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U know it seems like u guys, dont study nothing, u might read one or two books and then think u know it all on here, and then u start bashing Christians, why is that so.

2007-09-08 18:46:33 · 31 answers · asked by Apologist 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

And for your information, I have read your books I use to be jsut like u, and I have a college degree...And I am not trying to bash, some of you are smart but the ones that I have been getting are totally fried out of their heads.

2007-09-08 19:03:57 · update #1

31 answers

They certainly don't know anything about biology. . Anybody who says there is no God is just not thinking straight In your brain there are 100 billion neurons. Each one of those neurons(remember, there's 100 billion of them) is connected to 1000 other neurons. That comes out to 100 trillion connections in your brain. These connections send electronic signals(and you can measure the electricity) from one place to another. If part of the brain is damaged and you lose some function that is controlled by that part of the brain, the brain can actually re-wire itself and let other neurons in the undamaged part of the brain take over so that you can get back that function. That's only the connections in the brain, not the rest of the body.
Our bodies also have tons of information in the DNA. You have enough information in your DNA to fill encyclopedia sized books stacked from here to the moon and back 500 times. The information storage capacity of DNA is far superior to any computer that humans have ever built. DNA can hold more information in a fifth of a teaspoon than a trillion CD’s. Do you really think that came about by just random chance........kind of like a monkey typing out the works of Shakespear just by randomly plucking away at the keys?
You need to step back and look at the big picture of what is being claimed by evolution, namely, that the unbelieveable complexity of the human brain(not to mention the rest of the body) is nothing more than re-arranged pond scum. It’s pond scum from the original prebiotic soup re-arranged over billions of years into 100 trillion connections in the brain by luck…..just random chance.
In the last 30 years, a number of prominent scientists
have attempted to calculate the odds that a freeliving,
single-celled organism, such as a bacterium,
might result by the chance combining of preexistent
building blocks. Harold Morowitz calculated the odds
as one chance in 10100,000,000,000. Sir Fred Hoyle calculated
the odds of only the proteins of an amoebae arising by
chance as one chance in 1040,000.
When you consider that the chance of winning a state
lottery every week of your life from age 18 to age 99
is about one in 4.6 x1029,120, the odds calculated by
Morowitz and Hoyle are staggering.
These odds led Fred Hoyle to state that the probability
of spontaneous generation .is about the same as the
probability that a tornado sweeping through a junk
yard could assemble a 747 from the contents therein..5
Mathematicians tell us that any event with an improbability
greater than one chance in 1050 is in the
realm of metaphysics.i.e., a miracle.

2007-09-08 19:07:37 · answer #1 · answered by upsman 5 · 0 7

Oh, for god's sake...

I think we have our "Hypocrite Of The Month" winner here. Congratulations, you beat some pretty impressive competition. You are bashing atheists...because a few of them have bashed Christians? What right do you have to complain about other people bashing people like you?

Also, I'm pretty sure I've read more than one or two books, and I'd bet a decent amount of money that I've read more of your bible than you have. Which is probably a large part of why I'm an atheist.

Get over yourself.

2007-09-09 03:33:24 · answer #2 · answered by v35322 3 · 2 0

This question is great. Good laugh. I bash most christians because when I start a debate with them about god, they get defensive, change the subject and refuse to talk about it usually. Or get really upset. As for unlearned, I think that is a more intresting question, I think christians in general seek out and excel more in education then atheist do, although I am not sure on that.

2007-09-09 01:56:03 · answer #3 · answered by bsshadowenz 1 · 2 0

I find it amusing that you can accuse someone of being "unlearned" while at the same time you can't seem to put together an intelligent sentence. I'm not even going to waste time defending my position as I feel that anything that is said would go right above your head.
... okay, I can't help it, I just have to say one thing... It seems to me that it is the Christians that are the ones guilty of bashing atheists, not the other way around as you claim. You are proof of my point.

2007-09-09 01:53:26 · answer #4 · answered by MELISSA B 5 · 5 0

For your information, I have read some of your beloved reference books (a.k.a., the bible) and I found them rather amusing, but as stories.

Next, here you are bashing Atheists. Have you ever brought yourself down from your holy pedestal, your 'righteous path', to read any of OUR works? Like, perhaps, a book on Evolution (with evolution put in a good light)? Or, going off on a tangent, a grammar book (not necessarily written by an Atheist)?

I'm predisposed to say you haven't.

2007-09-09 01:58:13 · answer #5 · answered by {fiyerae}rox.my.world. 2 · 2 0

They're not, actually.

By the way. You seem unlearned in the art of Grammar. Oh, wait, let me phrase it like you did...

... ahem...

"u know it seems like u, dont study nothing, u might read one or two books and then think you know grammar, and then u start bashing ppl who cant type, why is that so."

- 17 yo Pagan

2007-09-09 01:51:40 · answer #6 · answered by Lady Myrkr 6 · 5 0

First of all if you are a Christian isn't the Christian belief not to judge others? What makes you believe atheist are unlearned? I have friends that are atheist and they are intelligent. As far as my atheist friends I have never had them condemn me for my believes. Believe it or not my atheist friends have read the Bible front to back. I believe in God but I don't believe in condemning others for their own perspectives of life! Who died and made you feel like you were superior? What I find amusing is your inability to use the spell check provided for you. Also what college do you attend so I can avoid that particular college like the plague?

2007-09-09 02:58:45 · answer #7 · answered by htpanther 3 · 1 0

So I never went to college, but I still know how to spell out words, not use shortcuts, or use double negatives (which by the way makes it a positive). I know that I don't know it all, nor do I pretend to.
I don't bash christians, but I do bash their belief when they try to shove it down my throat.

2007-09-09 02:19:48 · answer #8 · answered by sweetgurl13069 6 · 1 0

You're imagining things.

You insult other people's intelligence, while you yourself make countless grammatical mistakes. You accuse atheists of bashing christians, one sentence after making a blanket insult against all atheists. I'd recommend you look up the word "irony," but I doubt you know what a dictionary is.

Can you provide the slightest shred of evidence to support any of your ridiculous assertions?

2007-09-09 02:00:38 · answer #9 · answered by au_catboy 3 · 2 0

It seems that way to you perhaps, but not everything is what it seems. Some atheists aren't as smart as they think they are, true. Some are smarter than they think they are. I'm sure it goes both ways. I would like to assume that you are an intelligent person. Intelligent people come around eventually... if you read that bible thoroughly, and if you use your best logic and reasoning skills... you will join us someday. Until then, good luck in life.

2007-09-09 01:59:53 · answer #10 · answered by Jadochop 6 · 2 0

Just to drive your point home, you could try spelling the word "you." You might also use proper grammar, such as "Why are Atheists so uneducated?" Unless you forget, it's impossible to unlearn anything whatsoever.

In other words, it's going to help your case if you can manage to pull off sounding educated yourself. You might delete this question and try again.

2007-09-09 02:21:29 · answer #11 · answered by writersblock73 6 · 3 0

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