apply vitamine E cream
2007-09-25 15:41:40
answer #1
answered by rajan naidu 7
You can use natural vitamin E oil to massage into your stretch marks (soften skin, smoothen and reduce appearance of stretch marks). Other natural oils are jojoba oil, avocado oil, wheatgerm oil or baby oil. You may also try cocoa butter for a creamy solution.
As for black armpits, try using a body whitening scrub and apply a whitening body masque around the armpit area just like doing a facial treatment. But skip the routine after shaving to avoid burning or tingling sensation. You can proceed with scrub and masque after 2 days. You may also check if deodorant is causing the skin darkening.
2007-09-25 21:55:45
answer #2
answered by beautyangel 2
To get rid of stretch marks you need BIO OIL!!
It's what all the celebs are using, and it does really really work! You really should just give it a go, then come back and rate me best answer!!
Really babe, just give it a go, I don't know how, but it really does work.
And as for black armpits?! Maybe go to a doctor or something? Don't buy black deo? Don't wear black clothes? Sorry babe, But I've never heard of black armpits being a problem?!
2007-09-25 21:52:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Massaging the skin with Vitamin E oil/cream or taking Vitamin E capsules helps in making stretch marks fade away or less noticeable. Check out for more information.
2007-09-26 12:21:36
answer #4
answered by Sita P 3
I have always heard cocoa butter for stretch marks and the armpits....hmmmm....i know they sell skin bleaching cream....just be careful you don't want to turn into Michael Jackson.
2007-09-25 21:56:53
answer #5
answered by Pssssh Whatever 4
cocoa butter gets rid of stretch marks,, strivectin aso works well
you can exfoliate your armpits if they are dark because it is mos likely dead skin
2007-09-25 21:57:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
cocoa butter will help on stretch marks if they're fresh
if they're set in then nothing really works
but i use self-tanner to hide them
and for black armpits
change your deodorant it's too thick
and it's left on your skin after you wash it off
and exfoliate them after you switch you deodorant
2007-09-25 22:53:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
for stretchmarks?.. hmmm i'm still trying some method lately and if it works, ill let you know..
for dark armpits, here's how i did it -
2007-09-26 12:33:33
answer #8
answered by justflawless 5
u can get rid of strecth marks they just mean ur fat no offese
2007-09-25 21:54:16
answer #9
answered by Dude! 1