I'm not sure why you're so upset, but you clearly have a lot of unresolved anger and are directing the majority of it at God. That's a pretty normal reaction: psychologists have demonstrated that when we have emotions we can't identify a source for (whether anger, fear, etc.) we tend to project them onto a hapless victim. God makes a rather ideal one as he doesn't step up to defend himself in any way a human might.
Your comments betray a lack of understanding. First of all, as I've said over and over, many of these stories are regarded as sacred myth and not factual history. SEcond, God didn't punish Adam and Eve by plaguing (NOT plaquing) the world with sin; Adam and Eve chose sin, God simply removed them from his immediate presence because he can't be where sin is.
I won't go on because I don't think you really want an answer, you just want to vent some anger. I truly hope you feel better for having done so.
2007-07-28 08:24:00
answer #1
answered by phylrca 2
First off, animals don't have souls and accountability for sin.
Therefore God could do whatever He chooses to do with them-including re-creating or salvaging them.
God didn't punish Adam and Eve by plaguing the world with sin - Adam and Even took upon themselves the sin nature to pass along to all their descendants. God didn't make them sin.
God will justly send unbelievers to hell because they rejected His Son who He offered as a sacrifice so they wouldn't have to go there. If He makes a way of escape and you refuse to take it you can't blame Him and neither can anyone else.
When Christ come the second time it will be to destroy evil.
Those who have rejected Him will be bearing the mark of the beast and those who receive the mark declare that they are worshipping another God and want nothing to do with Christ.
His justice will be carried out and it will be fair.
There are no good people on earth. You need to read the verses that tell what man is really like inside. Our hearts are evil, our self-righteousness stinks in the sight of God, and we live in rebellion against Him in every way until we repent and turn to Him for salvation.
Sacrificing sheep was done long, long ago. Christ became the sacrifice for all and that practice was done away with.
Animals don't have the kind of soul humans do. They do not understand sin and therefore have no accountability to God.
God is very loving. He allows you to continue in sin, question Him and even mock Him if you choose, and do all manner of evil including some people don't acknowledge such as pride and arrogance, lust, etc. AND He still continues to reach out to offer you mercy and pardon even though you don't deserve it. He protects you and you don't even realize it, and attribute your safety to luck or something else. HE COULD TAKE YOU OUT IN A HEARTBEAT if He so choose, but He is very gracious and merciful and you are still alive for now. DON'T TREAD ON HIS COMPASSION AND MERCY TOWARD YOU AND DIE IN THAT CONDITION. Hell will be your own choice. My Bible tells me that "God is not willing that any should perish -- BUT that ALL MEN everywhere should repent." He also says that he will not strive with men forever.
2007-07-26 01:17:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I will answer your topics in order.
*God created the food chain and it all works to perfection, so God kept two of each animal to keep his wonderful masterpiece.
*He didnt just punish Adam and eve, the whole world has fallen, the planet is degrading...everything. The punishment for sin is death.
*He has given everyone free will to choose salvation over sin,and he will not come back for the second coming until everyone has heard his name.
*If your name is not written in the book of life you will not enter heaven.
*I believe that the tribulation will be after the second coming giving all who remain another chance to repent but the world will be so corrupted by the antichrist that to do this would probably mean death.
*He has mercy, you do not even realize how merciful he is. He sent his son to die for our sins, is that merciful enough for you? Goodness alone will not get you into heaven.
*God is so great and so worthy that only a pure white lamb was the onlny way of forgiveness before his son jesus.
*Yes this is a wonderful thing indeed, giving human the responsibility to care for the animals on earth. Animals can feel pain, love, and happiness. That is why it is important to care for them.
*Yes, god is forgiving and he loves you!
2007-07-26 01:49:25
answer #3
answered by afrothundero 2
I believe that we often judge ourselves a lot harsher than god or any one else would. When we feel remorse for our poor choices that is. I think if we just spend our time and lives being a little kinder to all we would live in a better world, well surly you cant disagree with that. People should just learn to be better behaved than what we are we use religion to harm instead of heal and its wrong (some people do anyway) Hopefully god will forgive us all,because no one is perfect.
2007-07-26 01:16:06
answer #4
answered by deb m 4
Not to be mean, but half of what you said is completely contrary to who God is. You're saying God brought sin into the world?
And I don't kill sheep, I think in a lot of this you got God and Satan worship mixed up.
God is loving and merciful and if you choose not to believe then man up and call it what it is. God's mercy and grace is there and all you have to do is accept it.
-God bless!
2007-07-26 01:24:22
answer #5
answered by The Brian 4
I don't follow any specific church teachings, I believe in god, but I believe the churches have elevated man, to a position he is unfit to fill.
I might say, god planted the tree of life for its fruits, and we are still only the roots.
Don't judge or blame god, the gift of simply existing is more profound then we are capable of knowing, and if it transcends the physical world then what is the significance of those animals you referred to dieing in a flood?
give up your fear and anger, you don't need it, find what it was that gave you that fear and anger and fix it.
2007-07-26 01:13:49
answer #6
answered by in pain 4
Satan caused man to sin, which forced God to send them away.
Because man has sinned, the penalty is death, and Satan likes to keep people from the only one who can save them from that penalty, Jesus.
Satan = bad guy. Not God. Study up a little more.
2007-07-26 01:31:23
answer #7
answered by netbug009 4
God never worries about life it his creation he can put it all back and send them to hell don't you read the bible ? it's all a lesson we have to find and reach out and walk the line stray and you will fall ! and ask and he will help you get up !
2007-07-26 01:07:47
answer #8
answered by photomontart 2
Now that you got that out of your system, Why do you trouble yourself with it? I will not try to convert you. You have no interest. I get it!
Now go and have the best life you can.
2007-07-26 01:05:31
answer #9
answered by Christian Sinner 7
You are going by the bible that is men written-you got to to heart and soul-you will fine peace there
2007-07-26 01:07:00
answer #10
answered by butterflyfrills 4