Well, i'm always happy to see my brothers take pride in Islam!
2007-09-28 05:01:15
answer #1
answered by Katrina 5
It is not the western governments who are saying that Islam is extremist and promtes terrorism - it the likes of Osama Bin Laden and the suicide bombers who are promoting the agressive image. Look at the facts:-
More muslims are killed in Iraq by other muslims than by western armies. It is not the British and US armies who are setting off roadside bombs which kill muslims at street markets.
It is the Taliban who were responsible for the virtual enslavement of the Afghan womenfolk and who dragged their girls out of school so that they couldn't be educated. It was not the western governments.
It was muslims who became suicide bombers on the London Tube and who flew into the World Trade Centre. They killed their "brother muslims" as well as other people.
The harsh fact is, these people ARE terrorists and they don't care who they kill or what religion their victims belong to.
I would have more sympathy with your point of vie except for the inarguable fact that you don't see Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sihks or Bhuddists (all of whom have their own greivances) going around being suicide bombers and indiscriminately killing anyone in range, even their own kind.
Also, if Islam, as you seem to think, has a duty to take over the world then that itself is completely unacceptible.
Humankind was born free, not in thrall to any particular cult, religion or sect. People must be free to choose whether to belong or to leave as they think fit. Your philosophy is nothing less than enforced slavery of at least half the population.
Any religion which has to rely on force to keep its people in line is WRONG and must eventually fail - to much bloodshed. Do you really think that is what a loving God wants?
This forced adherence was tried by the Roman Catholic church 400 years ago and failed. They don't do it now.
It is a harsh fact and it may not be "Politically Correct" to say it, but Islam really has to clean up its own act. People like you who shout and bellow at everyone else should look to your own Imams and conciences first.
2007-09-28 06:16:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Actually, the official policy statements of both the US and the UK are that Muslims are NOT all terrorists. However, the actions of the officials in those governments often don't seem to coincide with those policy statements.
You might not want to be too aggressive about trying to explain Islam to westerners. Otherwise, they might end up thinking that Muslims are not just terrorists, instead they will think Muslims are annoying terrorists.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't take opportunities to explain when they present themselves, or even arrange informational programs for interested people. I'm just saying that if you go around knocking on people's doors to tell them about it, you'll get the kind of reputation that Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses tend to suffer from in the west.
2007-09-28 05:02:45
answer #3
answered by Azure Z 6
Im scottish with a scottish name and Im proud to be scottish - ahh that feels better!
Seems like you have a bit of a complex about your religion when there are hundred of people who voice this exact same oppinion.
I'd suggest you be more careful about how you put yourself across because to me your statement seemed quite angry... things like "fed up westerners who think..." why just westerners... arent there ignorant people all over the globe? Using capitals online is equivalent of shouting and baring in mind you are just making an anonymous statement into the online abyss you are addressing everyone, so why shout? Surely you dont have preconceived notions about everyone hating you and thinking you are a TERRORIST?
Most people will either be fearful out of ignorance - in which case calmly making your point will help you or be like me and not give a flying monkeys which god you fall to your knees and worship, I still dont belive your religion.
Be proud of yourself, its the best way to monitor that you are being all you can be but be aware that you have stereotypes of people as well and by airing them you are only adding fuel to the fire.
Act with honour and manners and you will not go wrong.
2007-09-28 05:23:35
answer #4
answered by Fiona F 5
Even if Islam was/is an extremist religion and its followers terrorists...and i am not saying for a moment that is is/are. Don't encourage your brothers and sisters to spread the word of your religion.....because, like christianity....i don't wanna bloody know it. Keep it to yourself. I for one am not interested....I am what i am, and proud of that....as you are...so don't push it on me....that is totally unacceptable.
2007-09-28 06:40:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If Islam is truly a peaceful religion then why don't you publicly denounce the extremists,who carry out inhuman acts such as cutting peoples heads off with a carving knife.Can't you see that it is these people who are dragging the reputation of Islam through the gutters.I have never seen one truly prominent Muslim leader stand up and say that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.
If they have then they must have been whispering
2007-09-28 05:14:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you are a muslim,ok but the non-muslim it is not their fault for being ignorance, it is our fault cause we showed them bad example.We drink beer,gambling and other stuff and there is one non-muslim has just convert to muslim,scolding us muslim for not showing good example.He was not interested in islam after seeing his muslim friend behaving badly later he was shot twice in the street and repents,into finding the true religion because he is an atheist.He scout around all the religion and Islam was his last resort after somebody hands to him a flyer,inviting him to an islam seminar and he thought oh what the heck and give it last chance,he went there with his purple hair girlfriend to find flaws and ridicule the camp and after he became tired,he started to listen and convert before24hr is over.
2007-09-28 06:04:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well I'm atheist, I am pleased to see a Muslim sticking up for his side of the story, doesn't happen very often!
Christians seem to have the monopoly.
We very often hear their side of the Holy wars, it would be good to see the Muslim point of view!
Just a suggestion but why not formulate a question along those lines?
I'm not trying to start WW3 !!
But I can assure you no Christian will accept your point of view on the subject.
But the debate would be very interesting, don't you think?
2007-09-28 05:44:13
answer #8
answered by budding author 7
Not all Americans (westerners) are this ignorant. Us intelligent ones know that Christians who are extremists can be as dangerous as Muslim extremists. But getting THEM to see that is another story...
It is not a question, but it must be noted that Yahoo!Answers automatically puts a question mark at the end of your subject header - since it's SUPPOSED to be a question. But uh.. yea that's why.
2007-09-28 04:56:31
answer #9
answered by DeAnna 4
I understand your frustration...well i don't understand it but i sympathies.
I have a concealed weapons license and I carry a gun. I was thinking a few month back that with all the anti-Muslim stuff being promoted how would i feel as an American citizen, who is from Arab decent, carrying this same gun.
Could you imagine if someone where to see it inadvertently while at the store. I could get killed even though I am completely legal and just as American as everyone else.
It kinda made me mad that we are allowing this kinda reckless hatred for a people.
2007-09-28 05:02:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You do realize this is YAHOO ANSWERS and not a blog site right? Oh wait, your question mark was after your first sentence...so you are not sure you are a muslim with a muslim name and proud to be so?
2007-09-28 04:56:43
answer #11
answered by MonkeyMami 2