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2007-07-25 18:42:09 · 22 answers · asked by >D_ConTradictor< 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Does God Exist?
Some Scientists Answer
PHYSICS professor Ulrich J. Becker, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated when commenting on the existence of God: "How can I exist without a creator? I am not aware of any compelling answer ever given."

Did this contradict his scientific views? The professor's thought-provoking answer was, "If you discovered how one wheel in the 'clock' turns—you may speculate how the rest move, but you are not entitled to call this scientific and better leave alone the question of who wound up the spring."

Contrary to the opinion of some, many respected men of science do not rule out the idea of there being a God—a Great Mastermind behind the creation of the universe and man.

Consider two more examples on this point. When mathematics professor John E. Fornaess, of Princeton University, was asked for his thoughts on the existence of God, he replied: "I believe that there is a God and that God brings structure to the universe on all levels from elementary particles to living beings to superclusters of galaxies."

Physics professor Henry Margenau, of Yale University, said that he was convinced that the laws of nature were created by God, adding: "God created the universe out of nothing in an act which also brought time into existence." He then noted that in the book The Mystery of Life's Origin, three scientists explain that a Creator is a plausible explanation for life's origin. Supporting this view, astronomer Fred Hoyle has stated that believing the first cell originated by chance is like believing that a tornado ripping through a junkyard full of Boeing 747 airplane parts dismembered and in disarray could produce a 747.

To these answers can be added the words of the Bible writer Paul: "[God's] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship."—Romans 1:20.

The True God's Qualities
Just knowing someone's name, of course, does not mean that we know him or her in any depth. The majority of us know the names of leading politicians. Even prominent men and women in other countries may have names that are well-known to us. But simply knowing their names—even how to pronounce them correctly—does not in itself mean that we know these people personally or know what kind of people they are. Similarly, to know the only true God, we need to get to know and admire his qualities.

Though it is true that humans will never be able to see the true God, he has kindly had recorded for us in the Bible many details about his personality. (Exodus 33:20; John 1:18) Certain Hebrew prophets were given inspired visions of Almighty God's heavenly courts. What they describe portrays not only great dignity and awesome majesty and power but also serenity, order, beauty, and pleasantness.—Exodus 24:9-11; Isaiah 6:1; Ezekiel 1:26-28; Daniel 7:9; Revelation 4:1-3.

Jehovah God outlined some of his attractive and appealing qualities to Moses, as recorded at Exodus 34:6, 7: "Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth, preserving loving-kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin." Don't you agree that getting to know about these qualities of God draws us to him and makes us want to know more about him as a person?

While no human will ever be able to see Jehovah God in his resplendent glory, it is recorded that when Jesus Christ was a man on earth, he actually reflected the type of person that Jehovah God, his heavenly Father, is. On one occasion Jesus said: "The Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he beholds the Father doing. For whatever things that One does, these things the Son also does in like manner."—John 5:19.

So we can deduce from this that Jesus' kindness, compassion, mildness, and warmth as well as his strong love for righteousness and hatred of wickedness are all qualities that Jesus observed in his Father, Jehovah God, while Jesus was with him in the heavenly courts before becoming a man on earth. Thus, when we truly come to know with understanding the full meaning of the name Jehovah, we surely have every reason to love and bless that sacred name, to praise and exalt it, and to trust in it.

Getting to know the only true God in this way is really a never-ending process, as is brought out clearly in the rendering of John 17:3 in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Here the correct tense of the verb "to know" helps greatly, for the present continuous tense is used rather than the simple present tense. Hence, we read: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." Yes, continuing to take in knowledge of the only true God, Jehovah, and of his Son, Jesus Christ, is a process that should never end.

Jesus Christ identified Jehovah as the only true God

The True God Revealed
Thus, the true God is readily distinguishable from the many false gods. He is the almighty Creator of the universe, including planet Earth and mankind upon it. He has a unique personal name—Jehovah, or Yahweh. He is no part of a mysterious triune god, or Trinity. He is a God of love, and he wishes only the best for his human creation. But he is also a God of justice, and he will not forever tolerate those who insist on ruining the earth and fomenting wars and violence.

Jehovah has revealed his determination not only to rid the earth of wickedness and suffering but also to make it a paradise where honesthearted people can live forever in happiness. (Psalm 37:10, 11, 29, 34) Almighty God has now installed his Son, Jesus, as the heavenly King of God's Kingdom, and soon Jesus will usher in that new world of righteousness and restore Paradise conditions to our earth.—Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10.

We hope that you are now more easily able to answer the question, Does God really exist? and to identify the true God.

