Repeating a sin doesn't make it a sin. Sin is sin; contrary to what God has commanded. These people have turned the
natural use of the body as God created, completely contrary to His design. It is not for any man to make judgement, but
we are allowed to pick with whom we fellowship. I hope just
because we are Christian, that right hasn't been taken from us!!!
2007-09-08 13:03:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are several passages in the Bible that say it is a sin, but I don't remember reading one that explains why exactly. Some people's opinions include:
1) homosexuality is going against God's original intent, and therefore rebelling against God
2) homosexuals give themselves to a lifestyle of lust
3) God knew that unnatural sex acts could cause health problems and therefore He forbade it
4) Sex between homosexuals bears no children, therefore it is forbidden because it makes something that should be fruitful, barren.
I've also heard theories to the contrary (There are Christian gays by the way, i know some.) One of those suggestions is that God would not create a human being, knowing that they would be gay, and then forbid them from being something they have no choice in being (but that's provided you truly believe it's not a choice)
Personally, as a Christian, I think that even if homosexuality is a sin, it's no different from any other sin, and everyone does something. I have some very close gay friends and I don't condemn them for it. I love them for who they are, because love is what Christianity is truly about.
2007-09-08 19:59:55
answer #2
answered by Colie 2
The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) contain the teachings of Jesus. Jesus laid down the law for Christians. It is mainly this: Love God, and love your neighbor. If you find a rule or law in the bible that conflicts with either of those two things, then it is not Christian. If it is in the Old Testament, it is Jewish, and therefore part of the Old Law, the old covenant. If it is in the New Testament and is contrary to Jesus teachings, then it is false. Period.
Jesus *is* the law. Not any Old Testament figure, and not any other New Testament figure. Jesus' teachings are what Christianity is about. They are in the gospels, and nowhere in the gospels will you find Jesus saying one thing condemning homosexuality. He makes comments about Sodom, but the sin of Sodom was very clearly not homosexuality, but inhospitality (in the case of Sodom, attempted gang rape).
Many teachings in the Old testament in particular cannot be reconciled with the teaching sof Jesus. Here are but a few:
Lev 19:19 ?check the label, for goodness' sake!
Lev 21:20 ?need glasses?
Lev 15:19-24 ?haha
Lev. 25:44 ?uh oh...
Lev 11:10 ?hungry?
Exodus 21:7 ?What would Dr. Spock say?
Exodus 35:2 ?Working overtime?
Leviticus 18:22 ?Death is the last great adventure!
Be well.
2007-09-08 20:03:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy.Otherwise sin is sin all equal in Gods sight.There are no degrees of sin.The first sin was disobedience and it went down hill from there.I don't know where you got your info from you are wrong.Jesus didn't come to establish a religion,it was His biggest opponent when He was on earth.
To the person above me read Romans and it is a sin.You may call yourself a gay christian but no sin:homosexuality:will enter into the Kingdom of God.Like I said there are no degrees of sin one is as wrong as the next.Nature itself teaches that the natural fit of male into female is the right way to do it.Your way humanity would become extinct.The Word says to multiply and male and female is the only way that's possible.God is Logic.He is also Love and He loved all sinners enough to die for them.
2007-09-08 20:03:43
answer #4
answered by flossie mae 5
You don`t have a clue what you are talking about. Homosexuality is an abomination to God.
God doesn`t hate the person, he hates the act of Homosexuality. It is against everything he planned for us. We were told to be fruitful and multiply. It is kinda hard to mulitply when you are wasting your seed/egg. You can NOT be fruitful.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, / 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. / 11- Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
{:-) Peace & God bless from Texas. <><
2007-09-08 19:58:49
answer #5
answered by jaantoo1 6
God did not create any of us as deviates. We have the
right to choose how we behave on this earth. So, those
who commit homosexual acts are sinners just as those
who rape or kill children are sinners also. If we do not
repent of our sins before we die, we will not spend
eternity with God and the alternate is not pretty. Too many
people who discount a Creator are going to be lost if
they don't wise up before their life on earth is gone (and
we will all die, some sooner and some later). If you don't
believe that, it really doesn't matter, as that's the way it
will be anyway. Some don't believe we sent a man on the
moon but it doesn't matter, it happened anyway.
2007-09-08 20:00:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There is no measuring sin.
If you believe in G, then G is the true judge and the most fair of all judges.
If you don't believe, then judge for yourself. In either case, common sense could prevail in this case ... common sense is allowed by believers and non-believers, but does not seem to be something extremists care to use.
2007-09-08 19:59:06
answer #7
answered by bin there dun that 6
To GOD a sin is a sin. It doesn't have to be repeated over and over again to be a sin, but if it is against what he says, then it is a sin. Lieing is a sin, adultery is a sin, killing is a sin. He will forgive our sins if we learn they are against his teachings, go to him and repent and ask for forgiveness, and don't keep repeating them. About the killing of 20 people, before you kill one you know it is wrong. Oh and by the way if you are gay, doesn't mean you have to act on it. You can abstain.
2007-09-08 19:58:07
answer #8
answered by LIPPIE 7
there is such a thing as right or wrong, you can easily see what wrong brings into the world
(Romans 1:24-27) 24 Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; 27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error.
(Hebrews 10:26) . . .For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left,
(2 Peter 3:9) 9 Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. . .
2007-09-08 19:57:49
answer #9
answered by zorrro857 4
The fact that it is repeated is not WHY it is a sin. It is a sin because God forbids it. He also forbids murder, and many other sins.. Anyone who has committed these sins can seek and receive forgiveness. After that point God expects you to refrain from the sin, or to at least not maintain a sinful lifestyle and flaunt it before Him.
2007-09-08 19:56:50
answer #10
answered by Faye 4