Hey, well, in their defense, we did feed them to lions. Then again, they got their revenge with the dunk tanks and the hangings. Okay, it's a tie. Now let's all call a truce, shall we? :)
2007-08-22 19:04:20
answer #1
answered by trai 7
Well, most 'die hard' Christians, like "jesus_theonlywaytolife" are some of the most biased, bigoted people on the face of this earth, seconded only by the die hard Muslims. Abrahamic religious fanatics (Jews, Christians and Muslims) will rant and rave if they are excluded from anything, including friendship, because of their religious beliefs. They scream and holler foul and call people bigots and cry Christian persecution simply because someone at work won't talk to them because of their hard-core religious beliefs. But be an atheist, anti-theist (outspoken atheist who believes religion to be detrimental to society), pagan or other none believer and you may as well not exists. When then exclude these people from their events and live, it's okay, because it's their gods wish. BULL S#!T!
Why do these people believe you, and other none believers are evil or at least unworthy of their notice and friendship? There are generally two reasons:
1) They feel they are better then you are (even though they refute this claim) and because you don't follow their god, you are a pariah and don't deserver to included in anything. After all, you are 'dead' anyway since your final destination is hell!
2) They feel uncomfortable if the topic of religion comes up. Either they don't have answers to questions they believe will be asked of them, or deep down they KNOW their answers don't hold up under scrutiny and they don't want to be put into a situation where their faith in the unbelievable is questioned.
Usually, it's a combination of the two. After all, if they hang out with pagans or other non-Abrahamic faiths they have to justify why their god is the true god and the gods of the other religion are false. There is no such proof and since they use the 'there is no evidence to disprove god' against the atheists, this defense upsets them when used against them in a like fashion. And since they have no proof, they hate being hounded by atheists who require such proof. Stephen F. Roberts once said to a Christian, "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." This is why many hard core Christians avoid other faiths. They KNOW that exposure to other ideas will lead them to discover the truth of their lies.
As for "jesus_theonlywaytolife", well, she is just a bigot that needs to grow up. After all, Jesus is the lie that leads to stupidity, ignorance and true death.
I hope this helps
2007-08-23 17:33:56
answer #2
answered by deknowsit 5
I would clap my hands and jump up and down and say "congratulations may your path that you have chosen in life lead you to may happy days and nights!"
And no I am not being sarcastic. Many of my friends are out of the "broom closet" and I love them just the same!
2007-08-23 23:19:11
answer #3
answered by Squee 4
Oh I am living behind a Christian front because I am a stay at home mom with an SUV. Christians can see through that sort of thing and because they don't "instantly" know I am Pagan that means I must be faking it reeeaaaallly well.
I **** you not someone today told me that.
2007-08-22 23:46:40
answer #4
answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7
well i have a friend who is sort of Wiccan. she doesn't practice it regularly but she is studying it and is pretty devoted. i am a Christian and i don't really care about what religion other people are, but I believe in the Christian ways. I have NOTHING against other religions and i try not to make fun of other religions, but I am a Christian and Proud.
2007-08-23 22:07:26
answer #5
answered by lovelovelove 3
i would give you a cuddle because we are all the same in this world we live in no matter our beliefs xxx
2007-08-23 02:08:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
To me, I see wiccans the same way I see Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Buddhists, etc. - they don't really stand out to me from the non-believing population.
And none of my friends would come out of the "broom closet" cuz I only make friends with devoted Christians.
2007-08-22 23:56:09
answer #7
answered by Petina 5