in your own words what you think faith is.
28 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Jon M- a student of logic and argument, eh? I like that. Me, too.
02:54:36 ·
update #1
Duckphup- Yup. You're right. Yours certainly is a non-christian and very hostile perspective. Nero would've loved you no doubt. Hypothesis contrary to fact, I know, but- I'm sure you get my point.
03:00:54 ·
update #2
Matt D- Your edit remarks are right on target. I just hope that others here see and read them.
03:08:14 ·
update #3
Tim- Am I correct in understanding you to mean that I believe what I believe because someone else told me to believe it? If so, you are dead wrong. In my family, dad was an atheist, and mom was a member of not only Order of the Eastern Star and the Roscicrucian Order, she was a witch as well. Christianity was a big-time no-no in my house. That is, until some tragedy came upon someone; then, all of a sudden, God was very interesting. The hypocrisy of it all is one of the things that drove me closer and closer to wanting to understand this God of the Hebrews.
03:20:44 ·
update #4