It has always been my contention that the racism was in place before immigration became an issue,
Yes this is a country of law. It was lawful to own Slaves, It was lawful to deny minorities the same rights as other Americans, It was lawful to denied minorities employment, it was lawful to lynch a person in the South, It was lawful for 200 years to have white only school system. Racism is ingrained in your culture, now that others have the same rights, you have the gall to call them racist, It took the Equal Rights Amendment 0f 1964, to level the playing field in this country. The Whites were not Happy Campers, they left the Democratic Party of the Solid South and joined the Republican party , over one issue Equal Rights, legal racism.
2007-09-23 13:53:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The most racist remark, and there are two questionable answers, is from a Pro. It claims that Racism is ingrained in AMerican Culture. Name one country that there is no racism. I'm not sure why you and Dog trick has entered this line of question since the racist has not made much of a show lately. We all have been called racist names here. I have been called so many for about every race there is. Who is here to judge what is racist. Name calling is obvious, but all people are bias. When I was part of the Union, I always ended up in the middle. The problem is no one seems to be able to see from the other side.
EDIT>>>> It's 10:00 Pacific and I checked all the titles of the question's in the immigration section for racism between when you asked this question and 10:00.
I got 2 moderately racist statements against Caucasian. I got two sinister sounding questions against Mexican. I would not consider it definitvely racist though, but some others would. I found the most racist question was made against the Chinese. Double check my statement.
I'm not the only one who notice racist stuff is down. THis question might get violated though;_ylt=Amvf4SDBWezMN8zfAgyubMLa7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20070923203057AAWEVp6
2007-09-23 22:23:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sigy these two differing views that I'm posting here are a couple of the things that were going around the immigration forum at one time. See if you remember them. And if you don't, perhaps they will help explain, I think somewhat the answer you are seeking.
This is a chain letter I got from a friend:
you call me:
and you think it's OK.
But when I call you:
jungle bunny
spear chunker
wet back
porch monkey
sand ******
rag head
Camel Jockey
slant eyes
or *****
you call me a racist.
--You have the United ***** College Fund.
--You have Martin Luther King Day.
--You have Black History Month.
--You have Cesar Chavez Day.
--You have Yom Hashoah
--You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
--You have the NAACP.
--You have BET.
--You have Cinco De Mayo
--You have Mexico's Independence Day
--If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.
--If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.
--If we had white history month... we'd be racist.
--If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.
--If we had a college fund that only gave white students know we'd be racist.
--In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and would call us racist.
--Did you know that some high school students decided to make a club for only the white students because the other ethnicities had them. They all got sent to court for being racist but the african-american, Latino, and Asia clubs were not even questioned.
--You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
I am white.
I am proud.
But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?
I am White. and its not just whites that are against illegals. Indians or Natives, which ever is the best term, are against illegals too. Because they are also taking away from their lively hood and what not.
The Other side
my name is Jose AKA Joshua AKA Joseph AKA Mustafaztek!
In behalf of the Undocumented Americans; I'll answers questions in regard to Immigration and Stereotyping!
I am Undocumented.
I am Mexican
I am Brown, with some blue in my blood.
I am Only Spanish Speaking person
I am unemployed,
I am not on welfare!!!!!
I pay my Taxes on time!
I am willing to become legal, but how??? I can't afford a lawyer!
I live in the ghetto and I am unemployed,
and the only reason I am in USA is because my Grandfahther Jorge, is an American, my Uncle Samuel is an American, my fiancee Maria, is an American, and my cubs, Hugo, Paco & Luis, were born in America.
So what?
Edit - Just so you know, the only thing that was mine is the paragraph to you. The rest of it posted, after my paragraph, were both from the original posters/answerers. Including the last two questions?, so what? remarks that precede this edit.
2007-09-23 23:53:35
answer #3
answered by StoneCold 6
immigrations about a lot of things to different things.
Sacramento Bee, The (CA)
September 12, 2007
Estimated printed pages: 4
Bashing illegals for political gain
Re "Competing voices in GOP on immigrant laborers," Sept. 7: Tom Hudson, Placer County's Republican Party chairman, personifies the extremes the GOP goes to retain power in Placer County.
