as a muslim, the best part is when knowing that u are in your right way, and able to keep the faith in the middle of difficulties, islamophobia, attacks by the jewish, badly treated in airports in america and certain europe countries..etc, becoz you know the truth and you have your own reason why you believe it.have u ever wonder why muslims in palestine and in the world have a strong belief in islam and
Allah?becoz we find something in it.
2007-08-22 04:17:09
answer #1
answered by green 3
Well the favorite part of my religious book is God ordering the death of millions of innocent people...
My oh so favorite part is when I come to your house I can use you as a slave or I can kill you and take your house.....
10 When you march up to attack, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city.
2007-08-22 09:53:25
answer #2
answered by BOB 4
Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with God. Savior is the best part.
2007-08-22 11:30:23
answer #3
answered by Nina, BaC 7
My religion is science,
And the best part is that I am free,
I have no obligation to God, or any other super national begins,
And I can think and study,
That’s how I practice it!
2007-08-22 10:04:01
answer #4
answered by citizen of lala land 6
George Carlin said it best: the only good thing to come out of organized religion is the music.
2007-08-22 09:50:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
2007-08-22 09:51:04
answer #6
answered by Linda J 7
Being with God and Knowing that He loves you no matter what you do. Also praise and worship at church.
2007-08-22 11:36:34
answer #7
answered by Bubulicious_93 2
the favourite part of being islam ?
it just between you and god nothing else no priest to ask for forgiveness or confest of our sins. no statue to pray upon, you can pray anywhere you are. you dont have go to church or mosque if you want, you can pray at your own room. no pressure coz again it is between you and god and no one else to serve and obey ultimately.
2007-08-22 10:19:53
answer #8
answered by Ya..Bru 3
indulgence instead of abstinence when it comes to the 7 deadly sins.
2007-08-22 09:50:45
answer #9
answered by nymphetamine 3
Finally finding my place in this world... I have always had beliefs that weren't Christian but I never knew what to call them. I have peace and acceptance finally.
2007-08-22 09:50:41
answer #10
answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7