In MY opinion, no, I believe what the church teaches and that we have the fulness of the gospel.
What is so wonderful about the gospel is that we can each find out FOR OURSELVES! We don't have to rely on "man" to teach us or tell us what is the "right" religion... we can go directly to the Lord and ask HIM. He will never lead us from the truth. The bad thing is, satan knows what the gospel teaches and what it can provide and fights so hard against it, any way he can.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there are SOOOO many false things and flat out lies about us members and the doctrine we believe, it is so sad. If people truly took the time to really learn what we believe, they would probably be surprised at how much the gospel has to offer us as God's children. I love the gospel and love being a member of this church. I believe and know with all my heart the gospel is true and that the prophet leads and guides us under the direction of the Lord himself.
Beware of anti-mormon sites and information, go to the source for the truth, don't trust that those who hate our church are going to tell you anything correct about us.
I would be willing to answer any questions you might have!
2007-09-25 09:30:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Jesus is our Lord ans Savior. He is the Son of God and our brother. He atoned for our sins and died on the cross so that we all might live again. He is the core and foundation of our religion. We do not believe Joesph Smith to be like a God, but he does hold historical value to us. We believe him to be a prophet much like Abraham and Moses. We follow is revelation the same that we would follow the Ten Commandments. We don't follow JS teachings, we follow the Lords teachings given to us through revelation through Joesph Smith. He like any other prophet of old was an instrument of God, providing guidance and even repremand to His people from God. He restored the gospel to the earth so yes there is much more teahcings of him and his life and the coming about of the restoration, but Jesus Christ is what our church is centered around and we strive to live by His teachings both old and recently revealed. If it wasn't Joesph Smith it would have been someone else. The Lord would have His church be restored with or wothout J.S. If J.S. was not faithful and decided to deny what he knew to be true, the Lord would have used someone else. His work will not be stopped, no matter what the opposition. As for Diasymae, actually they were always called the Church of Christ, but added the latter day to distinguish themsleves later when so many other churches had the same name. This can be found in any history of the church both LDS documented and anti-mormon literature. Hope that helped:)
2016-05-18 03:05:42
answer #2
answered by ? 3
you decide:
characteristics of a cult:
Members swear total allegiance to an all-powerful leader who they believe to be the Messiah.
Rational thought is discouraged or forbidden.
The cult's recruitment techniques are often deceptive.
The cult weakens the follower psychologically by making him or her depend upon the group to solve his or her problems.
The cults manipulate guilt to their advantage.
The cult leader makes all the career and life decision of the members.
Cults exist only for their own material survival and make false promises to work to improve society.
Cult members often work fulltime for the group for little or no pay.
Cult members are isolated from the outside world and any reality testing it could provide.
Cults are antiwoman, antichild, and antifamily.
Cults are apocalyptic and believe themselves to be the remnant who will survive the soon-approaching end of the world.
Many cults follow an "ends justify the means" philosophy.
Cults, particularly in regard to their finances, are shrouded in secrecy.
There is frequently an aura of or potential for violence around cults.
2007-09-27 04:22:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't understand where you people get the idea the Mormonisn is a cult or false religion from. Mormons believe in Christ as our Savior just like everyone else only difference is the believe that the Book of Mormon is there as a second witness to the Bible nothing more. Other than that we believe the ancient Chuch was restored in these latter days. Its one way to believe in God and a way of life for millions of people.
By the way the Church of Laterday Saints is the fastest growing Church in the world so millions of people can't be wrong.
2007-09-25 09:21:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You asked for an opinion and here's mine.
Is the mormon religion a cult?
Websters dictionary defines a cult like this:
1: formal religious veneration : worship
2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
So Yes WE are a cult by that definition. As we adhere to a system of stanardized beliefs and participate in rituals.
(Bare in mind all religions participate in a ritual of some form whether it be prayer or readings or baptisms etc...)
Is the Mormon religion a false religion?
Lets explore this briefly. The "keystone" of our religion is The Book of Mormon which is a record of the previous inhabitants of the America(s) People say there is no physical proof that these people exsisted.
Here's the proof:
Alma 63 speaks of a man named Hagoth who built ships and sailed northward. It is a well known fact that when explorers went to Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, The Natives know this man as the person responsible for bringing them to these islands.
The Hopewell Indians. These people populated the eastern United States definitively from 400BC to 600AD Discribed as a white race with redish hair. Highly skilled in tool making predominatly with bronze. They were advanced enough to perform brain surgery. and build building using mortar and brick. The alledged mounds that geologists thought were "Drumlins" from the ice age are actually Burial Mounds from these people apparently they had a highly symbolistic and involved burial ritual.
When archeologists dig into these they find all kinds of artifacts that date back to the Roman Empire around the time of Christ. So that indicates that they had active trade with Europe.
Consequently this is in the face of the Catholic Church who wants you to believe that Christopher Columbus found the Americas and he was the first one here. WRONG
Sorry but even the Norwegian Vikings have written record of trade with the inhabitants of the Mississippi Valley for Bronze, Weapons, and so forth.
So... In conclusion, I think there is enough evidence to support the Book of Mormon as a factual doctument.
If there is physical evidence then you have to weigh up the spiritual evidence.
I cannot do that for you. you have to experience that for yourself of your own free will and choice.
2007-09-25 10:15:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No it is not a cult or a false religion. It is just a religion and that is it, plain and simple. It's members believe that they are judged by their works in this lifetime. They do not believe that grace alone will save them so the LDS members as a whole are a group of people who strive to live their lives as wholesome as possible. They will do anything for their neighbors and are often the first to help in times of catastrophe. They are usually genuinely good people and when visiting their churches their is usually a warm inviting feeling that makes people want to know more.
2007-09-25 10:03:22
answer #6
answered by notthatiknow 4
A cult? No
False? No
I believe The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be Christ's true Church with all authority and guidance from the Lord today.
I bare my testimony that I know this church is true, that the Book of Mormon along with the Bible is Holy scripture, and that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ visited the boy Joseph Smith in the spring of 1820, and through him truth and the priesthood was restored through the proper channels as it was in ancient times.
2007-09-25 09:24:47
answer #7
answered by Bubblewrap 4
Mormonism teaches Christ's gospel in its fullness. It comes closest in completeness and comprehensiveness. Following the principles as taught by the Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latte Day Saints) Church has personally brought me much happiness. However, for you to know for your self, you personally should search, learn, ponder, prayer, and ask God if it can help you, too.
No, it is not a cult, nor a false religion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yet those who say such may not necessarily know all truth themselves. Something to think about.
2007-09-25 10:17:52
answer #8
answered by Kerry 7
In my opinion... No, it is not a cult or false religion.
People often consider it a cult or false, because it is different. People who say this about any religion are ignorant, plain and simple.
I say, if someone is interested in learning more, please go to: OR contact your local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to speak with the bishop, and get some missionaries to teach you more.
And you don't have to take my word for it, and please most definitely do not take a troll's word for it either. Find out for yourself and make up your own mind.
God Bless!
2007-09-25 09:43:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes it is false......
The book of mormanism teaches that the hebrews settled near south america. DNA evidence has proven that the Indians ancestors came from Asia.
Before u lash out, know that the video u will or wont watch is dont by mormons and xmormans........
2007-09-30 16:03:58
answer #10
answered by jason b 1