2007-07-25 22:34:57 · answer #1 · answered by meg's 4 · 1 0

okay can anyone prove God scientifically, i guess you can only prove something if you have physical proof. there are a lot of things which can be prove scientifically. like how does your thought process work, no one can prove that you have a thought process because no one can see your thoughts. the truth to this question is does god exist. the anseer is yes, because how else do you show how we came to be, the other way that someone came up with was evolution, or the big bang theory. hmm the process has not been proven. hence the name theory. The answer Does God exist is based on faith., but it is also based on truth in the fact that we had to come from a creator, cause we cant happen by chance be the most intricate species by chance. So if there is a designor of the universe whom is it. Amd that is where the bible fits in. That is God's way of revealing himself to us. He does not need us to exist. and he is outside the perameters of man. We are limited to certain restrictions ie time, gravity etc. So i know this is a long answer, but the answer is God is outside the realm of science. He does however give us clues about his existence.

2007-07-25 18:54:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Can someone prove God's non-existence scientifically?

2007-07-25 18:52:40 · answer #3 · answered by JNW 2 · 1 1

"You can't find one thing in the universe that doesn't have an opposite." Oranges. "The Christian standpoint can be proved because we believe Satan is the prince of sin and darkness. We believe it is sin not to believe in God. We believe that sin came on the earth when Satan tricked eve to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So if atheism exists it proves the standpoint that there is sin on earth. Sin comes from the devil according to our beliefs, so this proves that the devil exists." So, 1. The Devil is the cause of evil 2. Evil exists 3. Therefore, the Devil exists Nice circular logic there. "If the devil exists, he must have an opposite. Jesus Christ is real." Why does it have to be Jesus Christ? How bout Zeus? or any other god for that matter?

2016-05-18 22:41:20 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Yes, here is an example:
God is the energy that created everything. She is the unmoved mover.
If you look at a pen, you see it as a whole, right? but if you put the pen under a microscope you will notice that their are atoms that are moving at super speed and that we cannot see. And because of the speed of the energy it creates matter to be whole, to be solid. However, it will change form. And will never be destroyed, energy can never be destroyed only change.

As a result, life is created to be experienced. In the absolute we only have a concept of ourselves, God created the physical realm to experience Himself. We are co-creators with God. That is why God doesn't judge, doesn't punish. Merely observes and experiences life through us. Because technically, He is us, He is the energy that created us. We are the different consciousness of God. That is why we are our own rule maker. God doesn't punish because in fact, who can He punish, Himself? And since God is all perfect there would be no point in creating something imperfect, for God cannot create anything imperfect, for He is perfect he can never make a mistake.

2007-07-25 18:59:29 · answer #5 · answered by Paul 2 · 0 0


But either nobody can prove God non existence by plain reason.

That is the truth, Believing in God is mere a oneself decision.

God can only be proved by experience
the proving you can get in favor or against God existence is only about the necessity of the existence of God, not his existence per se.

2007-07-25 18:55:14 · answer #6 · answered by Alder_Fiter_Galaz 4 · 0 0

How far have they come on measuring anything that has to do with a spirit? Can any spirit be measured in any way?

If so, then I think that it is possible. Because Jesus said that there would be a Comforter, which is God's Spirit who would do things with us and for us.

If not, then I think that science will have to put that aside as an unknown, unless scientists want to be Atheists, and believe something without proof.

a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.

I guess it would be a matter of faith then. Wouldn't it?

How scientific are you?

2007-07-25 18:52:42 · answer #7 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 1 2

God the Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth 2000 years ago.
If He wasn't real, why did He have so many followers, (called Christians) who were willing to die for Him? Jesus is God in the flesh. He fulfilled the prophesies about Him written hundreds of years before His coming. He spoke with authority and worked miracles. He died by crucifixion, was buried and arose from the dead, proving He is God. Those who have researched His life, believe in His existence.

2007-07-25 19:17:50 · answer #8 · answered by Precious and True 3 · 0 0

If the existence of god/gods is ever proven it will be through the scientific method, not through the efforts of faith or creationism.....Mathematics, astrophysics and cosmology are already detecting the possibility of alternative dimensions.

2007-07-25 18:57:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Kirk Cameron claimed he could do so on national television. And of course, he bombed.

And the existence of things proves "God" no more than it proves a flying spaghetti monster. Not that I ever expect Fireball226 to grasp that idea.

2007-07-25 18:45:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No, nor can it be scientifically proven that He doesn't. Therefore until one side can prove to the other side they are right, both sides need to respect each other's ideas.

2007-07-25 18:59:17 · answer #11 · answered by Linda J 7 · 0 0

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