Its all in His book. One, humans are being taught a lesson they will never forget. Two, a third of the angels followed Satan so there are actually two audiences here. Three, God is allowing humans to have a choice in their own fate by giving them generations of time to make that choice. Four, a thousand years is as a day to God. What seems like a long time to us (thousands of years), is only a week or two to the creator.
Definitely respect ones decision to rule out His existence, That's what having a free will allows us to do.
In the end, someone is right and someone is wrong. A Christian being "duped" has lost little. An atheist that is wrong has lost far more in comparison. In time, we all will know. Whatever the case, we all have our own lives to lead.
Great question!
2007-09-08 11:31:39
answer #1
answered by Chi Guy 5
Satan's power has already been limited by God. Reach Revelation 12:12 which describes a war in heaven which Satan lost. He, along with his angel followers, were cast out of heaven by Michael the Archangel.
The demons acknowledged the power given Jesus by his father Jehovah, and they knew their time was limited.
When he got to the other side, into the country of the Gad·a·renes′, there met him two demon-possessed men coming out from among the memorial tombs, unusually fierce, so that nobody had the courage to pass by on that road. And, look! they screamed, saying: “What have we to do with you, Son of God? Did you come here to torment us before the appointed time?” - Matthew 8:28m,29
God has not acted to eliminate their influence permanently because of the challenge issues by Satan to Job (and to the rest of us) .. that we only serve God because of what he does for us. And also the issue raised in the Garden of Eden that humans were better off without God. Well, He's sat back and basically left us to our own devices to prove Satan wrong and allow US to answer the challenge.
The complete and permanent destruction of Satan and his demons will happen in God's due time.
PS: Nowhere in the bible does it say God granted Satan immortality. He was originally granted eternal life, but that's not the same thing.
2007-09-08 11:27:15
answer #2
answered by Q&A Queen 7
According to John Milton, the blind poet who dictated the 20,000 lines of "Paradise Lost", Satan was immortal. Milton made that heroic effort to "justifie the wayes of God to men".
Your question is additional evidence that Milton did not succeed. Many before and since Milton have preceded you in questioning the omnipotence of You-Know-Who (WKW), who loves Mankind and could come to the aid of people in distress, but does not.
Milton, great dramatist that he was, gave Satan the best lines. The really great hero needs a strong villain. The unrepentant devil, cast into hell, boasts that he opposed YKW:
"In dubious Battel on the Plains of Heav'n / And shook his throne. What though the field be lost? / All is not lost; the unconquerable Will, / and study of revenge, immortal hate, / And courage never to submit or yield".
So Satan is an immortal loud-mouthed trouble-maker, who occaisionally appears in mortal guise, sometimes as an Enron executive selling his own worthless stock to yokels and sometimes as a President using clueless troops to set up military bases in an oil-rich region inhabited by religious sects who would fight over the oil if somebody would just get rid of Sadaam Hussein.
Satan! Get thee behind me! But don't try anything funny back there!
2007-09-09 07:32:32
answer #3
answered by 6
God is giving everyone a chance to repent and to come to a accurate knowledge of the Bible.
2 Peter 3:9
9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
2 Timothy 3
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,
4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth
Satan will not die at Armageddon, he will be put in his prison, and let loose after 100 years, then he will be killed.
Revelation 20
7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison
8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.
As you can see, Satan will be released after the 1000 years, and mislead the nations once again - then he will be put to his death.
2007-09-08 11:36:13
answer #4
answered by VMO 4
Why don't you make a start to make things better by helping out some of the starving people? You could work for Habitat for Humanity and do God's work. You would be contributing to the betterment of society.
You do not know a lot about God. He does not like to see people suffer. I am well aware of your opinion of Him, if you even believe in Him.
HE is not the one causing all the problems in the world. People are. Even if He were to "kill Satan now," there would still be mean and cruel people in this world.
Are you saying that you want Him to wipe out all of them as well?
Are you advocating another "Noah's Ark" type action?
2007-09-08 11:20:24
answer #5
answered by batgirl2good 7
Do you know how The Devil actually ended up as it is? It was created by God himself.
Lucifer (as The Bilble calls it, The Koran calls it Iblis). It is said that he was once a powerful angel and one of the most gifted among all the angels.
But then, he wanted to take God's position, and make himself and ruler, and the creator of all the stars and heavens.
You expect God to be happy with that? Nobody would be happy with that. And so, Lucifer was banished to hell forvever.
Note, that this happened long before we even existed. God could have destroyed Lucifer.
But, God created humans as imperfect beings, and that it is important to balance both good and evil for the sake of the nature of humans, and life on earth (don't know about other planets, since we haven't found anyone out there).
Yes, a tiger reducing a poor deer into shreads to satisfy its hunger is seen as evil. Whereas peaceful creatures like giraffes zebras and other herbivours are considered to seem good.
That was how we are made. Hevean for good people, and hell for bad people. You know, God did make us such that we can choose in our lives.
Animals survive on instincts, and humans survive on conscience.
This is the story in Christianity. In Islam, its slightly different. Lucifer was not an angel, but a "jinn", who was a loyal servant to God. Believe it or not, Lucifer was actually jealous of Adam, the first man. ROFL.
2007-09-08 21:58:45
answer #6
answered by Zabanya 6
I understand the question but I also understand God. The both can't meet.
This world and all that's in it, is a meer playpen compared to the big picture. A big picture that we can't see. Not yet, anyway.
Even Jesus said the poor would be with us always. Why? We don't know. Things happened historically that we can't get our hands on and so not able to understand the reasons why.
All we have is the faith that the creator knows what He's doing.
2007-09-08 11:30:39
answer #7
answered by judysbookshop 4
Because Satan is a myth and a made up aspect in order for people to be scared into being good. God is in everything and a part of everything. People don't want to admit that and they want God to be only good. They also don't want to take the blame for bad things so they created Satan to take the blame.
2007-09-08 11:32:43
answer #8
answered by AveGirl 5
Satan doesn't exist. Evil does. Evil is a collective representation of Satan but there is no physical Satan. Evil works hand in hand with Good for balance and harmony.
Positive and Negative Poles, Day and Night, Summer and Winter, Ice Age and Global Warming, Life and Death, etc.
2007-09-08 11:18:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If God were to destroy Satan He'd have to destroy all souls who have not believed in Him as well. It was His decree that it would be so from the beginning of this world. So shall it be in the end. God never changes His word. That would mean that if He were to end this world age now by destroying all sin, which includes unbelief, He'd have to destroy everyone who ever lived and those alive now who have rejected Him. Ready for that?
2007-09-08 11:20:40
answer #10
answered by drivn2excelchery 4