I do find rather amusing that the natives of that area have some degree of colour. However we are supposed to believe Jesus was a white guy.
Maybe the Romans thought it would be difficult for the people of europe to worship a non-white messiah, when they introduced Christianity across their empire.
I think people jump on the Malcolm X band wagon a bit a shout about him being black. When it is clear that their skin tone and physiology on that area is distincitvely different to Africans.
However I believe there is a lot of ignorance within black culture that exists as an unfortunate side effect of the civil rights activism in the 60s. For example my father in law (black jamaican) considers my mixed race children to be black. In fact he refers to pretty much every ethnic group with the exception of far eastern as his black brothers.
So my answer in short would be certainly not white or indeed black. His colour was probably slightly darker than that of the current Israeli population.. due to the high degree of contact with eastern africa during that period in history. Also many Israelis today were survivors of World War 2 that returned as refugees from europe after many generations of living there.
2007-09-28 12:45:41
answer #1
answered by Wayne Kerr 3
It is a pity that the responses were not more intelligent. I have encountered Black people who are able to quote passages from the Gospel that they feel suggest he may have been Black. I have never researched the question myself,but apparently there is a passage describing His hair as wooly. As to the answers indicating that He was Jewish,that is not to be assumed and is obviously derived from the continuing confusion between Jewish meaning religious affiliation as opposed to Jewish meaning ethnicity. The ethnic make-up of Palestine in Christ's time was highly diverse,but the dominant religions were Judaism and Zoroastrianism. He was evidently brought up in the Jewish faith but there are traces of Zoroastrian thought to His teachings,although we accept them as divinely inspired. But the point to be made here is that in the context of the times it is indeed erroneous to simply assume that if He was a Jew in the religious sense that He must have been Jewish in terms of ethnicity. These are two different things. However,it is doubtful he was Black or the fact would surely have been noted more conspicuously in the Gospel accounts.
2007-09-28 12:50:00
answer #2
answered by Galahad 7
Jesus is God. Which really puts the cat amongst the pigeons! Before becoming the man, Jesus, he was the Word of God who was with God in the beginning, and who is God, and who made everything that was made. The Creator, in other words. See John 1:1-3. the miracle of the incarnation is that this Word of God (the Son of God) emptied himself of his glory in the Godhead to become that child in Mary's womb - an operation of the Holy Spirit. "And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) The Son had to add human nature to his divine nature and that's why Mary bore him. He was born into a Jewish family, into the Jewish nation, was circumcised on the 8th day, went to the Temple in Jerusalem to question the religious leaders, went to the Synagogue and preached from the Hebrew scriptures, and fulfilled the Mosaic law covenant in order to then introduce the new covenant for Jews and Gentiles who would put faith in him, as the resurrected Son of God. No Muslim can accept any of that, therefore the Jesus of Islam is not the Jesus of the Bible. We have to choose between the two. One is real, the other is a fraud. Only if Muslims study the Bible will they be able to decide.
2016-05-21 01:22:07
answer #3
answered by mirta 3
Jesus of Nazareth was an off blue
but Jesus of Galilee was more a lake blue
2007-09-28 12:34:37
answer #4
answered by voice_of_reason 6
JESUS was a SEMITE, a JEW, speaking ARAMAIC, a Semitic language!
Jesus would have been olive skinned, dark haired, probably black haired, and dark eyed, ......like all near eastern semites he was NOT WHITE, NOT BLACK and NOT WESTERN!
PS, I am an ASSYRIAN, we speak ARAMAIC as a mother tongue to this day! We are VERY closely related to the Jews, and have always been so. We are not black or white, neither was Jesus, or the jews! The near eastern jews loo like the original jews of the area, unlike the mixed western jews. They are typically olive skinned!
It must really piss White and Black supremacists off that Jesus was not Ethnically of their type!
Just goes to show that not everything is Black and White! LOL!
2007-09-28 14:22:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You know, I think the fact that we have no idea is a good thing. If we knew, there would be religious groups placing themselves above others because they're the same "color" as Jesus. That means, we don't know, and I'm glad.
2007-09-28 12:40:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
its obvious he would have been the same as all other indiginous people of the region ,Palestinian Egyption Syrian etc
why on earth do people think he would look anything like the Israelis that are there now .They have only been there for 60 years .before that they were in Europe for nearly 2,000 years
Jewish people now are hardly going to look like the hebrews
2007-09-28 14:57:30
answer #7
answered by keny 6
if you go by the old testament, without the knowledge of hebrew idioms, you will find a verse which says God is "Black"
one source defined this verse meaning that God is sorrowful, or like it says in Genesis, that when the creator made man, he repented. usually repentance is associated with sin. But in both cases it means sorrowful.
Some black ministers "lock" onto the 'literal' translation and conclude that jesus is black skinned
other black skinned ministers, will go to the book of revelation and find the verse which describes the saviour as appearing to them with feet that are described as bronze in color and hair as the color of sheep wool.
blacks do have hair that is like wool in texture but one must be cautious in assuming that all wool from sheep is like a black mens hair, or that having a golden skin complexion means a person is black skinned.
i have seen many medeviel and ancient painting that presume to be a witness of jesus but in the various paintings there are geographical and varied skin colors of jesus.
But, All of them MUST be false witnesses, or the artists used their own artistic liesure. and free liscence.
i personally have seen several dreams where the lord has appeared, in ONE particular dream, i beheld clearly a caucasion man with a dark brown beard.
if one would assume that because i was calling upon the name of Jesus and went looking for him and this image of a man appeared, then truly i saw Jesus as he is. but one could also concluded that it was an angel sent to reap the souls of men where i only could find a barren glacier.
Another false witness, example of modern times, is When christians took the movie of jesus to the indian nation, and in it, the person of jesus was an indian actor hired to portray jesu ,(dark skinned man.
The one Error of nations and many people is to make Jesus God the Father, and then make the image of Their God in their own image. This is a false witness and a false representation of God, which is a lie.
until you talk with the 12 disciples of christ, and read the book of mormon, and talk to the other 12 disciples of christ, or until the 3 nephites and john the baptist appear you and tell you what color the skin of jesus is, and until you meet Jesus, and shake his hands or feel the wounds in his hands, there is no way to know for sure what He is, in his resurrected form.
for the last example of the traditions of many world wide Non hebrew or non african legacies, know that many south american and islandic tribes and clans describe a god/saviour as being a bearded white man. Even as many as 20 years ago, white men have testified they were confronted by men that have not seen a white man before, shoes were taken off to look marks of the crucifixion. and dont forsake the book of mormon, which also describes jesus as a white man.
These are the facts i have found, may the peace of the spirit be upon those that believe.
2007-09-28 12:54:24
answer #8
answered by Priestcalling 3
2007-09-28 12:34:24
answer #9
answered by carnival queen 5
Does the country he was born to not give you a clue ? , hot, hot , hot . So dark tan would come into play ! . But spiritually he was the colour of very man, woman and child on earth .
2007-09-28 12:48:38
answer #10
answered by Wildcat 2