Your Pap came back normal, meaning there's no abnormal growth in your cervix.
HOWEVER, Paps do not routinely test for the presence of HPV. That is a separate test. HPV can hide for up to three years before causing problems (although it often clears spontaneously and does NOT cause problems).
That means even though your Pap is normal now, there is a chance you might have HPV and that later on, HPV might cause problems. That assumes you have HPV now -- you might not, and that's great. Of course, if you are sexually active (dry sex counts as sexual activity), you could acquire HPV later on.
Basically, your normal Pap means all is fine for now. But you need to get tested every year. And if you haven't done so yet, please get Gardasil, the HPV vaccine.
BTW, the natural cures thing is pure quackery. It's sick they they let the guy sell that stuff, and sicker that people would follow his advice and DIE from it. Please flag carmella for spamming.
2007-08-08 05:32:38
answer #1
answered by Gumdrop Girl 7
Even though you have had a normal pap does not mean that down the line you will never see an abnormal pap. HPV is in alot of women and it never turns into anything. It is the HPV that is not treated that can turn into Cervical Cancer. Make sure to always get an annual pap and make sure they are checking for HPV. If you have a bad pap there are several things that can cause it, and things that can be done to get rid of the HPV. May not be permanent, but helps it from developing into worse stages.
2007-08-08 07:08:33
answer #2
answered by @@@@@ 1
A pap smear looks for abnormal cell changes. The HPV test screens for high risk HPV types that are in a high virtual load. At this moment your smear did not see abnormal cell changes in the sample that your doctor took of the cervix. An HPV test may not have been done if no abnormal cell changes were found. Ask your doctor did he do an HPV test? We can have HPV with no abnormal cell changes.
Have you had sex? If the answer is yes then you may have already acquire one of the 30 or so genital HPV types, in the future you may have abnormal cell changes. If you have sex with a new partner you may acquire HPV or your may acquire new HPV types.
A Pap smear can miss abnormal cell changes. This happens often so yearly Pap smear are recommended that if abnormal cell changes were miss your next Pap will find them, so that you doctor can treat if necessary.
HPV does not develop in the body is acquired most often with sex. We can acquire one of the genital HPV with no signs and in many people the body builds antibodies to fight the virus before cell changes happen.
I hope your next pap is clear and every on that follows.
Understanding cell changes
2007-08-11 07:42:51
answer #3
answered by tarnishedsilverheart 7
There are many different strands of HPV that we encounter, sometimes your body gets rid of the virus, but sometimes strands are stronger than others. There are 4 common stands of HPV, 2 that cause cerivical cancer and 2 that cause genital warts.
In order to get HPV you have to come into contact with the virus through sex, etc. If you choose to have unprotected sex, you could one day have HPV.
2007-08-08 08:12:47
answer #4
answered by hypnotiq8 3
2017-02-19 22:19:44
answer #5
answered by ? 4
you dont have it now. but yeah one day you can get it considering alot of men have it and most of then dont know and never will.
2007-08-08 05:31:49
answer #6
answered by M.J. 3