Yeah I think those kind of things instigated by the church are fantastic. I think it is great that there is so much good and kindness coming from it, we need more of that in the world. I don't like it when a religion causes its followers to be prejudice against other peoples beliefs, sexuality and the way of the modern world. I think religions should change with the times. I personally cannot have a blind faith in something, I know that I have no idea how we got here or if there is a God and I am comfortable with that.
2007-09-08 12:49:03
answer #1
answered by SmEllY! 6
I don't think any religion is bad, it just has a bad minority. It would be nice to see more people do all that stuff instead of sitting down and doing nothing, if they can do something, and taking that away from them; those that take away aren't good people and don't truly believe in their religion.
2007-09-08 19:50:38
answer #2
answered by JFK fan--(Hug Brigade) 4
I am a Christian,and non-denominatinal,because religion take,s on it,s own law,s and reasoning,s and leave the word of God out of it,the only one is spiritual---The Church Of the living God.
2007-09-08 19:44:10
answer #3
answered by elaine 30705 7
Because that can still be obtained with out religion. Religion is not needed to be good. Religion can be good, unfortunately a lot of people use it to attack people that are different or to somehow say that they are "better".
2007-09-08 19:51:29
answer #4
answered by punch 7
its a two-sided coin in the truest sense. the teachings and good deeds obviously arent what is seriously wrong. its the ethnocentricity, the fact that when people think their religion is right and that the others are wrong, wars are started.
2007-09-08 19:55:23
answer #5
answered by Mr. Gentleman 3
So you are saying that living in a fantasy land like a child is a good thing?????
2007-09-08 19:48:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Have you actually read the bible? Trust me, it's not bad just because of the followers. All you're doing is cherry-picking the good parts.
2007-09-08 19:44:55
answer #7
answered by Ares 3
As you said, child-like.
2007-09-08 19:42:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous