2007-08-22 04:00:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The proof is in the pudding. Does the name Jesus Christ come up in the Old Testament? No, because the Old Testament is a Jewish spiritual document and was written in languages that Jews knew, Hebrew and Aramaic. It was not written in the language of the conquering Empire, Greek which is the language that the term Jesus Christ comes from. Also, no prophecy used in the Old Testament comes true in the New Testament concerning the Messiah. Jesus Christ fails in every test. Of course, the New Testament mentions numerous prophecies that are supposed to have fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The truth is that none of the prophecies mentioned in the New Testament can be found in the Old. All the prophecies in the New Testament are false. In NO case does Jesus Christ meet any of the requirements of the Jewish capture.
2007-08-22 04:49:28
answer #2
answered by emesshalom 3
No, of course not. The original Jewish conception of the Messiah was in fact nothing at all like what the "Christians" made of "Jesus." The notion of a divine-incarnate "Savior of the World" is an idea borrowed from paganism, and would've been recognized as such by the historical Jesus himself. The Jews simply anticipated a priest-king of the line of David who would deliver their people from the Roman yoke, and restore the legendary glories of the race.
Nothing is much simpler than accounting for the supposed "prophesies" of Jesus in the OT. Assuming that the man Jesus actually rode a donkey into Jerusalem, e.g., in "fulfillment" of Zechariah 9:9, how hard would it have been for him to do this consciously in order to be identified with the Messiah? You or I could "fulfill prophesy" in exactly the same way today. Other "fulfillments" may simply have been literary flourishes of the composers of the Gospels.
2007-08-22 04:03:41
answer #3
answered by jonjon418 6
You're probably referring to people who do "Bible Codes" and search for things like "every 7th letter of every 7th verse spells out something" (not a real code btw) and they use these codes to search for hidden messages in the Bible. They say they find Jesus' name in the Old Testament using these codes, but I honestly have no idea if they do or not.
But if "Jesus the Christ" is spelled out all together anywhere in the OT, no. Because Jesus is the english translation of the name, so it could not appear in a Hebrew text. :)
2007-08-22 04:05:30
answer #4
answered by Thomas The Servant 4
Yes and No The name Jesus is not a Hebrew name it is a translation of Yeshua which means salvation and is in the Old Testament many times. There are many prophesies of the coming Messiah and these Jesus has and will fulfill when he returns. Jesus is a part of the whole of God and was God in the beginning of creation. God said let US create man in OUR image.
God formed man from the dust (flesh)
God breathed in man life (spirit)
and man became a living soul (soul)
Flesh, spirit and soul ONE man
Father, Son and Holy Spirit ONE God.
We are created in the image of God more than flesh above the animals with an eternal spirit.
2007-08-22 06:33:26
answer #5
answered by djmantx 7
The name itself is not used - but there are plenty of prophecies pointing to the Messiah that Jesus was the fulfillment of.
His name was Yeshua, and there are others with that name, like Joshua, but that happens with any name. The OT prophecies say that His name will be Emmanuel (God with us)
2007-08-22 13:07:15
answer #6
answered by BaseballGrrl 6
The letter "j" in the English alphabet did not come nto existance until the 16th century when they were attempting to convert the Hebrew scdriptures into the Greek language. They had problems converting the Hebrew "y" into the Greek "i", thus the "j" was born. Now, our precious savior, whose true name is YAHSHUA, (Joshua in the English) was born just over 2000 years ago, the name "jesus" was never originally intended to be in the Bible in the first place. It was put there so that the father of the gods in the Roman pantheon, zeus, would be in the King James Version. Therefore, the name "jesus" which means "zeus our healer, or zeus our salvation", put in the Bible in place of "YAHSHUA" which means "YAHWEH IS OUR SALVATION!!!" This is the deceptive work of satan in the hearts of men who easily turn to what the crowd desires rather than to whats right! Did you know that the name YAHWEH was removed from the Bible over 6000 times to be replaced with god or lord (baal)! Keep studying, you'll be amazed at the truths that you'll discover!!!
2007-08-22 04:11:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The name Jesus means "I Am Salvation" or rather Ya'shua - Yah meaning I AM and Shua meaning "one who saves". The name is not in the OT except "Salvation" in various verses I couldn't list for you here. The thing that even most Christians don't understand is that The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses and etc is the same...Jesus. No one has seen the Father except the Son and yet Moses saw the back of God (Jesus). All things that were made were made through Him, by Him and for Him so it makes sense that it was His presence in the Garden that questioned Adam and Eve. There are references to the coming Christ in prophecy all through out OT and even in Psalms 22 the thoughts of Christ as He is crucified are put to pen by David the Psalmist. One like the Son of Man is seen in the furnace with Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo (sp?) in the 4th person keeping them from being burned alive. There are many more instances. No, the name Jesus is an English name that we give to the Greek name of Ieisus which is greek and then there is the Hebrew Ya'shua...all the same name...just like Christ and Messiah means the same thing. They see what they do not see because rather than consuming the scriptures as their daily bread for themselves they are hand fed crumbs and morsels by well-meaning but nevertheless misguided pastors, preachers and clergy. Love in Christ, ~J~
2007-08-22 04:23:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
the old testament mentions that the mesiah will come and predicted various events Jesus went through such as the visit of the maia when jesus was born and the genocide of Herod
2007-08-22 04:12:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If the hebrew name of Jesus is yeshu...there is a mention of a yeshu in the book of ezra....but this yeshu has nothing to do with Jesus.
2007-08-22 08:39:04
answer #10
answered by mzJakes 7
There are two ways to look for Jesus in the Tanach. One way of spelling his name is Yeshua which is the Hebrew word for Salvation. Another way it is spelled uis Yehoshua which is the name Joshua. Christ is the Greek word Christos that is used in the Septuigent for Mashiac which is the Hebrew word for Messiah/Saviour. Look in verse 21 of Obadiah for an example of Mashiac. I hope this helps.
2007-08-22 05:46:39
answer #11
answered by Scott 3