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Religion does not require education - only obedience.
Education does not require religion - only an inquisitive mind.

Do you prefer to be obedient or inquisitive?

Is it obedience or inquisitiveness that advances the human race?

2007-08-22 13:21:34 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

47 answers

Education is not a religion. Here are a few of the logical fallacies you have just committed:

1. Argument by Rhetorical Question:
asking a question in a way that leads to a particular answer. For example, "When are we going to give the old folks of this country the pension they deserve?" The speaker is leading the audience to the answer "Right now." Alternatively, he could have said "When will we be able to afford a major increase in old age pensions?" In that case, the answer he is aiming at is almost certainly not "Right now."

2. Begging The Question (Assuming The Answer, Tautology):
reasoning in a circle. The thing to be proved is used as one of your assumptions. For example: "We must have a death penalty to discourage violent crime". (This assumes it discourages crime.) Or, "The stock market fell because of a technical adjustment." (But is an "adjustment" just a stock market fall?)

3. Bad Analogy:
claiming that two situations are highly similar, when they aren't. For example, "The solar system reminds me of an atom, with planets orbiting the sun like electrons orbiting the nucleus. We know that electrons can jump from orbit to orbit; so we must look to ancient records for sightings of planets jumping from orbit to orbit also."

Or, "Minds, like rivers, can be broad. The broader the river, the shallower it is. Therefore, the broader the mind, the shallower it is."

Or, "We have pure food and drug laws; why can't we have laws to keep movie-makers from giving us filth?"

4. Non Sequitur:
something that just does not follow. For example, "Tens of thousands of Americans have seen lights in the night sky which they could not identify. The existence of life on other planets is fast becoming certainty!"

Another example: arguing at length that your religion is of great help to many people. Then, concluding that the teachings of your religion are undoubtably true.

Or: "Bill lives in a large building, so his apartment must be large."

5. Excluded Middle (False Dichotomy, Faulty Dilemma, Bifurcation):
assuming there are only two alternatives when in fact there are more. For example, assuming Atheism is the only alternative to Fundamentalism, or being a traitor is the only alternative to being a loud patriot.

Religion requires faith and not necessarily obedience. Example: the Catholic Church - officially - does not accept the use of contraceptives (even by married couples). No Catholic I have ever met actually obeys this 'rule'.

Religion does not require education.
Yes it does.

From the inside:
ever heard of religious scholars? All the major religions (as far as I am aware) have religious scholars to turn to (example: the Jews have a rabbi) or Catechism, anyone? I could go on. In any event, the evidence proves you wrong.

From the outside:
people can do a PhD in religious studies. Religious studies are a widely-divergent area of scholarly investigation.

Do you prefer to be obedient or inquisitive?
One can be inquisitive without being obedient, and vice-versa (see list of fallacies, above).

Is it obedience or inquisitiveness that advances the human race?
Actually, being too inquisitive can get you maimed or killed. Not all of us are cats with 9 lives.

2007-08-22 18:41:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

If you examine the history of science you will see that many of the big breakthoughs were roundly denigrated as nonsense by the scientific community. Education can be just as dogmatic as religion.

After all how many students actually question what they are being taught? And how many teachers accept being questioned? In my experience, very few.

As an addition to this answer, I would like to point out that what you have said is a statement with a question mark tacked on the end, not an actual question. Clearly you already have an answer in mind and are using this forum to express that, not very inquisitive if you ask me...

2007-08-22 18:58:25 · answer #2 · answered by c0n2007 1 · 2 0

You use the term " religion " all through your question. What is that ? Will "religion" get anyone into heaven ? The short answer is NO. You say religion requires blind obedience & does not require education. Do you realize what " religion " really is ? The first recorded act of religion in the Bible was when Adam & Eve disobeyed God & ate of the only tree in the whole garden they weren't to touch the fruit of. When God confronted them, they tried to cover up their guilt & now noticed their nakedness, because they now knew the difference between good & evil. The covering of our sins with excuses and picking and choosing what parts of the Scriptures we want to go with our chosen life style. That's religion. That will get you nowhere, in God's eyes.
Being a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, the Son of God is what is required, not religion. And to obey God, it's not blind obedience, because we have free wills and we still have the capacity to do wrong, so we always need to be on our guard. None of us is perfect, so we need to daily strive to follow the teachings of God. Studying the Bible requires education & being inquisitive.

