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I keep noticing questions being posed to "believers". What does that mean?

I am not a believer becasue I am not Christian? Is that it? I praactice Voodoo - do I count as a believer? I do believe in God. Am I a believer now? I believe in life, death, and miracles (except I prefer to call them magic)? Am I a believer now?

What is your definition of a believer? It looks to me that it is just another word being used to "differentiate" youself from the rest of us - regardliess of what we believe!

2007-09-25 09:09:59 · 23 answers · asked by nottashygirl 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Christians often use the term "believer" when they are referring we should refer to Christians instead. Believers simply mean you believe in something, and that doesn't say much. A pastor I use to work for always said "believers" meaning Christians and it drove me crazy. Today, as a pastor myself, I try to always distinguish when making a reference.

2007-09-25 09:15:04 · answer #1 · answered by Brian F 3 · 1 0

Hey, what did i do? Why do you think i don't care? I ask for secularism of the government, and in no way does that mean that i ask people to respect Islam or Christianity. I don't promote pseudo secularism like the Congress. I call a spade a spade. I write more truth against Islam and Christianity than most people, even you who are very nice to them, most of the time. I don't care for feelings. I try to break illusions not sustain them with appeasement. If they get offended, they can go cry but i'm not going to stop speaking the truth. Secularism is not about respecting all religions but separating religion from the government. P.S. regarding the question, does any word have any meaning anymore? Millionaire politicians go around saying they are "Dalits" and claim benefits. Edit: What do you mean then? Do you mean that i don't care about you being abused on this forum, my lovely lady? Frankly my dear, if i started caring about what mindless zombies of the Congress say here in propaganda, it would take up most of my time. Why don't you just concentrate on what you want to say and let the dogs bark. You need to focus on recruiting more dogcatchers instead of barking back at dogs and falling for their bait. It's all baiting, you know. They have mastered that art. They are baiting you, to distract you and stop you from spreading the truth. Edit: It's not that i don't care about you. Dear, you can emotionally blackmail me anytime, lol! I don't even know if you are a man or woman. Does anyone know anyone here, really? I say it based on your political views, that i like you. Keep up the good work.

2016-05-18 03:07:22 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I`m never sure but I just take my own meaning (as I often do). I am a believer in all I have faith in, for me that is my own spirituality as I understand it from the experiences I have been given. It may be changing times but I often get confused ( I should see my doctor perhaps) I mean with the reference to `Christianity`. I have mentioned before how I feel there is much misinterpretation of the bible and I have been taught in the past to believe in the `message ` of Christ. The message I take from Christ reinforces the beliefs I have in spirituality, the spiritual world and yes Magik, (I spell with a k to note the difference from conjuring tricks) the magik that there is more substance and matter (etheric existence) to this world than the simple human one. There exists a whole other world that is within the same space and time but is not confined to the limited rigid dimension known to human kind. A world made from the light within, that of us which belongs to the devine. That for which time cannot constrain and form cannot contain unless simply for the understanding of those that can see but never percieve. This may sound like a ramble but I`m sure those enlightened (if I can use this word without excluding anyone) will understand. Summed up again in a poem ;
for those fed up reading my poems I will seek for new words to understand,


At a time when there was absolute nothing,
As the poet of they that are evrything, I was then of
they who are also nothing therefor I am.

When he that was nothing bid "Let there be", then by
the side of she who is nothing I became many things.
As nothing I was there in existence of something, When
those who consumed everything were cast into the
realms of never.

I was there in heavens sweet gardens when
the son of man,Who were also once of nothing
ate from the forbidden friut and became something that
can never again be anything

On that other sweet shore, I bore witness when
the sons of he who is everything married the daughters
of man. They that can never be anything.

I saw the daughters of man give birth to those
heros of old. Heros of renown who are everything yet
long to be nothing. Heros such as
*Setanta,Ferdia, Queen Maeve and Morrigan the raven,
who in war is all things so that man can never be

These are the heros that will always br something, yet
battle endlessly to remain nothing and there for save

* heros of Celtic folklore

2007-09-25 23:08:31 · answer #3 · answered by finn mchuil 6 · 0 0

To me a believer is someone who believes in a higher power, whether they're Christian, Jewish, Islamic...etc They're a theists of some kind as opposed to an atheist. Although the term is confusing because one could be worshiping a Twinkie or a Corn Dog and be a believer of that religion.

2007-09-25 09:18:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If there is absolute truth, and there is, then to believe the truth makes you a believer.

It is possible to believe a lie. That is called being deceived.

When true believers use the term they are using it to denote reality as opposed to deception.

2007-09-25 09:44:32 · answer #5 · answered by hisgloryisgreat 6 · 0 0

My definition of believer, which alot of people don't agree with, is anyone who believes that there SOMETHING. Not nothing, something. I think if someone means a christian believer, then that's that it is, a Christian believer, not a "believer". Believer is a wide term for me.

2007-09-25 09:16:32 · answer #6 · answered by Speak 5 · 1 0

Believers are defined as those who believe in Jesus Christ as being the Son of God sent into the world as redeemer/savior for the sins of mankind. Believers hold the virgin birth as being true and the cornerstone of faith is the fact that Jesus was crucified on the cross and was raised to life again and because He lives we too shall live....

In light of what you have said...it does set us apart...not as being special or better than anybody else...no people are still human...prone to mistakes and horrible cruelty...Jesus Himself is the difference.....

2007-09-25 09:21:10 · answer #7 · answered by Moza 3 · 0 1

I would say the context intended by this term is someone who follows the tenets and doctrines laid down by the historic Christian church. But, I don't really like the term believer. I prefer the term follower...after all, even Satan believes in Jesus, and God...

2007-09-25 09:14:25 · answer #8 · answered by Joshua B 4 · 1 2

some Christians use the term to refer only to other Christians. Apparently, no one else's belief counts to these people - and then they wonder why they are viewed as arrogant.

some Christians use the term kinda thoughtlessly, but with no harmful intent.

2007-09-25 09:15:09 · answer #9 · answered by kent_shakespear 7 · 2 1

I use the signature 'believer' as a way of saying Im a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.

If a flood of voodoo practicers started calling themselves 'believers' on R& S, I'd change my sig to something more specific...

speaking of which...I think I will

2007-09-25 09:15:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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