First of all, your parents were right, you can believe whatever you want to believe.
Second, they were also very open-minded in enabling you to discover religions in your own time and at your own discretion.
This means that it's your responsibility to investigate what you want to believe. Don't take other people's ideas for yourself - discover your own way. And certainly don't expect to get the answers you want from this site!
An atheist
2007-09-23 11:07:51
answer #1
answered by Grotty Bodkin is not dead!!! 5
This is an excellent question. I think the quick answer to why should you become a Christian is because you realize you are a sinner, that you love God more than your sins and you surrender your life to Him. While there is also the idea of Hell, and you will go there if you don't repent of your sins, you shouldn't become a Christian to escape Hell. You should become a Christians because you love God. The obvious perk is that God allows Christians to go to Heaven, because our price of sin was paid by Jesus dying a cross for them.
To answer your other questions...what makes Christianity right in comparison to others is what Jesus said: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6). Many other religions hold to an idea that every religion leads to the same road. Christianity is one of the few that dares to say that either you believe in Jesus or you go to Hell. There is no other way.
Now, what makes Christianity better? I would argue that Christianity follows the ideals of one divinely inspired work, which is the Bible. Christianity doesn't deviate from this book. Many other religions intercede with personal feelings or "revelations". However, all that we need to know about anything is in the Bible. I believe that feelings are arbitrary and are not fact. For example, Mormons (who are not Christians) may feel good when they read the Book of Mormon, but feelings won’t make the claims true. That’s why it’s important to objectively investigate claims, such as the ones the Bible makes.
About your second question-I am not exactly sure what you are asking. I am not hostile towards other religions-I just don’t believe in them. If anything, I share my faith with others so that they will hopefully see that they need Jesus. Like I mentioned earlier, I do believe that every other religion is wrong, and that you need to be a Christian to go to Heaven. Remember, only Jesus provides forgiveness of sins. That’s why Christianity is right.
I think the theory of evolution is incorrect. I don’t think that Christians should believe in evolution and creationism. I am very skeptical of the salvation of those people, because creationism explains the origin of life, and rather easily. Evolution involves ridiculous claims that essentially boil down to the fact that it was a lot of time and chance. However, the intricacy of everything makes it quite evident of the existence of God. Take a watch for example. You don’t think that watch “evolved” on its own, do you? Probably not-but why? The watch is intricate. It has quite a few parts that all have to work correctly or else it will fail to work. The human eye alone processes hundreds of thousands of pieces of information a minute to correctly display to you what you see. That’s just one body part. Every part of our body has to work properly or we can’t operate. Do you really think you just evolved these functions, and possibly from monkeys? Don’t let evolution make a monkey out of you.
This also leads me to say that humans are not the only part of creation. Think about the Earth. If certain things were just a little out of place, the Earth would cease to support life. If the sun was a few thousand miles closer or farther from the Earth (which isn’t that much considering how big it is and far away it is) the climate would be vastly different. We also consider our neighboring planets’ orbits, which if was not ‘placed’ correctly could cause collision. Only God’s hand was involved in creation, not chance. Finally, regardless of how this was all created, the fact is that it was created. Something cannot come from nothing. Only God explains how something came out of nothing.
If God exists, and there will be judgment for sins, it’s safe to assume that he would make it quite known to everyone what he expects of us. The Bible is the best selling book ever written. It has been translated into hundreds of languages, and has remained the top-selling book for centuries. A book that is so ancient yet still has so much impact shows sign of the divine. Plus, because of how accessible it is, it’s quite clear that God is getting his message out, or his Word. That is the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
We are all sinners. If you have ever lied, stolen, look with lust at someone (sexual desire), disobeyed your parents or used God’s name in you vain, even once in your life, the Bible says you are a sinner, and fall short of the glory of God. All those who fall short of God’s standard cannot enter Heaven when they die. It’s pretty much universally accepted that nobody is perfect. So if we all fall short of God, we need something that will connect us with Him rather than separate. That’s where Jesus comes in. He died on a cross 2000 years ago, so that your sins would be forgiven. All you have to do in response to that is repent of your sins and put your trust in Him. That is what a Christian is, and I pray that you will give your life to Him today. I hope this has helped you!
