Mistake is not with the creator but with the acceptor. God only distributes. We accept or take. Every thing in this world we see is MAAYA (Illusion). So how can we take anything which is unreal ? Hence mistake is with us, with in us.
2007-07-25 23:45:19
answer #1
answered by thannickan 3
Well God is no being as is mentioned. God is the essence of the perceived to be and that which is not. The human is God's perception and without us there will be no God. Thus the mistakes is all human in nature as we create perception through programming of the subconscious throughout one's life. The only fallible aspect is that which the human choose to connect to anything and the evading of responsibility through the aspect of trying to shift blame.
The Human in my opinion is the only one that has any relation to mistakes of any kind.
2007-07-26 06:10:08
answer #2
answered by The Son of the Morning Star 2
God never commits mistakes.
Hence, God is called, "Achyuta",
meaning, "One Who never commits mistakes".
2007-07-26 06:07:35
answer #3
answered by Devarat 7
According to the Old Testament God thought that creating humans was a mistake. He regretted it and then he drown the lot in Noah's flood.
2007-07-26 06:04:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
NONE OT THE ABOVE ANSWERS ARE TRUE. God is not born and he has no death. He is Nirgun - nothing doing and he is 'sagun' doing everything. Before everything he was there and after everything he exists. He is not God, but if you like, you can call him so. All names belong to him and all actions of all are worship to him. HE does not know mistake and correct. Everything is correct for him. Do live happily and enjoyfully without doing any harm to others, is MY advice to you. He is neither perfect, nor imperfect. HE is neither REAL nor UNREAL. AMONG YOU ALL, IF any one of you has seen God, then, let him talk about God, except this all are just bluffing without knowing the difference of sugar, honey and nectar or the milk.
2007-07-26 06:13:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God is perfect. He could not tell a lie.Human are bound to commit mistakes but to God, No.
2007-07-26 06:04:01
answer #6
answered by Jesus M 7
“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.” – Gene Roddenberry [1921-1991] Creator of Star Trek
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” – Epicurus [341–270 B.C.] Greek philosopher
2007-07-26 09:43:31
answer #7
answered by MS 2
Yes, God's too commit mistakes, But solutions are also given. Commitment is that they are forced to give BOONS to their true-Devotees.
2007-07-26 06:09:35
answer #8
answered by Muthu S 7
A nonexistent entity never commits any mistake.
2007-07-26 07:28:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Howard Stern
2007-07-26 07:18:50
answer #10
answered by Rebecca 5