Global warming is both real and fake.
The earth is getting warmer: True.
Al Gore's lunatic claims: False.
2007-09-08 16:13:34
answer #1
answered by Aztec276 4
I don't know, but I do know this: The global climate has always been changing and will continue to do so. This will happen no matter what we do. Can we influence it? Probably.
Scientists cannot predict with reasonable accuracy what will happen to the weather a day in advance. Do you think they are better with this?
Did you notice a couple of years ago when there were a bunch of hurricanes? The news media jumped all over it and said "see here's a sign of global warming" and the next year 2006 was one of the quitest hurricane seasons in recorded history and no one said a thing? It's very irritating to me. Again they can't predict next year's cycle, they can play on people's fears. Remember also that these guys get research contracts based on their fame and their findings. What would happen if they said oh don't worry everything is fine. They'd lose both their fame and their money.
I'm all for reducing emissions and reducing oil consumption and I honestly can't believe that it takes this hype to get people moving in that direction when all these years we've had the middle east to deal with. I sure thought that would be motivation enough but I guess not.
2007-09-09 06:55:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I would like to know why anyone on Earth thinks that us as humans are responsable for "destroying the Earth??" There was never any guarentee that we would be here forever. I'm pretty sure us humans couldn't have done much to stop the ice age five million years ago. What if Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio were alive during the ice age? Would they have asked us to drive hybrids and use crappy light bulbs to keep the Earth frozen?
Did global warming kill the dinosaurs? Maybe they just didn't play their part to save their species.
If you believe in God, then there is no reason to be worried about global warming.
'Worship the Creator, not the Creation"
2007-09-10 06:52:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Global Warming - True
MMGW (Man-Made Global Warming) - False
and even
CO2 caused Global Warming - False
CO2 lags temperature increases by 800 years (due to dissolved CO2 in the oceans). CO2 levels do not correlate to the four decades of cooling prior that started around 1940, BUT sun spot and solar wind (cloud formation) follow the temperature rise and fall accurately since astronomers have been recording sun activity. If MMGW were true, then WW2 (with fires and bombs) and the global industrial boom after the war (esp. in comparison to the prewar world depression) should have caused an escalation in temperature, but we got cooling.
Greenhouse gas theory states that the reflected radiation is absorbed ion the troposphere. But this is not the case as measured by either satellite or weather balloon. The heat is all direct radiation from the sun (as confirmed by sun spot/solar wind observations).
Man-made CO2 is a small fraction of the CO2 produced by volcanic activity alone each year. Submarine valcanoes alone are estimated to produce 150 times the man made CO2 levels. CO2 from animals, and vegetation (decay) even outpace man's production.
The hype and scare is due to
-politicians that want to gain energy independence and convince you that nuclear power is the way to go as the only CO2 free power source
-media and the 'if it bleeds it leads' mentality needing scary stuff to sell the public
-journalists and researchers whose livelihood depends on pushing global warming ideas. Unfortunately, the truth that it's sun activity and it's just cyclical is boring and won't get press or grant money, but the doom and gloom MMGW theory fits the bill.
You doubt some of these factors? Climate grants have increased by over a magnitude (over a billion a year in the US). Maggy Thatcher started this all just after the coal strike that hit at the hieght of the Arab Oil Embargo when she put grant money on the table to push the MMGW issue, and the panel that was formed with these proceeds evolved into the UN's IPCC. If only a billion dollars is granted, and 1/2 of that goes to researchers earning 100,000/yr, that is 50,000 full time very well paid jobs out there. No wonder they have a very loud (and prejudiced) voice. And this is only the grant employees, the media 'environmental reporting' staff is not included. That is alot of jobs, and they have a good reason to support each others work and justify their own (and the other's) current employment.
Big government's goal of energy independence (a way to make nuclear power seem palatable to the public) causes further feeding the grant machine to produce propaganda. With media promoting and exaggerating the scary tales it can (mis)represent from these grant reports MMGW has gained alot of 'public support.'
But why is it that the supporters will not open themselves to a public debate on the matter? Why are MMGW skeptics shouted down and ignored? The basis of scienctific reasearch is logic, but too many in the movement seem emotional and that in itself should make you look closer at the issue.
I am sure, after due diligence, that you will make a conclusion that will stand the test of time.
Too many others will end up with egg on their face. It was only 30 years ago when the media hyped a coming ice age. Now that argument has made a 180 degree turn. Same misguided path, just a different direction.
