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I am vegan, and would find it hard going out with a meat-eater, especially those meat-eaters who are narrow minded and think you are not getting the correct nutrition ect

2007-08-10 09:55:13 · 32 answers · asked by Nicky B 2 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

32 answers

When I was single there wasn't much choice as nearly every guy that I'd meet was a meat-eater. The way that a guy reacted to my being veg was a deciding factor though-- if he was open-minded about it & didn't find it hilarious to 'rib' me about it (bad pun--sorry), I'd be open to seeing if we were compatable on a non-culinary level. I couldn't believe how many guys thought it was sooo witty to phone me & describe what they were eating.
The guy I was seeing when I went veg still ate meat, but he'd eat veg whenever we ate together. He didn't understand *why* I stopped eating meat, however & we had very different ideals in a lot of other areas too.
My SO ate meat when we got together, I let him know it was his choice but *I* wasn't cooking it for him. He enjoys my cooking & became intrigued with what I had when we went out to eat. Also, he is an open & compassionate person & could understand why I'm veg after a few conversations. He gradually became veg during our 1st year together.

2007-08-10 11:55:10 · answer #1 · answered by Catkin 7 · 1 0

As long as they have an open mind as to what I eat I certainly cannot judge (or not eat with) a meat eater. There are some things that I have a hard time being around (in regards to smell) but I deal with it... they deal with it sometimes being a hassle going out to eat with a vegetarian... limits the places you can go at times.

In regards to if I would date a meat eater... I have. As long as they make the effort to accomodate my lifestyle (and have a love for animals) I will do the same for them.

2007-08-10 13:36:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The only thing I would find hard is if things got serious and we were to move in with eachother. It can be a hassle cooking different meals from one another... it would be just as much hassle for my partner to be with a vegan as it would be for me being with a meat eater.

I think it would be easier dating another vegan but the chances of me finding one are small so as long as they accept my views and don't try to change me I'd most certainly go out with a meat eater.

2007-08-10 11:06:06 · answer #3 · answered by jenny84 4 · 2 0

My partner is not a vegetarian - he will eat turkey or chicken on occasion. This is for health/fitness reasons not ethical. He also takes a whey protein for body building/working out.

His ethics/views are his own. I have yet to meet any one person that has even close to the same views as I do on animal ethics, human ethics, politics, religion, etc. He does not tease me nor give me the "you aren't getting enough nutrients" line at all. I think if he did, we wouldn't have ended up in a serious relationship.

I do 99.9% of the cooking - including packing his lunches. When he cooks, it is vegan. Our entire household is vegan with the small exception of his protein powders and a limited amount of vegetarian snacks for my son. When we eat out he has always ordered vegan - mostly I think because we tend to share our dishes but also I think it is because he respects my ethics and "willpower."

The only teasing I get from him is when I wasn't able to make his lunch and he happened to eat at Subway that day - saying it was my fault...but never, ever in a serious way. I admit that I am not that hurried to kiss him hello on those days! haha!

I am very lucky that my partner is so health/fitness minded and also sympathetic to my ethics. My exhusband was a meat eater - while I never prepared non-vegan food for us, he did purchase and prepare such foods in the house. That was most unpleasant for me and I doubt seriously I would be in such a situation again.

2007-08-10 16:01:32 · answer #4 · answered by raven 1 · 2 0

would you go out with make up on or leather shoes all contain animal products so if you dont eat the meat were it. there are loads of things people dont know about animal inputs but why should none meat eaters be judgemental of meat eaters tryed once but could not do with out it sorry but why isolate

2007-08-11 23:38:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nutritional habits and eating philosophies shouldn't get in the way if you truly love and understand each other. I went out with a meat-eater (as in one who hardly ate veggies) for 2 happy years (I was strict vegetarian at the time). He was totally new to the idea but still respected my beliefs. Whenever he came over to my place, I would cook vegetarian burgers, burritos, tacos - and boy, did he love them! Now we're not together anymore, but I heard that he goes to the market to buy vegetables on a weekly basis.

2007-08-10 10:49:29 · answer #6 · answered by foodielovah 3 · 0 1

I'm going out with a meat eater, and its fine. He gives some comments every so often but just remind him that I respect his choice so he should respect mine. Even if we are buying some food, or in a resteraunt he is always checking that things are veggie for me.

2007-08-11 07:51:09 · answer #7 · answered by sparkle 5 · 0 0

Girl let me tell you, I am married to a meat eater and it ain't easy. I was not always a vegetarian and my man still has not gotten used to the idea. I still have to prepare his meals and mine. Like for example, last night I had to fry chicken for him and his brother. I don't know if you have ever done that, but it is pretty hard. Then I made mashed potatoes and gravy, turnip greens, cole slaw and biscuits. When I got them fed, I made myself a veggie pizza. By the time I got threw cleanin up the kitchen, it was dang near 11:00 pm. I ain't complain because my man makes us a real good living, but it is hard cookin 2 different meal every night.

2007-08-10 10:21:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I hate those narrow minded people like my grandpa and neighbour who think I don't get my nutrition. ( I get more protein NOW as a vegetarian than I ever did as a meat eater... HAH )

But unfortunately I would date a meat eater.
I don't know many man vegetarians or veguns... well I do but they are gay.

2007-08-10 14:55:49 · answer #9 · answered by Sarah* 7 · 1 0

My boyfriend is a meat eater but he is very supportive of my lifestyle. We don't try to force anything on each other but we compromise. I will cook meat for him twice a week if he buys it and he will cook vegetarian for me twice a week. Anything more than that we take it upon ourselves. Today I cooked quinoa with seitan and he liked it.

2007-08-10 14:45:59 · answer #10 · answered by al l 6 · 1 0

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