2007-08-22 13:48:12 · answer #3 · answered by The Count 7 · 3 2

God tells us to "study to show ourselves approved" (2 Timothy 2:15) Religion is man made anyway and is simply a way for man to control the masses. God requires both inquisitive minds and obedience. He tells you what He wants you to do and why. He requires education. So to answer your question, God's way is far superior to man's education that only causes harm to the human race.

2007-08-22 13:36:44 · answer #4 · answered by Scott 3 · 2 1

Inquisitiveness. Being obediant does not advance anyone.

That said, there are a lot of beliefs, like the Pagan beliefs, that can be both religious and inquisitive.

2007-08-22 13:25:55 · answer #5 · answered by mathaowny 6 · 3 0

but not at all! God created the human with the intellect and all the faculties, and faith perfects the understanding and the intellect and all the faculties. It is not possible to have stupid faith because the human has an intellect.
'education requires an inquisitive mind' - I guess your public school was better than mine.
both obedience -or rather trust - and inquisitiveness are necessary.

2007-08-22 13:28:22 · answer #6 · answered by rebecca v d liep 4 · 3 1

I prefer to be Inquisitive.

Both obedience and inquisitiveness advance the human race.

AND - it requires an inquisitive mind to educate yourself about religion.

My Religion (Religious Science) is not about obedience. It is about CREATIVITY.


2007-08-22 13:28:13 · answer #7 · answered by liddabet 6 · 2 1

Education only requires an inquisitive mind? Crikey! You obviously didn't go to school in Britain, then.

Or maybe, you have just been conditioned to think of your own educational development as some Socratic paradise by your godless overlords. Try an honest and open inquiry into the nature of self, reason, ethics and truth, instead, of simply regurgitating the words of others. It robs us all of our dignity.

2007-08-22 14:39:27 · answer #8 · answered by Mr Shankley 3 · 3 1

You need to get the question of exactly what 'Religion' means. Religion is what the Pharasees were to Jesus and John the Baptist. "White washed tombs". In other words, they seemed clean on the outside, but inside they were rotton. Pedantic about little laws of washing bowls before eating, and strictly sticking to all the smaller laws. Getting upset when the Disciples of Jesus picked sheaths of wheat to eat on the Sabbath.

A "relationship" with God is not religion, as we always call it, it is a place in your life, where you recognise that Jesus was the Messiah, and you open your heart to Him and ask Him to be the Lord and Saviour of your life. John 3:3.

Once this happens you DO experience a change inside, and you obey the Commandments, including the new one Jesus gave us; "that you love one another as I have loved you, and love your neighbour as yourself".

So you actually don't want to disobey the Commandments of God, because you have His life, in the form of the Holy Spirit in you. Your own spirit man reacts autamatically against doing wrong. Thats not religion. Religion is a stench in the nostrils of God.

God never told us not to be inquisitive, but be inquisitive about the Word of God, the beauty He gave us on the earth. (No, I'm not talking about wars, and genoside and all those other terrible things that happen. MEN choose to do those things, unfortunately).

Being inquisitive does not go against a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We don't want to all sit in a closed box.

There are thousands and thousands of highly educated people in the world, who have this personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

"Seek and you shall find". Does that sound like Jesus didn't want us to be inquisitive. Read Proverbs 1.

We use the word religious to broadly.

2007-08-22 13:50:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Exactly right.

You will hear that it takes an inquisitive mind to study the bible, however, as soon as you start questioning the reality of the stories written by uneducated nomads, you have crossed the line and have to go back to obedience.

Science and understanding and exploration have lead to discovery and invention that really have helped mankind. Better medicine, better shelter, better food production and better communication is the legacy of science.

Religions legacy is family rifts, neighborhood splits, national wars, and an attempt to stifle learning and new knowledge in the name of tradition and blind faith.

2007-08-22 13:31:26 · answer #10 · answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7 · 2 1

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