I live w/ my grandparents & my mom. Usually after their asleep, i go in our den, turn the tv on, & listen to my ipod. Usually, I leave the den to go to bed, & leave my iPod [w/ headphones attached] in the den, & pick it up the next day. Nobody usually touches it.
3 days ago, i leave the ipod w/ headphones on a table in the den, the next day, i come back, & i find the headphones on couch in den, but no iPod in sight. I tare up my house looking for it. Ask my mom where it is, hasnt seen it. Ask my g-parents, & my G-ma says she picked up the headphones & moved them, but thats it [fyi, the ipod & h-phones were attached]. She says she dosent know anything & thinks it just disappeared & i should forget about it [BTW, shes kinda absent minded]
She took it upon herself to move it, & now its lost. I feel shes responsible, & should give me the money to replace it. They just took us to italy this summer for 3 weeks, so they can afford it. Am I asking too much? Or is this fair to ask?!
21 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Etiquette
its my house, and i feel like i have a right to leave my stuff somewhere, as long as i dont make a mess, and eventually put it away.
10:14:19 ·
update #1
ap- im an adult, and it is my house, because i sleep there every night. Just because you pay for something, dosent mean its yours.
10:19:13 ·
update #2
1- i dont even like my grandparents
2- i didnt even WANT to go to italy...my mom said if i didnt go, she wasnt going to pay my tuition.
10:27:36 ·
update #3
No..It's your ipod, you need to keep up with it buy putting it away in your room where it belongs. Sorry.
******Oh my goodness your 20! I thought you were like 14****
2007-09-22 10:12:09
answer #1
answered by Petra 5
It sounds like it was an accident. Your grandma is not a guest in your house so she has the right to move things around when they're in the den and not in your room. I'm sorry your iPod is lost. Hopefully it'll turn up. I don't think it's appropriate to ask your grandmother to repay you.
2007-09-23 00:30:06
answer #2
answered by drshorty 7
What a nasty answers! Only Pengimonkey has it right. As if the Asker can't ever leave something out on a table, in the den or living room without it being tossed or taken just because he didn't pay for the house. If you live with your parents, even if the HOUSE is not yours financially, it is at least your HOME! While I don't mean it's okay for everyone to make a mess out of the place and leave a trail of coat, bag, shoes, socks, games, empty cups, etc all over the place, living in a house you shouldn't have to pick up *everything*. What does y'alls house look like, like a furniture showroom, with just the empty and brand-new furniture and just one sample glossy magazine in sight, everything else picked up and put away behind closet doors? It's normal when you are at HOME to expect to leave some items sitting around without loosing them, as long as it doesn't get out of hand to where it's messy. If it is in the way, it'd be correct behavior of the other occupants of the house to *ask* you to pick it up or to move it aside *with some care*.
I don't think I would ask grandma to replace the IPod, but my motivation for that would be that accidents happen, she probably did mean to just move it aside and there was no ill intend. I mean, people lose stuff, it happens, I'm sure you've lost things at times. But I do think it's reasonable to ask her to either not touch your stuff at all or be more careful with it. Again, it *IS* your *HOME*, and you have the full right to expect your things to be safe there.
2007-09-23 00:08:57
answer #3
answered by Sheriam 7
In a home where you have 3 generations living under one roof, I'd say the safest bet would be for you to keep your things in your own room. I'll also bet that your ipod is in the house somewhere unless there has been a break-in. Look for it. Your grandmother owes you nothing.
2007-09-23 12:32:14
answer #4
answered by Classy Granny 7
This might be going against the other posts here, but you have a reasonable expectation that stuff in your own house will not be taken or misplaced by another (maybe misplaced if you actually lent it to them). I follow the rule that if it's not your's, you don't touch it. If your mom or grandparents wanted it put away, they should have asked you to put it away or perhaps move it to a place you where you would clearly see it (when I stay at my parents' house and leave something out that my mom wants put away, she asks me to put it away or puts it right on my bed). If it's known that your grandmother is absent-minded and she readily admitted to moving it, she really should offer to at least pay half of a new one, if not a whole replacement equal to the cost of the one you had. I wouldn't demand it right away, those things can wedge themselves ANYwhere, so you should look in any little crevace you can (particularly in couches). But if after a reasonable period of time and effort, she really should offer something because she touched something that is not her's.
2007-09-22 22:05:02
answer #5
answered by bride2be09 3
You sound like an un-appreciative, spoiled brat. I think the fact that she supports you and your mom & just spent A LOT of money taking you to Italy for 3 weeks more than makes up for the loss of your Ipod. If you don't want your stuff to go missing, you should put it away in your room rather than letting it lay around the house. I worked for a local welfare department for 10 years. There are people in this world who aren't sure if they are going to get to eat today, so get a grip, quit worrying about your Ipod, & be thankful that you have a roof over your head & food to eat.
2007-09-22 17:36:50
answer #6
answered by Emily & her mommy love Da Bears! 6
I'm with your grandma. iPods are devices that should never be produced when there are other human beings around. I once took a pair of scissors to someone's iPod wires on a train. If iPod users would keep their music to themselves I have no problems but why should I have to listen to your drum machine because you want to go deaf at an early age?
Look for your iPod and leave your grandma alone. It matters not whether she can afford it. If you leave your stuff lying around it is likely to disappear. Take some responsibility for your own property.
2007-09-22 17:17:14
answer #7
answered by tentofield 7
No, they should not give you money to replace it. It was your fault for leaving it in a place where it could be damaged/destroyed/lost.
Beyond that, just because they took you to Italy this summer doesn't mean they can afford it. Quite the opposite, they spent all their money, so they can't afford it. You shouldn't have left it where someone else could take it. It's a tough lesson to learn, but a lesson to learn nonetheless.
It doesn't matter if you have a routine of leaving it somewhere. That doesn't make it right or anyone else's responsibility to take care of it. It's yours. It isn't fair for you to ask for them to replace it, and you are asking too much.
Edit: It isn't your house if you live with your Grandma and your Mom. It's either your Mom's or your Grandma. If your name isn't on the title to that property, or on the lease of the apartment, then it isn't YOURS. You may live there, but that doesn't make it yours.
2007-09-22 17:14:28
answer #8
answered by A.P. 4
You're both at fault! You're at fault for not keeping in an area that's a safe haven; a security place so no one will touch it; on the other hand your dear old grandma is at fault as she shouldn't touch things that aren't hers, and she should especially take responsibility for losing other people's things, as they would not have gotten lost if she hadn't moved them. *I have an ipod and I hide it in my room or in a safe place where no one can touch it, as I know if something happens to it, it is my fault for not being responsible for it.
2007-09-22 18:54:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No. it is not your grandmothers responsibility to replace it. It was YOUR responsibility to put it away. Just because you sleep somewhere every night does NOT make it your house.Paying for it does. If you don't want your grandma touching your stuff that you don't put away, you should pay to rent somewhere. Then if someone lost your stuff you would have a valid complaint.
2007-09-22 17:18:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I think you should look around your house a little more, it might have just fell or slipped under something somewhere. Perhaps the couch?
2007-09-22 23:21:23
answer #11
answered by sugarBear 6