2007-09-09 03:07:03
answer #4
answered by Roy J 2
All the "Global Warming" whiners should start walking to work and stop consuming products and resources that foul the air we breath. Get off the stinking computer as well! What are you thinking? Is your PC powered by sunshine & rainbows? Granted, we are not good stewards of our environment. And our time here on mother earth has been a miniscule speck in the scheme of time and space. Some people claim too much credit for having the power to destroy earth and our environment. I do more to save energy and conserve resources than Al Gore ever will. I'd love to see him draging plastic bags of aluminum cans and plastic bottles to the recyler as the poor do here everyday in my home town! Just the cost of one of his jet trips would feed a whole lot of those poor people and keep his jet smog from fogging up our atmosphere! Too many hypocrites trying to "hard sell" global warming as they consume and pollute with the rest of us. All your phoney concern for our world is wasted on me! Face it, the global warming "Chicken Littles" could never survive without modern technology and the garbage byproducts it produces! Get a clue Chicken Little, the world will be here long after your panic attact is over and forgotten!
Well now...we have one contributor (Brandon)citing "MTV" as a source of acurate global warming data. Why not cite "Sesame Street" as an acurate source of information as well? Oh....and Barney the Dinosaur may also be able to explain some causes and prove the case as well. Just think....who rides on the MTV band wagon? The musical eliet if you can rate them that highly. Stretch limousines, Hummers & pimp mobiles hauling around the rich and famous. Followed by an entourage of personnel that aide in their need for attention. The red carpet treatment for those who spend and consume in excess, and then flaunt it openly all the while singing blah blah blah save our earth. And now they (MTV) are Global Warming specialists? MTV...not an entity that tries to live by example in any conservative or restrained way. So many people think they are a valuable source of acurate data. They quote other peoples statistical babble and call it acurate science.
2007-09-09 03:49:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes Global Warming is a natural cycle, but we have caused that natural cycle to speed up, and to occur in an unsafe and unnatural time period (which is between a few decades to a century). But there's hope, since we have the power to speed it up, we also have the power to slow it back down to its natural rate, with modest warming.
And if you still aren't convinced that we can't affect the environment in which we live then ALL of the modern convinces that we have today wouldn't exist. The Panama Canal wouldn't exist; all of the metal and/or wood structures wouldn't exist, and etc.
And if that doesn't convince you then go to and to get the truth.
And if this still isn't working for you then I have a question for you. In about 30 years (if humans haven’t decide to change our ways, go green, and slow down the effects of Global Warming to its natural rate) and the effects of Global Warming have set in so far that there's nothing we can do or any one after us can do to reverse what WE have done, and my children/grandchildren and you children/grandchildren have to live with the horrible effects What are you going to say? What are you going to say when they ask you, "What were you thinking? Why didn't you do anything?"
2007-09-09 11:41:33
answer #6
answered by Beacon 2
Global warming is real. The planet is alway warming up or cooling down.
The question is how much is caused by man, from what I've researched, not much.
2007-09-10 08:47:38
answer #7
answered by Richard 7
Global warming is real. To prove it to some people we would all have to give up certain lifestyles to cut it down again. Every person adds to global warming and although we can not stop breathing, we could or at least some of us could stop watching t.v, going on the Internet, driving on unessarcery jorneys or cut them down ect.
2007-09-11 03:14:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
To me global warming means "Global destabilization" since the weather around many parts of the world is not only getting warmer, it is just becoming more erratic with fiercer storms, colder and hotter weather, more floods, etc, so as to why they call it global warming I am not quite sure, but I really think that it should be called global destabilization.
I have lots of info that I think you will find quite helpful and enlightening: for excellent inspirational info within my blog to help not only our world and its creatures, but to also open peoples hearts and minds to many amazing wonders that life has to offer. I also have lots of info in my blog to help fuel peoples imaginations to many possibilities that can be found only in the minds eye.
Along with lots of environmental info, amazing environmental pictures and videos (These videos show the beauty of this world and what life can be like if people take the time to appreciate life’s true beauty).
Let us all strive for a greener/brighter future by helping to create a solid foundation for future generations to build upon, so we can hand them a beautiful world, filled with never ending awe and wonders!!
Where peoples differences and uniqueness are accepted, where we all live as one, helping one another so that we can all play our own mysteriously beautiful melodies in the never ending, awe inspiring, song of life :-)
I truly have faith in humanity and believe that someday our lives and the world in which we live will truly be transformed for the better.
2007-09-09 14:41:49
answer #9
answered by Qweemawva Anzorla Qwartoon (Male) 3
It's a fact that the planet is heating up but it's debated whether or not it is caused by us. The planet's climate has been changing since the beginning of time.
2016-05-20 00:24:46
answer #10
answered by ? 3
Unfortunately it is real despite the claims that a small number of people make.
Be careful about what you believe, almost without exception the statements made by those claiming global warming is fake have no basis to them and can very easily be discredited. There are some wild claims made by proponents of global warming as well so treat these with caution also.
Be guided by the experts and those with an in-depth knowledge of global warming and climate change. Invariably they will tell you that humans are a large part of the current warming trend.
2007-09-08 16:45:43
answer #11
answered by Trevor 7