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I am shopping for pool tables and I see so many that say, "this is a slate", or "this is not a slate table" This may seem stupid but what is a slate table? Is it that big of a deal? PLease help and any extra info. will help as well! Thanks

2007-09-22 14:03:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Snooker & Pool

5 answers

i dont understand why, people have a problem with, telling people not to buy a table off ebay? you can get the highest end or the lowest end tables there. what is wrong with ebay tables, there is no difference if u go check it out, b4 u buy it. not everyone can afford a new factory table. do not buy anything but slate! go to ebay and type in pool table, and near top right click dropdown menu, and click nearest 1st. make sure what ever size u get, add u need at least 5 foot all the way around. 4x 8 tavle= 14x18 foot room. do not get slatron if u can! do not get honeycomb!, do not get wood bed! good slate tables have a wood frame, glued to the slate, meaning you put the cloth on by staples into the wood frame, if not wood backed framed slate, you glue cloth str8 under to the slate itself. b4 buying from an individual, have a plan of moving it! you can probablly get a regular slate table set up by new seller for about $1,200, u will just pay more for a furnature piece. sure they might be a little more solid, but if ur on a budget, dont worry about buying a $2,200 table or more. check 4 rail responces, and overall condition. rail rubber is very cheap to replace!, anyone can do it, just takes a lil time n patience. if ur wondering about my opinion on a table, feel free to send me a message! good luck.

2007-09-22 21:53:34 · answer #1 · answered by propoolbound 3 · 0 0

Slate Definition

2016-10-02 07:10:38 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2007-09-23 08:45:44 · answer #3 · answered by Barcadcadacada 6 · 0 0

Slate is the only top-Bed- for a serious table anything else is a toy and will play like one
If not slate top its not worth bringing home
at least a half inch or thicker 1 in is best but they aint cheap but worth the price

2007-09-22 14:46:09 · answer #4 · answered by havenjohnny 6 · 0 1

Slate is a very thin, hard rock. It does not warp.

2007-09-22 14:12:16 · answer #5 · answered by trooper3316 7 · 0 0

If you're looking for a nice table you need to stop searching on ebay and sears.com unless you want a cheapo toy for your kids. Look for brands like Olhausen, Brunswick, Diamond, and Connelly. Go to an actual store that sells one or several of these brands and talk to them about what you want.


90% of the people who are looking for tables on ebay seem to gravitate towards the very low quality, mail order tables. Of course you can still get a good deal if you buy one that's local that you check out, and factor in delivery and setup charges, but when someone is on here asking what slate is, chances are they're going to get screwed over if they try and pick something out themselves. If they want a good used table, looking in the classifieds in the paper or even craigslist is 100 times better than ebay.

2007-09-22 19:49:32 · answer #6 · answered by Vegas Matt 7 · 1 0