He wants to make the race card the top issue of Republicans in the next election. He is expressing xenophobia and racism when he says, as the article paraphrases, "hammering on illegal immigrants -- no earned legal status ever, no guest workers -- is the greatest issue the party can embrace to earn future votes. Greater than no new taxes." His concern is not for the people but for Republicans.
He is focusing the future of the California Republican Party on its ability to stir up racial hatred against Mexicans and other undocumented workers who come here to pick crops, build and clean houses -- all because they are hired illegally by employers who profit from the work no one else will do. The tragedy is that Republicans are willing to profit from the work of undocumented workers while hypocritically denouncing their presence in California.
If Hudson thinks his ideas will work here, he should look to the history of Nazi Germany to see how well Hitler's similar ideas worked there. Racial hatred is self-destroying and divisive and profits no one -- ever! ..........................................
2007-09-24 03:00:57
answer #4
answered by bayarealatino925 2
Its terrible that we go there on both sides of the fence.I was living in L.A. during the first march and me being white was not a popular thing.My wife is Mexican,and I was the fourth generation living in Wilmington Ca.,on the same street.I used to get "what are you doing here white boy" a lot.I'm against illegal immigration,and I've known a few,that were hard working and very nice outstanding people.It's a shame that both sides of the fence see this in a racist view,but I blame such institutions as La Raza and such for bringing the race card into play.Trust me the things said to me and my family while living in L.A. during the marches wasnt pretty and wasnt for being pro-American.Your right,to U.S. citizens,Hispanic or otherwise ,this isnt about race,but ask any Latino organization and they'll tell you different,because that is how they are playing it to the hispanic population and to this nation.
2007-09-23 21:29:13
answer #5
answered by stygianwolfe 7
This isn't about race.
Except for the racists.
However, if the US were racist, we would never have gotten into this situation, to begin with.
There are real impacts, and to trivialize them by suggesting this is even significantly about race to the majority, only pisses people off.
However, there are racists. Some of them are on the other side of the issue, you may have noticed.
2007-09-24 11:09:17
answer #6
answered by DAR 7
You have to take into consideration the percentage of each race that is illegal and currently residing in the U.S. In order to do that, you have to be able to state the fact that over 1/2 of illegals are Hispanic...without being called a racist. It is about race when you are talking numbers but if you are talking illegal immigration in general, it is not. I've been called many things's all part of the game in here for some. However, the rallies and demands are not being put
forth by all races so this is a bit of a conundrum for someone that points that do so without sounding like a racist. It isn't about race but the facts cannot be denied. Name calling and personal attacks are not facts.
EDIT: one thing it is always about is the law and that pesky little detail is an undeniable fact. Thumbs
2007-09-23 19:52:18
answer #7
answered by GoodJuJu2U 6
And the very same kind of people are on the other side making racist comments about whites. And there are organized groups that have real influence AND government support saying the same things.
The pro-amnesty crowd WANTS it to be about race so they keep pushing it on us by using racial attacks knowing full well that the response would be racial attacks in return.
And here you are pointing to racial slurs against Mexicans and completely ignoring the ones against Whites. Not one word about the actual issue of illegals immigration in your whole question, just a one sided accusation.
2007-09-23 21:18:01
answer #8
answered by Drixnot 7
I've been called all the names except "trashy Mexican"...but I've had "white trash" thrown in for good measure by pro-illegals who want to MAKE it about race. Some people react to that kind of attack in the same manner and some don't. It only benefits the pro-illegals to make this issue about race. I'm just as eager to send home the 30% illegals from places other than south of our border as I am the 70% from the south.
2007-09-23 20:33:13
answer #9
answered by Lori K 7
I hate all racism...I believe that God loves everyone the same..When I make friends with people..they are people..not color..I do what I can to squash all kinds of ignorance..but its hard when people are so full of hate and are so set in their ways...Listen to a racist and all you will hear is anger..its very scary....but also sad
2007-09-24 03:48:54
answer #10
answered by sistapoetry 3
Illegal is NOT a race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Majority of illegals in the US are Hispanic, so I can see where some people might get the idea of being about race, but let me say this again -- Illegal is NOT a race!!
It doesn't matter if you are illegally from Mexico, China, Japan, France, Germany or even Mars!!!!
2007-09-24 08:46:26
answer #11
answered by mikea_va 6