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I'm going to start college in three days!!!! I'm thinking that maybe God might help me survive my freshman year. How did he help you get through college?

2007-08-22 15:36:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

God helps me get through college because He guided me into the right classes at the right times. Therefore, i have learned the right things right when i needed them. He also has guided me to remain close to my parents, to love them, respect them, and come to them for advice whenever i needed it. This has made my road a lot less bumpy, since i can have their guidance while i spread my wings.

Another way God helps me is that He has taught me to test all things. Don't ever take what a professor says at face value. I sift through it, and anything that bothers me i research on my own later. I get to know the professors who are teaching me so i can know all their personal biases in both religious and political realms.

Don't be scared of college! This is another stage in your life and God already knows what you'll go through. Our God is a Warrior God, He is Jesus Who fought with the devil and won. He fights not with swords but with ideals, morals, and beliefs. The pen is mightier than the sword--what a person believes is stronger than their physical strength.

Also, a tip: don't be afraid to acknowledge that other people, especially non-Christian people, can have morals and/or good and valuable things to say about the universe. All people are made in the Image of God. That Image may be corrupted or wounded, but it is still there. This means that all people have within them two natures: a bad and a good, and can listen to either. This means that even atheists can have good and valuable things to say. However, the difference is that ultimately non-Judeo-Christian systems of thought and belief will fail: they will collapse under their own logic. Only Judeo-Christianity, with Jesus as its Foundation and Cornerstone, can withstand the pressure. Which is to say, an atheist who hates Christians can still teach a person about the good in Christianity, because he is still a person who has within him that Image of God. This is just a thought i want to share, because i encounter far too many Christians who are defensive, who don't want to learn about other things. But they needn't worry. God is above all things and He can shine through any darkness.

Blessings and congratulations! :D

2007-08-22 15:51:57 · answer #1 · answered by Oogglebooggle 2 · 3 1

I had to do college the hard way and pay for it one course at a time and not go every quarter until I could save money for the next course. My father refused to sign a parent's confidential financial statement and since he refused, so did my mother. I couldn't get financial aid without their signatures for 3 years, and by that time I had worked full time for 3 years and couldn't get any grants. It had been deeply engrained in me never to take out a loan for anything other than a house or a car. So I just took a course here and there until I actually completed a bachelor degree and then a master degree in a field I don't like and really never wanted to go into, but I could do it part time, piece meal. It took 23 years total. Did God help me survive? I survived, and since He is the author of all life, I guess He did.

2007-08-29 20:42:54 · answer #2 · answered by javadic 5 · 2 0

I dont think you need to delete facebook. Instead you can have a balance with your study life and facebook. Just be careful not to spend too much time on facebook. Facebook is a wonderful social networking site and it helps to contact with your friends and family all around the world. So dont delete facebook just keep a control over the time you spend on facebook. Thats all and enjoy your college life to the maximum. Have lots of fun!!! and study as well :)

2016-05-20 05:18:13 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I prayed before each lecture and before studying that I would understand and remember what I was learning. I prayed before tests that I would remember and do well. It worked amazingly for me even when I felt overwhelmed. I felt like god was right there with me.

I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer.

2007-08-30 11:19:32 · answer #4 · answered by atomzer0 6 · 1 0

I prayed for good grades and happiness.. In a dream I was told to study until my eyes fell like they would fall out.. The dream message helped me survive..

2007-08-22 15:40:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

He didn't. He made it possible for me to go back after thirty and with a family to feed.
Then He left the doing up to me.
Stand on your feet and do a work for God instead of asking Him to do your homework. And remember He is watching.

2007-08-28 18:01:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God has helped me survive every day of my life, including college.

Best of luck, keep you eye on the goal of doing well and getting good grades.

Enjoy the socializing, it is a whole new world, do not get dragged into the excessive partying and drugs and you will be fine.

2007-08-22 15:47:33 · answer #7 · answered by Sue F 7 · 2 2

Yes, they did. Nothing like gold and yellow candles for studys for tests. I graduation, at age 39 for college and working working full-time, on the Dean's list all semesters.


2007-08-22 15:50:21 · answer #8 · answered by Erie_Irish 4 · 0 2

God made college a lot more difficult for me. I kept getting dumped for being a virgin.

2007-08-30 12:55:07 · answer #9 · answered by love 6 · 0 1

I'm starting college on Monday too. Good luck!

2007-08-22 15:39:58 · answer #10 · answered by Sam 6 · 1 1

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