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12 answers

It's very hard not to eat the best tasting, most nutritional things.

2007-09-19 15:06:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 8

I am a long-time vegan. What is annoying? The biggest problem is one of social isolation. You are frequently the only vegan in the group and others will inevitably question you and you have to answer the same "questions" over and over again.

You get really tired of the protein question and wish someone would ask you something different and reasonable, like where do you get your iodine from? You feel like asking them, where do you get your phytochemicals from? Many of the "questions" are not really questions either- they really aren't interested in your answer. So, this is a common annoying situation.

Family is similarly a problem. Family gatherings are often centered around eating a meal, with meat as the main course. Even the veggies they serve have butter already on them. And if you reject their food and bring your own, it's seen as an insult or that you are rejecting them.

People get very defensive around vegans for some reason. I really prefer to talk about almost any other topic, but inevitably people bring up my food choices and ask questions and if I answer them, then they get defensive, or offensive, so I prefer just avoiding the topic.

What I really like? I really like vegan food. I don't feel deprived at all- I really enjoy eating all kinds of vegan foods. I eat a pretty healthy vegan diet, without refined sugar, no sodas, candy, etc. As a vegan, I can eat tons of food and not get fat. I do not miss eating meat or ice cream or anything like that. I really enjoy eating vegan food and knowing that I am eating healthy food.

I also enjoy the health benefits. I know I would have some disease right now if I wasn't eating a healthy diet. I am 48 years old and I don't have some of the degenerative diseases that my peers have.

The all have high cholesterol, knee problems, lower back problems, etc. I have no degenerative diseases and only get sick occasionally. Besides not having those problems, I have a full head of dark hair (well, a little gray and rising hairline), but they are bald and fat. No one ever believes I am 48, because I look and act like I am 28.

My skin complexion is very good- my skin looks 20 years younger. I can't say that this is all due to the diet, there is a genetic component to it, but I wouldn't be the same if it weren't for my diet. I think that all the fruits and vegetables I eat help my complexion.

I must say that there are different types of vegan diets, just as there are different types of omnivorous diets. Just becoming vegan won't necessarily give you any health benefits. It must be a healthy vegan diet to feel this way.

Best wishes.

2007-09-20 09:04:37 · answer #2 · answered by Ron L 4 · 1 0

Well, It is not hard being a vegan at all.

There is everything I like about being a vegan.

There are so many vegetables, fruits for vegans. We can cook a variety of food in different ways and we can never be bored of vegan good at all. It feels nice that we never killed a life of any animal or chicken for our stomach. The more the vegans the more the animals live. Just imagine passing a nearby butchery and we can't stand the smell but yes people dine the same meat - imagine the stench they eat. Well, I think there are too many likes to be a vegan.

It only annoys when there are very few vegan hotels or restaurants. It is also annoying to see butcheries around where they hang the meat.

2007-09-20 05:47:32 · answer #3 · answered by sweetangel 2 · 2 0

It's not hard, just less convenient.

Things I find annoying are trying to find vegan bread in my grocery store, or just seeing animal/insect products in things they don't need to be in, like some coconut syrup I was looking at. It's also annoying to have ignorant people tell you that you are going to die because there's no way you can get all the nutrients you need. Sometimes it annoys me that this world isn't very vegan friendly and I feel like the bakery should have some vegan donuts, and the ice cream place should carry some soy or rice ice creams.

I love the feeling of doing what I feel is ethically right. I love having more energy, and the new awareness I have for what foods I feed my body. I love the way I feel when I sit down with a large salad and a glass of water. I love making vegan cupcakes and giving them to people who think vegan food sucks, and watching them love it. I love showing people that you can be vegan and be healthy, and that it really isn't that hard.

2007-09-23 02:03:29 · answer #4 · answered by Jasmine 1 · 1 0

It's very easy, although people's ignorance can become frustrating. Quite honestly, I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to be healthier, or why they would want to eat blood, pus, and sh*t. The most annoying thing is finding hidden animal ingredients, and trying to find cosmetics/toiletries that aren't tested on animals. My boyfriend and I have eaten Subway's veggie patty for months now, and then the other day I found a vegan forum with a link to their nutritional info, where I found that it contains not only veggies, but egg whites! It's also annoying that our obese country seems to think that it's unhealthy to go without meat or dairy, while they all die of heart attacks and diabetes complications. It's hysterically funny, but sad, too. I like being compassionate to animals, feeling better, eating great-tasting food, and staying slender.

2007-09-19 23:55:58 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth J 5 · 5 0

I wouldn't call it hard, but a challenge. It takes discipline. The only annoying parts are:

*trolls on certain websites
*not being able to partake in office birthday celebrations (the cakes are invariably not vegan)
*having to make arrangements when it comes to family events (long story there)

It's basically having to make adjustments to find my way in a nonvegan world. And dealing with people who don't understand why I'm doing what I'm doing.

But it's the right thing for me. I feel I'm doing the right thing not eating animals and their byproducts. I find plenty of good things to eat. I enjoy the community I have of fellow veg*ans. I like finding new foods that are vegan-friendly. I'm more aware of what goes into making food and strive to avoid most crap.

For the why, why, why, why, I suggest you read "Skinny B!tch" by Kim Barnouin and Rory Freidman. It will give you all the reasons you need to stop eating animal foods.

2007-09-20 08:47:33 · answer #6 · answered by VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps! 7 · 2 1

No it is not hard.

The only thing I find annoying is when people who have no idea about veganism try to tell me how unhealthy I must be, or how "we didn't work our way to the top of the food chain for nothin'!"

* not being doubled over in pain from being lactose intolerant and eating dairy products
* knowing that the food I eat did not die a gruesome death
* eating foods my body can digest because my body was designed to absorb plants, not animals or animal products
* feeling cleaner, lighter, and healthier
* not wondering how many years I have until my heart/colon/kidneys/bones give out from decades of hardening and overwork
* doing something to help feed others (the grain NOT put into a cow to make me ONE BURGER is enough to feed several people for weeks)

* the list goes on...

2007-09-19 23:05:55 · answer #7 · answered by E.B. 4 · 4 0

The thing I find most annoying is how lousy some "salads" are when I try to eat out at a mainstream restaurant. I'm sorry a chunk of Iceberg Lettuce, a few slivers of carrots & pale pink tomatoe is not a salad.
Flip side of that many more are so wonderful when I explain what I need.
What I really like Is how good I feel & look.
Thanks for the question..made me stop & think, which is always good.
Slainté (to your health)

2007-09-20 00:51:10 · answer #8 · answered by Celtic Tejas 6 · 4 0

I became a vegetarian then a vegan because it made me feel pure. Sadly, it was not due mainly to animal rights. After a while though, I started becoming a lot more compassionate and now it makes me extremely sad to think about animals being grown for meat. After I reached the moral stage, I realized that it also has amazing health benefits. And now I'm realizing it also helps the environment.

So mainly I guess I became one for this abstract "purity" reasoning, which probably was my subconcious telling me that personally, I felt there was something wrong with eating meat.

Annoying things: people who ask really stupid questions, Like
"so you eat chicken/fish right?"
"so do you eat animal crackers?"
"what DO you eat?"

and also the people who shove it in my face, like coming up to me with a hamburger in their hand and shoving it in my face, saying "mmmm!!! don't you want this??."
I find it really rude and immature. I don't shove the fact that they eat meat in their face.

2007-09-19 23:42:50 · answer #9 · answered by aldakemina 2 · 6 0

Its not hard.
Animal by-products are annoying, as is this question.
I like not supporting animal cruelty.

2007-09-19 22:54:42 · answer #10 · answered by 85natrapS 2 · 2 1

I like not being the typical overweight greasy american

2007-09-19 22:49:42 · answer #11 · answered by collins 17 4 · 5 0

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