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2007-09-25 07:16:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Volleyball

11 answers

Well well. Space dude is off base. The problem is not V-ball, the problem is time management. You need to talk to your coach and find solutions to the problem. If you are a starter, you need to work on the time management end of your day. If not, I'd think about it, but, realize you may not get back on the team again. its not going to get any easier as life goes on. You need to get help where you need it. Talk to the teacher in the class and get some feedback. Quittin V-ball is not the answer. And as for Spacedude and "V-ball won't get you into college", last time I checked, you can get athletic scholarships for V-Ball. Touche

2007-09-25 07:27:18 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Cellophane 6 · 0 0

First of all, don't ever quit Volleyball because of failing grades.

Second of all, study as hard and as industrious as you can in your studies, and you will make the Honor Roll and High Honor Roll in no time.

Third of all, stay completely focused in the following:
1. Your schoolwork
2. Your homework
3. Your extracurricular activities, which includes sports

Fourth of all, DO NOT, under any and all circumstances, let some damn boy ruin your chances for a great future. Remember, a damn boyfriend DOES NOT get you into a great college.

2007-09-26 00:48:14 · answer #2 · answered by Louise Smith 7 · 0 0

Yes. Your school work should always come first. Also if you are not eligable to play because of your grades, all the hard work you put into volleyball is for not.

I would try my best to time manage better, and get extra help with the class you are having trouble with, but if volleyball is the actual true reason you are failing, drop volleyball.

2007-09-25 12:18:29 · answer #3 · answered by Kenny Ray 2 · 0 0

If you cannot manage to put more time into school study, you might have to quit volleyball (and everything else that is less important).

Run a daily log sheet for a week, with what you did during each hour.
See whether you can save some time by reducing phone conversations, online IM, etc.

2007-09-25 08:02:55 · answer #4 · answered by Dan_Ye 6 · 0 0

yes, school work gets you into College, v-ball will not! If you are already in College, do you want to drop out? Drop v-ball and concentrate on class, when the grades come up, try v-ball again.

2007-09-25 07:20:42 · answer #5 · answered by spacedude4 5 · 0 0

O.ok. in the beginning, take as plenty notes as you may on the two subjects. Then, do a sprint learn on the notes. learn on each and all the books you may suitable to the stuff your engaged on, or only seem the stuff up on a seek engine, like Google. tell the instructor in case you're able to do an extra project or record on the subject material your doing. in case you do a team of no longer project-free paintings, then the instructor will probably observe your no longer project-free paintings and be inspired on your paintings. you're able to no longer likely do exactly this in this semester, yet until you graduate from college, so the teachers will have confidence you, think of your a no longer project-free worker, and you gets a stable coaching. once you retire or some thing, you may seem back and say,"hey, I did tremendous in college those final couple of years!". desire this facilitates.

2016-10-19 22:57:55 · answer #6 · answered by joleen 4 · 0 0

Well if you're gonna keep on failing the class, you might as well quit because if you don't manage good grades, they kick you off the team.

2007-09-26 05:49:31 · answer #7 · answered by [ H U R T ] 2 · 0 0

NO WAY hot moma!!!! look at me i am lil bit brainy in my studies and look at me i am new in volley ball world i just played for two hours and that was really nice i like playing volley now me i do studies and i just play volley ball that pretty cool aye

2007-09-25 11:36:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. hit the books harder first. Don't give up something you enjoy. You just need to up your study game a little.

2007-09-25 07:21:47 · answer #9 · answered by salsero_borincano 2 · 0 0

tell the coach my coach said they will help us and like make us do some of our homework and sign the papers saying we did it i mean u can get kicked off the team for not passin

2007-09-25 13:06:49 · answer #10 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0