From your profile, dare I assume you are quite young and may hap suggest a school project for your little motor. It would be nice if I knew what voltage it runs on, but no mater. A motor is also a generator if hooked up backwards. By that I mean, if you turn it's shaft, it will put out a voltage, hence, it should light a led. The idea is to demonstrate Hydro-electric power. Think of a back board with the motor mounted on the back side with the shaft sticking out about the center of the front. The led is also on the back, but has it's "head" sticking out the front, maybe over the motor shaft or on either side of it.
On the front side you add a "water wheel" disk on the motor shaft. This can be constructed from two disks and a few "paddles" around the inside of the two disks. The motor is wired to the led and as you turn the water wheel the motor will turn and will light the led. The led is polarized so the led will only light in one direction, so if you want to turn the water wheel clockwise, you may have to reverse the wires to the led.
2007-09-22 13:53:07
answer #1
answered by Dusty 7