Our flesh man commits sin and will die, but our inward man,
of Spirit, can not commit sin, and will never die. We rise out
of the dust of this flesh, when we die, and return to our Father.
Jesus defeated SIN & DEATH for us, and this body will be
raised at Christ's return. We are a twofold being and our
inward man is sinless, because it is God in us, and it will
never die. Our flesh man is sold under sin, and cannot
keep from sinning. Jesus didn't promise us that our flesh
wouldn't die. He did promise that we would rise from the
dead as did he.
2007-09-25 10:49:52
answer #1
answered by TruthSeeker 4
I'm going to keep this simple.
1) When a person believes they receive eternal life. This means that they will continue to live forever.
2) Now a person is NOT their body. The body is just a vehicle which allows the REAL person to relate to a physical universe.
3) That physical body will decay and die. Doesnt make any difference if the person is a unbeliever or a believer. But the REAL person will continue to exist.
4) The believer will receive a NEW body which is immune to physical decay or death. In some way this body IS related to the body they have now. But we dont know how. Sort of like a seed is related to the full grown flower.
5) The unbeliever will NOT receive a new body. But there will be some sort of continued existence forever separated from God. This continued existence is not to be confused with any sort of "eternal life". We may not see a semantic difference here, but the bible does. This "existence" falls so far short of what God WANTS us to have, that the bible, instead of calling it any kind of "eternal life" calls it "eternal death".
Now how someone can exist in some form or another (in the lake of fire) and YET not have eternal life, I dont know. But Jesus said it is a very serious thing.
6) Remember, the ULTIMITE definition of "death" is Eternal Separation from God. "Physical" death (the non-function of the body itself) is really trivial compared to THAT.
Hope this helps.
2007-09-25 09:50:23
answer #2
answered by theBerean 5
If the wages of sin is death, but Jesus provided a way to have everlasting life, why do people still die?
Jesus provided a way for us to walk sinless y the Holy Spirit.
the reason death still prevails today is that WE all walk in a measure of sin. thought Believers have the power of choice we still miss it from time to time giving in to our carnal (natural) man. this causes the death of the body.
but because we have the spirit of God our spirit is regenerated. now the spirit is immortal and there is a set time of judgment but by the grace of God through Jesus we have this time to repent and return to God. its like receive a stay of execution in the spiritual realm.
until the set time of judgment death will still prevail in the natural. after judgment then death along with many other enemies Willl be cast into the lake of fire.
and eternal life in the physical will prevail. also note that the Bible teaches we wil be given a Glorified body when we taken out of this world.
2007-09-25 12:38:33
answer #3
answered by lewbiv 3
You have to think about your soul, not the body. The world still is in a state of disorder due to original sin, but through Jesus the gates of Heaven are open for those who place their lives in the Jesus' hands and trust in Him. In Heaven, you will also recieve a new body, a glorified body, which is a perfect version of the one you have now. Good question! We need not fear the death of the body, but be concerned with eternity and the state of our soul.
2007-09-25 08:42:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A perfect human would have a perfect body, and in a perfect world it would not get old and die. Pollution is an example of what causes cellular damage, and chemicals sprayed on our food can trigger cancer etc. But sin has entered in, we are all sinners, and we live in a sin-polluted world. 'Whatever a man is sowing, this he will reap', God says in the Bible. We cannot escape the consequences of our (and others') sin.
You need to read Romans chapter 5 to 8. Too much to condense here! 6:7 says, 'Anyone who has died has been freed from sin'. This is often taken out of context. The setting is the believer who trusts in what Christ did on the cross has died 'with Christ' in baptism; died to sin, and raised to eternal life. The power and shackles of sin are broken by Christ so that when physical death occurs, the believer will pass instantly into eternal life with Christ. Don't forget - the rest of that quote you gave adds, 'but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.' (6:23)
2007-09-25 08:54:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you believe in the Bible, with reference to the New Testament, the sacrifice on the cross was to forgive man's sins up to that point, but you must not commit additional sins and if you do you must ask for forgiveness and be a believer in Jesus as the savior. The wages of sin refers to the result you will be bear of sin, or death without salvation. Jesus Christ did not offer you life without death but death with the hope of obtaining salvation and entrance to heaven. You have to believe in salvation and Jesus Christ to maintain this type of faith. If you don't then you are not considered to be a Christian.
I am only describing this belief not preaching. It is, after all, simply one of the subscribed faiths that exist on Earth.
2007-09-25 08:50:40
answer #6
answered by Lizbiz 5
Jesus' death on the cross saved His people from the wrath of God the Father, by taking the punishment due us for our sins. Jesus' work on the cross does not cover everyone, just His people, His sheep. His worked saved us from eternal death or eternal punishment, not physical death. We all will still physically die (unless we are raptured first), but Christ's work saved us from the ultimate punishment for our sins.
Heb 9:27 And as it is reserved to men once to die, and after this, Judgment;
2007-09-25 08:47:04
answer #7
answered by BrotherMichael 6
We are so far removed from perfection that we cannot live forever in these fleshly bodies. 1 Corinthians 15:50 'What I an saying to you brothers and sisters, is this; flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.' (53) ' For this perishable body must put on imperishability, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When this perishable body puts on imperishability and this mortal body puts on immortality, then the saying that is written will be fulfilled: " Death has been swallowed up in victory." I like to think of it this way; that sin and death are a parasite that cannot be killed, this parasite is passed from mother to child in utero, therefore we are born with it; however,as soon as the host dies the parasite leaves the body forever. The only cure is to kill the patient and then to resuscitate him. With our parasite (sin) free bodies we can live forever. Jesus's death was not to save us by preventing our death but to save us by providing the means of resuscitation.
2007-09-25 08:48:13
answer #8
answered by the truth has set me free 4
The wages of sin was death in the OT. So they had to do animal sacrifices. The first animal was sacrificed to make clothes for Adam and Eve. People have hard time to accept forgiveness. God allowed them to have this ritual for the forgiveness of their sin.
As He promised in His Word, Jesus was given as a perfect sacrifice and no animal sacrifices are needed anymore.
Yes, we die, but Jesus conquered the death and He will wake us up.
2007-09-25 09:14:12
answer #9
answered by Nina, BaC 7
Your physical body is merely a house that your spirit occupies. When the spirit leaves that house the house will collapse and decay because there is no life force in it to keep it functioning.
The death Christ was speaking about is spiritual. It means separation from God forever. The life Jesus speaks about is spiritual also and is a life of peace in the presence of God forever in total love and joy.
Our body doesn't accompany us to either place after death.
2007-09-25 10:20:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous