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So if we all sin why is the sin committed by homosexuals so unbearable for christians, maybe they level sins according to their own prejudices?

2007-09-08 12:36:58 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

ahhhh so christians sin unwillingly and the rest do it on purpose!!!now i see lol

2007-09-08 12:43:48 · update #1

33 answers

Because according to christians homosexuality is a sin so if you remain homo then you will always be sinning and thus unable to get into Heaven.

2007-09-08 12:39:32 · answer #1 · answered by hallock36 3 · 6 4

There are three levels.

First level is the inborn tendency toward homosexual desires. This is no different than an inborn tendency for promiscuous heterosexual sex for example.

Second level is homosexual intercourse. Particularly male homosexual intercourse. Deut. specifically speaks of "man having sex with a man as with a woman" being an abomination. (According to the O.T. point of view a woman has to have sex with an animal to be as disgusting as a man having sex with a man. Identical standards for the sexes is a modern concept.) While technically this is no worse than adultery, thievery, murder, etc. it does have a certain sense of perversion that the other sins lack.

The third level is the active effort to redefine homosexual acts as acceptable and normal. When the homosexual community went from wanting the right to practice a sinful lifestyle in private in the form of "civil unions" to wanting gay marriage they crossed a line that has exposed them for the depraved and deluded souls that they are. The fact that the gay community didn't see that this would generate such an irrevocable backlash only illustrates how ones sexual desires can completely cloud reason.

2007-09-08 14:25:03 · answer #2 · answered by skip 4 · 1 0

We all do sin.......God said so. Sin, whatever it is, is wrong. When Christians make that statement, they are just letting you know we all start out on the same playing field. In order to get forgiveness for whatever sin is in our individual lives, we must not commit the one unforgiveable sin, which is rejection of the Holy Spirit when He brings us the truth of Jesus Christ.
As for Christians' attitude toward homosexuals, I am a Christian, and I know many Christians, and I know how they live and their attitudes. I don't know anyone personally who finds the sin committed by homosexuals any more "unbearable" than other sins that destroy lives, the innocent along with the guilty. I find murder kind of unbearable and rape and character assasination and gossip and lying and disrespect and yadayadayada........... Like within so many other groups, there are some homosexuals who had rather be seen as victims rather than own up to their sin or seek help to overcome it. Not all are that way. And there are some who are "in your face" so to speak about their homosexuality. Christians, if not at first, learn to hate the sin but to love the sinner. We learn to look at all people through the eyes of God. If we have a hard time doing that, God begins to teach us to do it in ways only He can do. Different Christians are in differentl stages of spiritual growth and any particular Christian may not have matured in the faith enough to tolerate others' sins. But, be assured, God will bring that person along on His own time table.
It is a false statement to say Christians level sins according to their own prejudices...........don't mistake prejudice for the Word of God......this is the Christian's source of right and wrong. It defines "Christian".....it defines "sin"......it defines how to respond to "sin" and how to respond to "sinners". One can't possibly know every answer for every situation, but it is the Christian's duty to continue to study the Word and apply It to their daily life. Then you will see how greatly God changes a person from the time of their salvation experience. It's a beautiful thing, what God does with a submissive heart. Most Christians weave in and out of subissiveness throughout their Christian lives and it's not hard to catch any of us in a state of temporary rebellion against God......I say temporary because God won't let us stay there......only a Christian knows how He corrects those He calls His own. Perhaps it's those you've run into along the way and caused you to form this opinion, but I would say the true Christian can never stay in that mind toward homosexuals themselves, but always for the abomination of their sin.

2007-09-08 13:07:15 · answer #3 · answered by Joyful Noise 5 · 3 1

There are some sins that are an open rebellion against what God wants. Being gay is only one of them.
So when someone stands up and says that it is OK to be that way, they are openly in rebellion against God.
There are others that do not receive the attention of being homosexual. The result is the same, God hates it and those that are proud of doing them are in danger.
But there are those that are not proud of the problems they bear. They "relapse" and repent.
Their are also those that change.
Neither of the last two (Using the New Testament as the guide) should be confused with the first.
A gossip, glutton, sower of discord, or a homosexual (to name only a few), all of those that fail to repent and attempt to change will suffer the same fate.

2007-09-08 12:52:48 · answer #4 · answered by teamepler@verizon.net 5 · 3 1

Right. Adultery is a sin as well and every Christian who divorced and remarried is living that sin and not repenting of it. Yet they think they will go to Heaven while the homosexuals will not.

It is indeed a prejudicial thing.

2007-09-08 13:42:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

THERE IS SUCH A THING AS RIGHT & WRONG murder is wrong so is stealing etc homosexuality is also wrong
(Hebrews 10:26) . . .For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left,

(Romans 1:24-27) 24 Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; 27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error.

2007-09-08 12:43:50 · answer #6 · answered by zorrro857 4 · 3 1

Yes it is sin just as any heterosexual sin. As Christians we can not condone any sin We must mortify not justify the sins of the flesh. So we can not say it is ok even though we know it happens and that it is no better and no worse a sin than say lying.

All sin is willingly. Christian's call it what it is not try to say it is ok. If I take the Lord's name in vain I don't say oh it's just words no big deal I say I am sorry and I try not to do it again.

2007-09-08 12:42:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

The problem I have with the homosexual agenda is the way they defend there perversive lifestyle. Behind the political front their is a deep pit of perversion that they actively try to suck our society into. Many people including children are fragile and vulnerable and many homo's would love to exploit them. Most people don't try to excuse their sin by saying they were born that way. By refusing to believe the corrective Spirit of God they are admitting to their animalistic choices and will be judged accordingly. Their arrogance divides nations as history has proven. In that sense they are treasonous. You can find God's answer in Psalms chapter 2. God laughs at arrogant sin. He is in charge and homo's only try to trample on His rule not knowing that it is hopeless to defy the rules for HIs unconditional love. Have the best life you can,I don't envy you.

2007-09-08 13:03:49 · answer #8 · answered by JesusIsTheAnswer 4 · 4 1

A christian is only a human being who has acknowledged his sinful nature and behavior and denounced it.

It doesn't mean they are perfect; they are daily striving towards perfection and will make mistakes and fall short, but to not turn away from your sin, not being willing to admit sin is sin and is wrong is a totally different concept.

2007-09-08 12:52:56 · answer #9 · answered by LadyB!™ 4 · 1 1

Being homosexual is no more of a sin then lieing or cheating in God's eyes. Jesus died for All of our sins...even the homosexuals. Just as we all need to repent and turn from our sins and turn towards Jesus, so does the homosexual. Also, AIDS is out there too, and the Lord wants to protect people from that and so he tells us not to do these things for a reason.

2007-09-08 12:44:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Understand sir that living a gay life is not an act of repentance. Yes Christians sin EVERYDAY, but typically, there is a remorse to do what is RIGHT by trying to repent and not commit that same sin again. If a person lives a gay life, they are basically saying "No repentance."

*Kind sir, Christians try NOT to sin although there are times when we do fall and sin willingly. But remember, remorse is a powerful thing. We desire a willing to change after a fall.

2007-09-08 12:40:33 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

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