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1. What is your religion?

2. Do you believe and try to live all of the principles of your religion?

3. Do you believe right and wrong are subjective?

4. What is you position on fornication?

5. What is your position on homosexuality?

6. What is your position on abortion?

7. What is your position on marriage and family?

8. What is your position on capital punishment?

9. Are you respectful of others' beliefs even if they are not respectful of your?

10. What sets your religion or beliefs apart from others?

2007-09-25 08:08:33 · 29 answers · asked by atomzer0 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

1. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka Mormons.
2. Yes. All of them.
3. Maybe, example: to me and my beliefs, drinking alcohol is a sin, to most of the rest of the world, it's perfectly acceptable.
4. No-no before marriage. It is a serious sin in the Lord's eyes.
5. It, like many other things, is a temptation, one that can be overcome and repented of. Still a sin though to act on those tendancies.
6. In all cases besides rape, incest, or harm to mother or baby, it is a serious sin. Even in those cases mentioned, prayer and guidance from the Lord is always needed.
7. Marriage, between a man and woman, and family is essential to God's plan of salvation. Eternal marriage is a blessing the Lord has provided for us, after making and keeping certain sacred covenants. It is our responsibility as parents to raise our children in love and teach them the gospel.
8. I believe in obeying the laws of the land. If a person is convicted of a crime, they must do the time. I believe they will be punished for their unrepented sins at some point so I don't really have a stand either way. I don't disagree with it but I don't necessarily think every person who kills should also be killed. I think every situation is different.
9. I try to be, and being a Mormon, it is hard.
10. I think the biggest things are that we believe in more scripture than just the bible, we believe in modern revelation and modern day prophets, we believe the fulness of the gospel was lost after Christ's apostles died and that there was a need for a restoration. We believe in eternal family, eternal progression, premortal life, temple ordinances..those are the main things I think.

2007-09-25 08:53:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1. What is your religion?
I don't claim to any. I believe in God and the Bible
2. Do you believe and try to live all of the principles of your religion?
I believe in the Bible and God, no I don't follow it like I should.
3. Do you believe right and wrong are subjective?
4. What is you position on fornication?
should wait until marriage, but who am I to judge? I'm not innocent.
5. What is your position on homosexuality?
I don't agree with it. Once again, tho, I can't judge others if I am not following in everything I believe in.
6. What is your position on abortion?
I hate abortion. I think abortion is ridiculous for people who are trying to fix a mistake from being irresponsible. Condoms are everywhere, they freely give them to people at the health dept. If there is a medical problem that could potentially harm the mother or if the fetus wouldn't survive anyway, or if it is a result of rape... then abortion is understandable.
7. What is your position on marriage and family?
I think marriage is a joke these days. No one takes it seriously. Divorce rates are high and no one cares.
8. What is your position on capital punishment?
Eye for an eye, period.
9. Are you respectful of others' beliefs even if they are not respectful of your?
nope. I am respectful until they disrespect me.
10. What sets your religion or beliefs apart from others?
nothing really. We all believe we are right, no matter what we believe.

2007-09-25 12:02:07 · answer #2 · answered by ϑennaß 7 · 0 0

1. What is your religion? I am a humanist; I am not religious.

2. Do you believe and try to live all of the principles of your religion? I live by my own principles and as a humanist--I support human and civil rights, womens rights, gay rights, and the protection of the elderly and disabled and homeless.

3. Do you believe right and wrong are subjective?

4. What is you position on fornication? What takes place between two consenting adults is none of my business--nor that of any other person.

5. What is your position on homosexuality? It is yet another aspect of human nature, neither normal nor abnormal. If a religion wishes to demonize it, that is that religion's right, but the government should stand neutral.

6. What is your position on abortion? It is 1) a problem for me personally but 2) I am not a woman and it is a woman's right to decide. And 3) as science continues to study these things, in not so many years abortion as we now know it will be replaced by less intrusive methods. It is a peoples' issue, a matter of law.

7. What is your position on marriage and family? As a married father I am for both. But you may be thinking of gay marriage. I can only say, Why not? In what way does it affect heterosexual marriage?

