I believe because I have seen Him work. He changes lives like no self help program or counseling or what ever you choose, can do. He answers prayer. He shows himself in creation. He lives in my heart
2007-09-25 09:32:50
answer #1
answered by Lisa 3
Believing in a God is just brain washing, people believed that the Earth was flat at on time until it was proved otherwise, be honest with yourself you only think there is a god because you were told that by your parents and the other kids at school then the teachers and the people that go to church and they only think there is a god because they were told there is one.this all goes back thousands of years when 2 people were talking and one said to the other where did we come from the other said I don't know, as they did not have the science or technology in those days they thought that well someone must have put us here,so they thought well who, then they thought well it must have been someone from somewhere else because hes not here now we cant see him maybe he was a God like some other people pray to like the Sun or the Moon or a volcano, but where could he be, well we cant see him so he must be up in the sky some where, but what is that place called, I don't know maybe errrr I know Heaven that's what we will call it yes Heaven, that's it, we were put here by God who lives in Heaven, this was passed on by word of mouth because they couldnt read or write then. (Have you ever played Chinese whispers)Eventually after a few more thousand years when they could read and write someone decided the write it down, then after a few more thousand years they would not believe what was writen so they changed it,then someone else changed it again, then again and again to what we have now, its all in your brain not your heart the only true thing the you feel in your heart is pain when you have a heart attack, so believe if you like,.
May your God keep you all safe and well.
2007-09-25 10:43:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well I have experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit in a way that I will never be able to deny, but I know the natural man cannot understand things like that because it's supernatural so I will leave you some natural reasons. Our God did not call us to blind faith. He has given us all the proof we need. All we need to do is sincerely search for it.
From the Old Testament alone, more than 2000 specific prophesies have been fulfilled.
No other so called Holy book compares.Most of the 333 prophesies concerning the Messiah were fulfilled by the birth and life of Jesus Christ and the rest will be fulfilled at His second coming. A mathematician, Peter Stoner, had his graduate students calculate what the odds would be of any one person fulfilling just eight of these prophesies. He found the chance was one in 100,000,000,000,000,000 !Only a God who knows the future could have revealed these prophesies to those that He would have record them in His Word.
In spite of what is being taught today, the truth is we can reconstruct most of the life of Jesus Christ through non - Christian writers of the first century. Even Celsus who despised Christianity, never considered claiming that Jesus Christ did not exist.This is what can be learned from the writing of Celsus...
He was born of a virgin in a small village of Judea;
He was adored by wise men;
His birth was followed by the slaughter of infants by order of Herod;
He took flight to Egypt, where Celsus supposed Christ learned the charms of the Magicians;
After returning, He resided in Nazareth;He was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended on Him as a voice was heard from heaven;
He elected disciples;
He was a friend with publicans and other low people;
He cured the lame and blind;
He raised people from the dead;
He was betrayed by Judas;
He was denied by Peter;
In addition Celsus refers to several details of Christ's passion, crucifiction, and resurrection.
Twenty seven books of the New Testament, nineteen Pagan writers, and three Jewish writers testify to Jesus Christ's historical reality. When I hear people say that Jesus or the Bible is just a myth I just realise that they are simply unaware of the facts.I recommend The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel and or Skeptics Answered or The Gate Of Hell Shall Not Prevail by D. James Kennedy, and The Signature of God by Grant R. Jeffrey. May the thoughts of all who read this be taken captive by the Holy Spirit. Amen.
2007-09-25 12:48:37
answer #3
answered by BERT 6
Hi, I believed in God all my life, but that's not the same as being a Christian. My first god was one I made up to suit me, but then I met the God of the Bible in an awesome encounter one day. I had never been to church and I knew so little of the Bible, but when I felt the Holy Spirit I just knew inside that I'd met Jesus.
Even then I had to study a lot in order to accept the claims of the Bible, and to believe in the book as much as I believed in Jesus. I have never yet found anything that shook my faith, that could not be easily put aside with a little intelligent research.
Answered prayers, the way I hear God in my Spirit, the words others have given me that have come true, as well my miraculous healing of depression, all combine to add to my knowledge and faith in God.
2007-09-25 22:52:39
answer #4
answered by good tree 6
Very important question
why I'm believed in God, I read Al-Qur'aan, you can read as well....
[56:57] We have created you, if you could only believe!
[56:58] Have you noted the semen that you produce?
[56:59] Did you create it, or did we?
[56:60] We have predetermined death for you. Nothing can stop us
[56:61] from substituting new generations in your place, and establishing what you do not know.