2007-09-23 11:33:47
answer #2
answered by Thardus 5
The answers to your questions would take a book. The book is called The Holy Bible. (KJV) My answer here is; we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. And; For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Once you or anybody else has been told this, it is up to the individual to ignore it, or let the Holy Spirit work in you and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. All the argueing in the world won't do any good unless you are willing,by faith, to allow in the Holy Spirit.
2007-09-23 11:27:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
you're asking the wrong folks. You need to ask God to reveal Himself to you. IF you're sincere in your request, He will reveal Himself to you through His Word and Holy Spirit. Jesus didn't come here to bring a religion...He came to this planet to restore what Adam lost in the garden of eden...a Kingdom on earth reflecting God's Kingdom in Heaven. That is why after Christ's baptism, His first public address was instructing people to "repent (change their ways) because the Kingdom of God was at hand."
Concerning evolution, that is a question in and of itself. If you wonder if evolution is responsible for creation and everything stemming from one microscopic organism, I'd have to say no.
2007-09-23 11:09:13
answer #4
answered by child of God 6
What you need is to be restored to Father God. Jesus is the Way, Truth & Life. Christianity is a relationship resored. Our faith is to trust & obey God.
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Jesus said that on this Rock He will build His Church & the gates of hell will not prevail.
The wages of sin is death.
Jesus paid the price for your sins. He shed His blood for remission of your sins.
Jesus raised from the dead so you will also raise up like Him in resurrection day complete.
See? Jesus overcame the curse of sin & death for us. For us who believe in Him.
Jesus said that to see the Kingdom of God, you must be born again. Through confessing with your mouth Jesus Christ your Lord & Savior & believeing in your heart He raised from the dead. See. Speaking & believing in your heart has miraculous power. And a new spiritual birth happens. This is a creative miracle.
2007-09-23 11:06:45
answer #5
answered by LottaLou 7
for 43 ears I was a good member of a well know church, I believed Christ is our Savior and helped others, paid tithes, never questioned authority.
Then I came of age. Truth is I neevr realy believed it. I need to know not believe and I shoul not have to pay for the privilige of being in a crowd who constantly reminds me that god loves them more than he loves me, or that if I don't do a or b c= go to heck.
Its a free country do what you want, consider what I said, also people will friendship you until you join and then move on to new aquisitions, like any other business
2007-09-23 11:08:22
answer #6
answered by frank 5
You are making a poor choice if you depend upon others to try to "sell" a religion to you.
You are the only one who can decide, and you must be the one who looks within yourself to make a choice.
2007-09-23 11:12:44
answer #7
answered by batgirl2good 7
you should want to get right with God so you have somewhere to live that is good when you die.Also
his way is better.He has been so good to me.He has healed me when im sick and gave me a good husband,I pick a bad one the first time.My life is much better with God than it was without.please pray the sinners prayer and jump on board with God
2007-09-23 11:12:14
answer #8
answered by dcrc93 7
no one can relatively "ban" prayer..a believer can consult with God every time they pick. And why shouldn't prayer be allowed for people who pick to assemble at lunch or something and pray? It became allowed at my extreme college. no longer allowing that looks to contradict the liberty of religion.
2016-10-09 17:27:16
answer #9
answered by ? 4
christianity is not the only religion in the world. So don't base everything you know on that. Go out and experience other religions, i.e. Baha'i, Buddhism, seek out their basic teachings and mull them over....I am pagan and happily so. It has always been in my blood but it took me years to arrive at it....realise it. I wish you luck in whatever path you walk.
2007-09-23 11:07:34
answer #10
answered by Anonymous