8. What is your position on capital punishment? I am opposed to the death penalty.

9. Are you respectful of others' beliefs even if they are not respectful of your? I am respectful of the beliefs of others as long their aim is not to tear apart the underpinings of our Republic and our democracy. What others may think of my beliefs is of no importance to me.

10. What sets your religion or beliefs apart from others? I am probably more "Christian" than many Christians and without question more than Fundamentalists.

2007-09-25 08:53:36 · answer #3 · answered by Yank 5 · 1 0

1. Asatru. Ther eligions of the ancient Norse Gods and Goddesses.

2. I firmly believe in those principles, otherwwise I would not be afollower of that religion. And I make every effort to follow those principles, even when they are in direct conflict with the prevailing moreal, ethical and legal principles.

3. Very much so. What is right in one belief system may be wrong in another and completely irrelivant in yet another. They aer subjective and amatter of perspective.

4. It is a wonderful expression of affeciton and is an act that is sacred to the Frey and Freyja and as such should never be denied, abused and tainted.

5. Love is love in whatever form it takes is a wonderful thing and should always be enocuraged.

6. As a simple form or birth control no. When there is a medical necesity yes.

7. Marriage is a religious bonding between people. Government and legality should be removed from it and have no say in who can or cannot get married. Any one that wants to get married should be allowed to as long as there is nothing in their religious beliefs that says they can't. As far as family...there is nothing more inportant than family.

8. IF it is wrong to kill the NO ONE should be allowed to, not even as a form of punishment. Capitol punishment places the executionor above the law and gives them the authority to commit what would be, if it were anyone esle, pre-meditated murder with impunity. Either stop killing anyone, or let EVERYONE kill. I have no moral or ethical objections to killing someone that should be killed, I just don't believe that the punishment for ANY crime should be to have that same crimnal act commited against them.

9. Not always. If someone pushes hard enough I will push back and have been known to be quite offensive and insensative when doing so.

10. I really had never considered that before. Most likely it is the nature of our connection to the Gods being a filial and familial one. Unlike some beliefs where mankind was created by their deities we are descended from ours by blood. They are as much our ancestors as our parents, grandparents or any other generational antecedent.

2007-09-25 10:00:05 · answer #4 · answered by kveldulf_gondlir 6 · 0 0

1. What is your religion? Monotheist Wicca

2. Do you believe and try to live all of the principles of your religion?
I try to

3. Do you believe right and wrong are subjective? No

4. What is you position on fornication? Well, my name means Fornication in Islam so; I would have to say that not all things that are called Fornication are bad.

5. What is your position on homosexuality? No, for me personally but who am I to judge other peoples life style.

6. What is your position on abortion? I wish it didn't have to happen, I could never do it myself (and yes I was faced with the choice and I chose to have the baby!) BUT I know that their are some women that feel that it is the best for them and it is not my place to judge them nor take the choice away! Desperate women will do worse things to themselves as well as unwanted children if legalized abortion is taken away! Basically I believe "If you can't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?"

7. What is your position on marriage and family? I am for it

8. What is your position on capital punishment? The Death penalty is an easy way out for some criminals. I think that our whole criminal system needs an over haul. There are too many deals made and people with money seem to be able to do just about anything and get away with it.
With undeniable proof of murder such as DNA evidence, I can see where Capital Punishment could be a useful tool against crime.

9. Are you respectful of others' beliefs even if they are not respectful of your? YES!!!!!!!!

10. What sets your religion or beliefs apart from others?

2007-09-25 08:37:29 · answer #5 · answered by DrMichael 7 · 0 2

1. What is your religion? I have no religion (atheist).

2. Do you believe and try to live all of the principles of your religion? I have no pre-ordained set of principles.

3. Do you believe right and wrong are subjective? Yes.

4. What is you position on fornication? It's great.

5. What is your position on homosexuality? Also great. Better when 4 and 5 happen at the same time. :)

6. What is your position on abortion? I don't like the idea of abortion, but I believe that it should remain legal.

7. What is your position on marriage and family? Marriage and family are great. It would be greater if these things were available to everyone.

8. What is your position on capital punishment? I don't believe in the death penalty.

9. Are you respectful of others' beliefs even if they are not respectful of your? Usually not.

10. What sets your religion or beliefs apart from others? The fact that there is no set of beliefs! And it isn't completely reliant on blind faith.