[56:62] You know about the first creation. Do you not remember?
[56:63] Have you noted the crops you reap?
[56:64] Did you grow them, or did we?
[56:65] If we will, we can turn it into hay. Then you will lament:
[56:66] "We lost.
[56:67] "We are deprived."
[56:68] Have you noted the water you drink?
[56:69] Did you send it down from the clouds, or did we?
[56:70] If we will, we can make it salty. You should be thankful.
[56:71] Have you noted the fire you ignite?
[56:72] Did you initiate its tree, or did we?
[56:73] We rendered it a reminder, and a useful tool for the users.
[56:74] You shall glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.
If you want to know more, I suggest you to read following link
2007-09-25 15:16:59
answer #5
answered by Furqaan 3
I Believe in God
Not religion
actually noo
[scratch that]
I dont believe in god
I believe their is something out there
and its far beyond any of our knowledge and understanding so i just dont question it anymore.
I'm probably an agnostic
I beleve this becuase i think that
This just can be it
all this knowledge and things we have
what people have done
How the earth has changed
why brittney sold at least one album
their must be something then
these things all come together to make me believe
Good Question
2007-09-25 09:40:33
answer #6
answered by Huggles [mozzafan] 4
Well one reason for me is just the wonderful way we are made. Our Brain is incredible, more powerful than any computer, Our Eyes see in different colours, depths etc. In fact Astronomer Robert Jastrow said '“The eye appears to have been designed; no designer of telescopes could have done better.” And even Darwin said '“To suppose that the eye . . . could have been formed by [evolution], seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”
How about how our heart, lungs ,kidneys, blood system works? All amazing DESIGN. And finally, just looking at or holding a newly born baby, to me proves Creation.
2007-09-25 20:58:14
answer #7
answered by dunc 3
i pray and see them answered..I pray for thing daily and i see them manifested.i lay hands on the sick and see them recover. i cant do this so it has to come from God. i feel his presents when reading preaching praying.. If there wasnt a God If God didnt create the world how else do you explain us having everything we need here.. If the Bible wasnt real how is it in the more than 2000 years ago how would the Bible know that Isreal would be a nation again. this didnt happen to like the 1960,s ...this is how i know God is real there is lots of proof of past events that happen just a few 100 years ago that the bible predicted would happen ...only God would know these things ahead of time...
2007-09-25 09:57:14
answer #8
answered by revbill_ussery 3
The best explanation I have heard, is that belief is based on a cumulation and convergence of probabilities. In other words, I have not scientifically proven that Istanbul exists. I have not been there. Yet I believe that it does exist. Why? Because of innumerable instances of evidence, each of which, however, is inconclusive by itself.
For example, I have seen Istanbul in movies. This alone is not proof. The moviemaker may have invented Istanbul, or he may just be assuming it exists. I have seen it on a map, but this alone is not proof, it could be a misprint. I may have seen it in plane schedules or on the Internet. But again, none of these things by itself constitutes scientific or logical proof.
So why do I believe in Istanbul? Because there is no other explanation for the multiplicity of divergent references to the place. None of the references by itself is enough to prove its existence. But as you accumulate more and more references to it, and more and more people who claim to have seen it, the chance that it does not exist becomes more and more remote. Until you reach the point where you're sure that it must exist, because there is no other reasonable way to explain how so many people could be talking about it and referring to it as though it's real.
A similar thing happens when we approach belief in God. We have experiences that point to his existence; we read books that talk about experiences that are similar to our own; we hear logical arguments in support of his existence; people whose judgment we trust or whose character and intelligence we admire, profess to believe in him. Eventually we have so many of these experiences and meet so many people who believe God exists, that we realize that he must exist. There is no other reasonable explanation for all the divergent evidences of his existence which we encounter on all sides.
2007-09-25 10:42:43
answer #9
answered by Agellius CM 3
For me it was a deep and lasting spiritual transformation that happened to me when I was a child. They're very personal, and ultimately intimate experiences not for the eyes of many who frequent this place. I have learned not to share my pearls with those who might not appreciate them. I am respectful, but my experience has taught me that NOT everybody here is. I must put a boundary around what I share and use discretion.
2007-09-25 09:40:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
This is a good one because i am 58, use to work a miner underground and seen a lot in my time, a lot of my friends have seen the light and think there is a God but as yet not me but i know there must be something or ells where did we come from and where will we go, to be honest with you, everyone think they know but no one does because we are not meant to know, we are here to learn and develope, this to me is what life is all about,
2007-09-25 09:39:12
answer #11
answered by Anonymous