day fast before he began his public ministry. The Bible states that the time was also spend in prayer. The early disciples fasted and prayed before they made decisions such as the appointing of leaders in the church. And Paul writes of being "in fasting often" as he prayed over the needs of the churches he had founded.
2007-10-05 02:58:31
answer #4
answered by dewcoons 7
What does fasting accomplish?
Well in fasting in any religion you train your self to be less desperate for things that are normally convenient to you. Its like saying I understand that food is here for me, but I will not eat it, and honor myself in doing so.
How long are you supposed to do it for?
I do it for 12 hours every night (maybe not 12 every night).
What does it consist of?
Either not eating, or just eating bread and water, for the period of time you allot to fasting.
2007-10-05 02:45:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Fasting is very helpful in building faith.
When the apostles attempted to cast a demon out of a man and could not, Jesus told them this kind cannot be cast out without fasting and prayer.
Fasting is nothing without prayer. It is amazing how wonderful a tool it is for building faith.
Often times when I fast, the Father reveals things to me in his Word that I did not yet know.
So don't be afraid to fast and remember to pray. For the prayer of a saint of God availeth much.
If you have a need in your life or someone you know is in need of prayer, fasting and praying will give strength to your prayer.
2007-10-05 02:49:33
answer #6
answered by heiscomingintheclouds 5
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that makes us aware of the gifts that God has given us. When we fast, we want food all the more and grow to appreciate food and thereby all gifts given by God.
Fasting also is training in self discipline. If you can discipline yourself to do without food, you will be able to handle life's more difficult spiritual challenges.
Typically, you fast long enough for you to become aware of the fast and to test yourself. a fast should not harm your health.
2007-10-05 02:44:15
answer #7
answered by Sldgman 7
Fasting is a method of willpower to establish that you are in control of your body instead of your body being in control of you.
Some people start out missing 1 meal then extending it gradually to see how far they can go.
2007-10-05 02:46:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
In theory, it's to purify you, and a sacrifice made on behalf of your religion.
In practice, it's to weaken you physically and mentally, to make you more susceptible to religious "conditioning". If you take it too far, it can even cause delirium or various other altered states of consciousness that might be misinterpreted as "visions"...
2007-10-05 02:42:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It reduces the grocery bill .
2007-10-05 02:47:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous