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There is a lot confusion in last so many years about the eggs. Mostly people treat it as nonvegetarion.Few treat it as vegetarion.Where about milk there is no confusion. Both product are derived from mammels body.
will u please help& clarify why milk is treated as vegitarion & eggs nonvegetarion..

2007-09-19 02:30:22 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

31 answers

Not all vegetarians are equal. Some will choose to eat animal products (such as eggs, milk or cheese) while others will avoid animal products altogether. This choice of lifestyle may be ethically or religiously motivated, but for many, health is a major motivator. Whatever the reason, it is important that the concept of balance be present when it comes to making dietary decisions related to your health.

Ovo-lacto vegetarians consume both eggs and dairy products but refrain from the consumption of meat, fish and poultry.

Lacto-vegetarians will consume dairy products, but no eggs.

Ovo-vegetarians will eat eggs, but no milk products.

Semi-vegetarians eat poultry or fish, milk products, eggs and meat alternatives, but do not eat red meat.

2007-09-19 02:41:21 · answer #1 · answered by frnz 3 · 0 0

Well, I am a vegetarian and have been raised that way since i was a kid. When I asked the same question to my dad when i was a kid, he explained in a very interesting way. I am quoting the same:
An egg is neither vegetarian not a non-vegetarian.
But it becomes veg or non-veg only the way it is at the time of consumption.
The eggs that are produced for the consumption by public, that come from farms are vegetative eggs, which means they are not fertilized; No matter how many days you try to get them to hatch, they wont as they are not fertilized. Since there is not chicken that comes out of them, they can be called vegetarian (According to most people).
On the other hand, the eggs that are fertilized, which look a little more yellowish/ light pink in colour than the farm produces white shell, are non-veg as they can hatch into the young ones (chickens).
On the other hand, about milk, it can only change it form in being like yogurt / curds, butter milk etc... it is not a life by itself.
In Hindu mythology, definition of non-veg is something that you kill and eat and veg is just harvest and eat. A non-veg egg is like killing a chicken's life and in case of milk u r not killing.
Until recently, eggs are being produced by farms by vegetative method (White shells) are considered vegetarian.

Hope this will help you get some idea as to what they are.

Good Luck

2007-09-19 11:30:54 · answer #2 · answered by shree 2 · 0 0

I am not a vegeterian so I don't know if my thoughts count. But I just wanted to say that milk comes from a cow but will never develop into another cow. Where an egg comes from a hen but if fertilized will develop into a chick. So I think some people say an egg should not be consumed because it could have become an animal. I've read that some people think that all egg should have the chance to be fertilized. Not to be taken to be eaten as eggs. I also read somewhere, years ago, that anything that comes from an animal that could develop into an animal is always considered an animal. And milk will only be milk and can never be anything else.

I hope this helps answer your question.

My personal thought is that a rooster has to fertilize the eggs before they even develop into having an shell in order for them to become embryos. Thousands of unfertlized eggs are laid every day in the world by all types of birds. So these unfertlized eggs just decay or are eaten by other animals. In order for an egg to have an embryo in it when it is laid, the female bird had to have had sex with a male bird. If all the unfertlized eggs where not eaten, we'd have millions of eggs around us. I think it's okay to eat eggs. And I believe it's okay to eat animals. God put food on earth for us to survive. I do happen to think we waste a lot tho. That's sad. Early people killed only enough to just eat for one or two days. If they couldn't kill, they didn't eat. Now we trap and kill much more than we consume. That's a waste and a shame. That's why humans have made many animals exstinct.

2007-09-19 09:49:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

by definition a vegetarian can still consume both dairy AND eggs, as long as they call themselves a "vegetarian" and DON'T call themselves a "vegan"

SIGH!! Soo sooo soo many people (for example, people discribing eating an egg as a "Chicken abortion" or a baby chick) Need a biology lesson!!!!!!!!

Commercial eggs are usually unfertilized.. this means no sperm has come in contact with it (which must happen whilel the egg is still inside the hen, before she lays it). Once an unfertilized egg is laid (or past whatever point in the hen that it must be firtilized) there is NO potential for life.. Period.. nothing could turn that egg into a baby chick, if it wasn't fertilized at the critical point INSIDE THE HEN.. No rooster=no firtilization. So an egg (unfertilized) is not a baby chicken, it is not a life. That's why vegetarians consider them okay.. IT is not a dead animal, no animal had to die so I could eat it.. Female humans undergo a similar egg-making process, starting around age 11. Whether the girl remains a virgin or not, she still produces an egg once a month.. if it is not firtilized (by the girl having sex and sperm reaching the egg), it is flushed out of her system (or dissolved or something). If she's a virgin, and her egg is unfertilized, it is not a baby, not a life, no potential for life (if not firtilized at the crucial point). Now, I believe that once the sperm has firtilized the egg. .it is a life.. that's just me... Of course a FIRTILIZED chicken egg is a different matter.. That IS a baby chicken.

THAT SAID.. many vegetarians and vegans avoid eggs because the way they are farmed. I won't go into alot of detail, but the conditions the hens are kept in are beyond disgusting and appaling. Completely inhumane.. That is why many vegetarians chose not to support this industry..Also because of the conditions the hens are kept in, they are diseased and sickly, so their eggs really arent' healthy.

they may still drink milk, but if they really looked into it, they'd see the milk industry wasn't much better....

2007-09-19 10:37:34 · answer #4 · answered by Shelly P. Tofu, E.M.T. 6 · 0 0

The question has been in confusion not b coz of technical aspects but religious aspects and so will continue for ever. I personally feel that eggs are animal product but not something like milk. Milking an animal is not opposed by any religion while the eggs are. The reason may be social, or anything else, we can't think of in to-day's world. Jains do not eat potatoes but they don't say it's non-veg. The best way to silence this non-ending debate is the word 'vegan' i.e don't quarrel, re-define food-stuff.

2007-09-20 02:36:07 · answer #5 · answered by JJ SHROFF 5 · 0 0

Eggs are treated as non-vegetarian by many (not all) vegetarians because while milk is simply a product of a mammal, the egg actually has the potential to be a living being if fertilization were allowed to take its course. Of course, Vegans do not consider milk to be vegetarian, as many don't agree the domestication and use of any other animal for our own good.

2007-09-19 09:36:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A lacto-ovo vegetarian eats dairy products and eggs but technically, milk is essentially a bodily fluid whereas an egg could have developed into actual chicken.

2007-09-19 09:36:43 · answer #7 · answered by OOO! I know! I know! 5 · 1 0

well, vegetarians

lacto ovo vegetarians (milk egg vegetarians) eat egg and dairy

piscapalians(sp?) eat fish and not meat

vegans dont eat anything from animals- some jams and jellies contain geletin (boiled hooves, horns, bones etc) but now days you get pectin jams and pectin jellies which is a geletin substitute made from plants

they dont use mayo because it contains egg

some cereals contain un nueeded vitamins obtained from animals

someeven dress vegan- no leather, silk etc (silk worms are boiled alive in order to get the silk faster)

but yes, vegetairians are basically people that annoy you because we all have different standards and we all try to make each other feel guilty, to a degree, because we want to make ourselves feel better about how great and nice we are to animals.

basically, eat what you want because eitherway, in not eating meat you have a bi part in helping them stay alive

wait, however, a lady or two in the past has told me that theyre vegetarians but they eat chickens- B U L L ony

2007-09-19 23:34:01 · answer #8 · answered by april9rockstar 4 · 0 0

It depends. The Hindu vegetarian tradition does not consider eggs to be vegetarian.

A lot of Western vegetarians say eggs are vegetarian.

I'm influenced a lot by the Hindu point of view, and I don't like the taste of eggs anyway, so I don't eat them.

2007-09-19 21:15:42 · answer #9 · answered by majnun99 7 · 0 1

An egg is not a chicken. A fertilised egg maybe, one day, but a normal commercial egg is unfertilised and has no prospect of becoming a living animal.

Vegetarians can eat eggs and drink milk.

The morals of eating egg or drinking milk is another question.

2007-09-19 10:19:09 · answer #10 · answered by Michael H 7 · 4 0

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