2007-09-25 08:17:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

1. I have none. I am a weak atheist.

2. No applicable. My philosophy is secular humanism, which is compatible with both non-believers and believers.

3. In general subjective, however there are broad overarching truths (ie, murder and rape are wrong).

4. Not wrong or a sin in and of itself, but situationally can be wrong (such as a young girl having sex too young for the wrong reasons).

5. I have no problem with it whatsoever.

6. I have no problem provided it occurs early for abortive reasons, I have no problem until the end of pregnancy to save the life of the mother.

7. Family is good, in whatever forum that takes. People need people around them who love them, and commitments are important for mental health.

8. Against.

9. I always respect other people, but not always their beliefs. If someone believes something inane, I need not respect that belief, just the person themselves.

10. It is an open-minded philosophy. I have no dogmatism, and will change my opinion if given new evidence. Almost all theists do not have this position.

2007-09-25 08:19:49 · answer #7 · answered by QED 5 · 2 1

1. What is your religion?

Pagan Taoist (atheist)

2. Do you believe and try to live all of the principles of your religion?

Yup, otherwise what's the point of defining myself as such?

3. Do you believe right and wrong are subjective?


4. What is you position on fornication?

ROFL!!!! Well put. I leave that up to the individual.

5. What is your position on homosexuality?

Natural, and should not be discriminated against.

6. What is your position on abortion?

I believe that desperation is the root cause of abortion, and the way to end abortion is through adequate supply & education of birth control, and a change of society's attitudes towards single parents toughing it out - and greater support mechanisms to help them cope.

7. What is your position on marriage and family?

I believe people should make their own choices in this regard. I myself have a 'tribal' system going, where people not of blood relations who are supportive are considered family, and abusive blood relations are not. Parents of children have the ultimate responsibililty to raise children to be functional adults - but for the family's sake need their own time and interests also.

8. What is your position on capital punishment?

In some cases it may be best.

9. Are you respectful of others' beliefs even if they are not respectful of your?

Maybe not the belief itself, but I respect others' right to believe it.

10. What sets your religion or beliefs apart from others?

It's mine, uniquely forged by me, according to my experiences and knowledge, with practical applications, that challenges and comforts me both.

2007-09-25 08:34:49 · answer #8 · answered by KC 7 · 1 1

1. Non-denominational liberal/progressive Christian
2. I try to understand my religion in a practical manner considering its historical context, past actions, and relevance to society today.
3. I think we can say certain things are "right" and others are "wrong" but there are usually exceptions. The whole world can be a massive gray area, and we can't deny that. It leads to legalism and intolerance.
4. Define "fornication." I think this is another thing that isn't black and white. If you mean sex before marriage; no I don't think it's always wrong.
5. About the same as my position on heterosexuality. It's a fact of life.
6. I'm against abortion on a personal level but I don't think it's the government's business to decide for other people.
7. They're both cool by me. You don't have to have marriage to have a family, of course.
8. I'm very, very against it.
9. For the most part, yes.
10. I never said I was special. :)

2007-09-25 08:16:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

1. Christianity
2. Yes, I do try to live by all the precepts and principles--but nobody is perfect.
3. No, I do not believe right and wrong is subjective. The short answer is because man has a conscience.
4. My religion aside--my sperm belongs to me, and it is sacred to me, I will NEVER inseminate anyone other than my beloved.
5. Homosexuality is not for me. For me to judge another is wrong, Christ taught me that, but I certainly can't live under that psychology.
6. Murder is wrong. Any zygote is the beginnings of a human, and to terminate that zygote is murder.
8. Capital punishment is murder. We all have different shaped faces, and every fingerprint is supposedly different, what makes me think that the shapes of other brains are not different. That shape COULD BE the shape of an anomaly. We need to grow a lot more as a civilization before we can know what to do that used to baffle us. Right now, knowing how to deal with violent criminals baffle us, so we stick to the old values. One day we may out grow this.
9. If I am not respectful of others beliefs, then I am disrespecting mine.
10. My faith in it. Shrug...it is mine because I claim it, and it works for me. My life is good, my relationships go well, I don't have any resentments, and if I do I know how to discharge them appropriately, and I need the help of a higher power.

2007-09-25 08:31:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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